✤ Q & A With The Author ✤

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1. I know the Harry Potter series inspired you to write this fanfiction novel, but my question to you is, how did you come up with the different classifications?

When I first read about little space, I had no idea where it came from. After a lot of research, I came across many articles that explained how adults tend to regress to a much younger age than they actually are to cope with stress or when their emotions are too out of control. I found the idea very interesting and being a Potterhead I wanted to combine it with magic, making it more real when the said person turns into an actual baby in his little space when its hard to cope with emotions in our adult body because we tend to overthink everything while babies are carefree no matter what. I originally thought the latter was my original idea but then I came across a single fic where the idea was used. It was paused halfway yet was enough to inspire me to write one of my own based on the research I had done. The other classifications are pretty common and could be found in many fanfictions and fiction as well.

2. I've only ever read about Alphas and Omegas in werewolf novels. Is it any different in a wizard novel, than a werewolf novel?

No, the characteristics of an Alpha or an Omega are the same as in any werewolf novel out there yet there is a slight difference, the same as in a muggle and a wizard, that they have the capability to perform magic as found in any witch or wizard. That characteristic makes them slightly different from the common werewolves out there.

3. How do you find time to research, write and edit while attending college, helping others with graphics, and giving reviews?

It's all about time management. I was quite busy considering, I had college regularly and you can imagine the level of stress I was under when I rub my ass 9 to 5 doing college and then coming back with a lot of homework and needed self-study time as well yet all this didn't hamper my passion for writing. I would find a couple of hours when everyone was out of the world, exploring dreamland in their beauty sleep where I would stay up late to give time to writing and researching alongside helping other writers with their books and graphics.

4. Will Sev be the only little that Harry will ever care for?

That's something I haven't given much thought to because as you see in the book Sev is very insecure regarding Harry. Harry might have his own children one day but Sev will be his little till the end.

5. How long did it take you to complete and edit this novel? What did it feel like when you finally managed to complete this fanfiction?

It took me about six months to write this novel, updating it once in a while. It was a couple of months back when I was reading it that it came to me that I had a lot to improve in this one. As it was my very first book, it contained immature language and typical grammatical mistakes that would have been avoided so I decided to start polishing it. It took me a little over a month to refurbish it and I am really happy with the outcome. It feels great when you achieve something you were yearning for and working hard for such a long time. I can proudly say that it is one of my best works with over thirteen thousand reads, not as much as books leading out there but it's something I achieved with a lot of blood and sweat and might I add sour tears.

6. Which part of your story was the funniest to write?

The funniest part of the story that I laughed through would be one where Sev met Pansy for the first time. More specifically the conversation he had with himself was a fun part to pen down.

7. Which classification would you prefer for yourself if you could choose any?

If I were to be classified, I think I had be a neutral. Not because that's the easiest to deal with but due to the fact that I can be very mature at times while acting like a child on the other so I guess it would be better to be a neutral.

8. Do you think that it's a good idea that Snape quits his job at Hogwarts?

In my opinion, Yes, it was a good idea for Sev to quit his job as a teacher as he never had the chance to childhood in the first place, and serving two masters after suffering a traumatic past has taken a toll on him. Secondly, as much as I have known Sev he never enjoyed teaching in the first place, it was more for safety reasons. So, having his own business will not only relieve him from the extra stress of his students getting hurt but also give him a chance to spend an ample amount of time in little space with Harry and Pansy, bond with them, and have fun.

9. Why did you choose Snape to be Harry's little, and not somebody else?

Originally, I think Snape was the only one who never got what he truly deserved and Harry was the best choice as his guardian as the bond they share through lily would not only mend but also understand and support each other through in and out. Also, Harry being abused throughout his childhood added cherry over the cake as he was well aware of the distress that comes with the abuse and how to deal with it.

10. Harry and Snape knew each other for a long time before they found out about being bonded. Why did it take so long?

Yeah, Sev and Harry knew each other for a few years over a decade yet bonding is a very different question. The emotional connection one feels with their guardian plays a very important role in the said process and Sev was only comfortable with Harry when he got to spend time with the golden boy, till then, they might be civil to each other yet Sev didn't find comfort in the said man. Hence, they both were unaware of the bond they shared.


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