Chapter 15

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Ravana's POV

"So what do we do now?" Steve asked, placing his hands on the glass war room table, glancing around at everyone. I slugged my head down and stared at the hands in my lap. "Well we obviously have to break the trigger words for Yelena." Nat stated as she slammed her fist on the table out of rage. "We can't do anything." Tony stated calmly and sympathetically. "Why the hell not!" Nat yelled, "It's not Shield top priority." Fury stated leaning against the doorway, "Well if that's not top priority on Shields list it is on mine, and also HYDRA and Dreykov have Wakanda tech because of her suit." Nat explained, "I can fix that Nat." Shuri stated, swiping and tapping on her bracelet, she held out her arm, we waited a second, "Is anything gonna happen?" Thor asked, crossing his arms, "Give it a second." Shuri responded, we heard a loud thud as a suitcase landed in her hand, much like Mjolnar, shaking a little from the speed. "Well that problems solved." Tony stated uncrossing his arms and walking out, Fury agreed following Stark out. Soon the rest of the Avenger who didn't care about Yelena left, leaving Nat, Shuri, Bucky, and I. "What are we gonna do now?" Nat asked resting her arms on the table and shoving her face in her hands. "Orange, Dread, Iconic, Walt, Potato, Suffer, Cold, Point, Lost, Infirmary." I stated, the words burned into my brain, Nat looked up. "What did you just say?" Everyone was now staring at me. "Orange, Dread, Iconic, Walt, Potato, Suffer, Cold, Point, Lost, Infirmary." I paused for a second as tears started forming at the memory and screams, "Thats what I heard before her-" I stopped mid sentence, tears streaming down my face, as I remembered the silence, then the sound of her emotionless voice, and finally the static of nothing. "Emotionless voice, and nothingness." I practically whispered, I got up wiping my tears and nose, sniffling, I started walking to the exit. Only stopping and turning back to see the people remaining, who were left looking at me with sympathetic expressions. I turned back facing the door and started to my room.

By the time I got to my room my sadness had turned into rage. On my walk I realized that if I wanted to do anything I'd have to do it myself. Because nobody was going to act and help me save Yelena. I started packing my weapons and suit into a duffle bag along with about 10k in cash, I changed the bandages for my abdomen wound, which were mostly healed by now. I changed into a new white tank top, grey hoodie, white basketball shorts, black sweatpants, and some new black and white Air Jordans. I stuck my hair in a messy bun and grabbed the duffle bag.

I started down the hall and passed Stark, "Hey kid, where are you going?" He asked, "To the training center." I responded, I was lying but I was good at it because of red room training, "Alright, well have fun, and see you around." Tony answered. "See ya, Tony." I replied and started walking away. I got to the front door of the Wakandaian palace and sprouted my wings, I took off with my super speed not wanting to be caught. In about a minute I was outside the barrier, I didn't exactly know where I was going but all I knew was that I had to find Yelena and rescue her.

I looked down at the savanna below me with nothing except a few trees and animals here and there. It was quite beautiful with the sunset in the background and all the animals not currently trying to kill eachother, and thats when it hit me, I had a long flight ahead of me.

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