Chapter 6

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                               Yelena's POV
I havent came out of my room since I blew up at Nat, until she called everyone down to plan. I didn't really pay attention because I honestly couldn't care less, but I got the just. The goal is to intercept more mind control cures from some weird anti-mind control ex widow, that I don't even care enough to know the name. Basically we need to drop in grab the vials and exit. We don't know how many people and weapons are guarding it but whatever. We should be able to take them though.

When we got to the spot where we had to intercept the vials which was some sort of well lit alleyway. Not a typical shady alleyway but wrather a cheerful one.

Natasha's POV

I'm honestly worried about Yelena, she seems different, almost emotionless, like she just didn't care. Like she wouldn't care if she died, or if she committed genoside. She hasn't smiled or laughed all day, since the fight. I don't even think she slept last night, considering the bags under her eyes, seriously you could carry groceries in those things. I feel like I should at least try and talk to her.

Yelena's POV

"Hey." Nat started while walking faster to catch up with me, "You seem down, wanna talk about it?" "What do you want me to talk to you about? Do I need to state the obvious? Well for starters my ex love barely even remember me, much less any of our memories, or how about the fact that she thinks I left her, by choice. And she'll never even give me the chance to explain what really happened, while being mind controlled by Dreykov." Just when I was about to ramble even more, the suka cut me off. "Why do you think were here then?" Nat leaned in closer and spoke in russian, "были здесь, чтобы спасти вашего друга от контроля над разумом." (Were here to save your friend from mind control)

I shoved her away from me. "She's NOT my friend, or love, she means nothing to me. If I was given the opportunity and choice to kill her myself, or let her go free. I would kill her no hesitation, slowly and painfully, even if she was out of mind control." I stated harshly and mercy less. Nat actually looked kind of terrified, which I wasn't sorry about. She just stared at me as she kept walking as if she didn't recognize me.

"If you wanna complete this mission then you better hurry. The target just left the building with a suitcase which I'm guessing is more serum." I stated blankly as Nat looked away from me and at the target.

She quickened her speed to catch up with the target, I hung back a little for backup if she needed it. Nat tried snatching the case from the target as they tried to smash it against her abdomen. Nat moved her body out of the way, And twisted the targets arm which broke, grabbed the case, and ran back over to us.

Red Skies (Yelena Belova x Fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now