✤ 10.Scared To Be Lonely ✤

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The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.



It took a good thirty minutes for Severus to calm down and fall into an exhausted sleep as the events of the day took a toll on him. Minerva was no different as she too fell into a deep slumber, exhausted from calming a hysterical toddler down. Minerva's peaceful slumber was broken down by Poppy's voice calling for her through the floo network. Minerva was a little disoriented as she noticed Severus was no longer with her.

"Minerva," Poppy said, her voice full of concern and worry. "There has been an incident. Harry is here." She informed frantically.
Minerva was on her feet in a second and walked towards the floo but stopped when she saw a distorted Sev standing in the hallway.


I came out of my room alerted by Poppy's voice. I stopped dead in my track as my mind registered her words and I wanted to bury myself deep in the ground after what I just learned. This is all because of me, my mind processed, making guilt and worry seep up my veins as tears pooled my eyes. Minerva must have noticed the distressed look on my face as she made her way towards me. She cupped my face in her wrinkled hands and I leaned into her motherly touch. It calmed me down a bit as I tried to swallow the lump growing in my throat. She was unaware of the mental struggle I was going through as she lowered my head to press a warm kiss on my forehead.

"Don't worry, Severus," Minerva cooed, caressing my cheek. "Harry will be alright. Poppy will take great care of him. Taking my hand, the two of us walked to the Infirmary. I didn't know what to expect as fear stormed throughout my belly.

I found myself being pinned to the wall at the mercy of the wand point of a very furious-looking Draco. "You need to leave before I forget who you are and treat you like an enemy," Draco growled, making the ball of fear in my stomach intensify as I was losing my resolve to hold back the tears resting under my eyelids, threatening to fall.

"What is the meaning of this, Mr. Malfoy?" Minerva inquired, looking at Draco with what could be called a mixture of question and shock. Without waiting for an answer, she turned to Poppy as Draco lowered his wand with a sigh. "Poppy, what has happened?"

"Harry is in a magical coma of sorts," Poppy explained. "This happens in very rare cases."
"What does that even mean?" Minerva inquired again not really understanding what Poppy meant. I just stood there, anticipating her answer, nervousness bubbling up inside me.
"Magical coma is a state of persistent unconsciousness from which an individual cannot be awakened. Mostly healers have to induce the coma via a spell to slow down the amount of damage and give healing time to the body. There are very rare cases when an individual's own magic self-induces the coma in the body to deal with the damage done to their body due to a certain cause. When a Guardian is rejected, it takes a toll on their magic. Once a Guardian has bonded with his Little, if the bond is fractured or broken, it is damaging to the Guardian." She explained. A look of horror took over Minerva's features as she turned to me.

"Severus," Minerva asked, she was trying hard to keep her voice calm, not to scare me. "What did you do?" she questioned but I didn't have the courage nor the energy to answer her question. I just wanted to die, right then right there. I turned around not able to look at their disappointed sad faces anymore. Tears were streaming down my cheeks uncomfortably before I could even set foot out of the hospital wing.

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