Chapter 3

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                              Ravana's POV
The mission is to lure out Belova, Vostokoff, Shostakov, and Romanoff with "information" from young widows. And kill them. Simple enough, Gets me revenge, and Dreykov four less threats.

Soon I spot them, their on the tenth story of a building overlooking the young widows. I sprout my golden and red wings and dive bombed from the twentieth story of the building i was on. Aimed right for Belova and Romanoff, 5 seconds until collision, I get my gun out of it's holster, 4 seconds until collision, I turn the safety off, 3 seconds until collision, I aim for Belova, 2 seconds until collision, I fire, 1 second until collision, Hits Belova's right shoulder, I smash into the balcony knocking Belova, and Romanoff back smashing in between and on top of debris, Direct hit, I smirk as I jumped while I was on my back and landed on my feet.

I surveyed the area, Romanoff's knocked out cold, Belova's slowly recovering. "Ravana?" Belova asked barely sitting up. "Thats Red Skies to you." I say with snarkyness in my voice. As I steped on Belova's throat. Belova raiseed her hands in surrender, I stepped harded, "You've gone soft Belova" I state. Shostakov threw his shield at me, I turned around and caught it. I crushed it and threw it off the balcony. Shostakov lunged at me but I caught him and held him in front of me Vostokoff fired a bullet at me but I used Shostakov as a shield, and threw him off to the side for later. Romanoff woke up and lunged at me, she wrapped her legs around my neck. While tearing my mask from my face, I threw her off but she had my mask. I hid my face and jumped off the balcony.
I let my wings expand to slow my fall as I take off. Romanoff, Belova, Vostokoff, and Shostakov rushed over to the edge as I turned around and fliped them off. I darted back up with the help of my wings. Thanks to my superspeed I landed before them, moved Belova's hand to a position like she was picking her nose, injured all of them, just a few broken bones each, picked up my mask, and sat in a dark corner of the room in a comfy reading chair as I slowly let my wings expand and lay limp behind me I let my canines and claws out.

For me I did all of that in a minute, but for them, It was a ten thousandth of a second. As I finally slowed down, they all crippled to the ground groaning, "Why was I picking my nose?" Belova asked with her thick russian accent, I just laughed. All of their heads snapped twords me. "Damn, how do all of you not have whiplash by now? Seriously your heads moved almost as fast as me. What's your secret?" I said playfully, "Ravana?" Romanoff asked, I slowly moved out of the shadows, so they could see my face. "God, why does everyone keep calling me that today? Belova already asked that question, so I'm gonna give you the same answer I gave her, Romanoff." I answered walking over to where she was, grabbing her face hard making her look at me while I removed my hood, "Thats Red Skies to you." I let go of her face threw her down a little harshly, and returned to my chair, crossing my legs this time.

Romanoff looks like she's seen a ghost, Belova has a scared yet shocked look on her face, and Vostokoff and Shostakov are speechless. Belova spoke, "Wha- what hap- happened to you, Ravana?" I got up with my super speed rushing over to Belova grabbing her and pinning her up against the wall and let my claws graze her cheek, drawing blood. I growled angerly and spoke as a threat, "I said don't call me that!" Shostakov lunged at me but I caught him by the throat still looking at Belova as I threw him through the brick wall behind her. I could see the fear in Belova's eyes, so I let mine glow. I looked down to her shoulder noticing she was bleeding really badly and slouching under my grip almost passing out, I don't know if from blood loss or shock and honestly I didn't care, she whispered, "What happened to you?" I cut her cheek again as I spoke. "I reached my full potential. Your bleeding out, I should just leave you, like you did to me, but I'm gonna heal you." I reached into where i shot her she yelled in pain, some blood splashing all over my face, as I ripped out the bullet, and held it up and shook it a little bit playfully, more blood splashed on my face, I licked some of it that was on my lips.

I then ripped my wrist vein with my canines as I pressed it to her mouth. Knowing she didn't have a choice she didn't refuse. After a few seconds I let her go. Romanoff just stood there in shock as I playfully pushed her through a wall. And crushed Vostokoff's gun as I jumped off the balcony.

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