✤ 13.Death Bed ✤

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Only Give up,
When Your Heart Gives up.



I sat on a transfigured chair by Sev's side, tears streaming down my face as I ran my fingers through his now oily hair. "Looks like we will have to wash your hair," I soothed. "I'll have it so soft. You loved how your hair felt. I couldn't keep you from putting your food-stained hands out of it." I smiled through my tears, remembering the time when Sev was squealing about how his hair felt 'fluffy'.

I reached out to his lax hand. "Please," I cried. "You can't leave me," bringing Severus' hand to my cheek, "you're my heart. I can't live without you."

Hermione and Pansy walked into the hospital wing side by side as they walked over to me. "Harry," Hermione said, putting her hand on my head. Heaving a deep sigh, but didn't lift my head. "Blood adoption. It will protect Severus as well as always have him under your care only."

"I can't go through this." I cried, not having the energy to take it anymore. The next thing I knew a hard hand connected with my cheek. I looked at Hermione who was looking at me furiously. "Did you get back your brain in place again? If not, be ready for another slap. How can you give up on Sev like that? He needs you. Stay strong."

"I'm not giving up," I whispered more to myself than to her.

"Then be strong for him," Hermione berated.

"Fight for him. Who knows? Maybe performing the blood adoption can help." The determination in her eyes gave me hope and with a hopeful expression on my face, I turned to Poppy. "Do you think it'll help?" I questioned her. "Doing a blood adoption? Becoming my son. Maybe that could help him heal."

"It won't hurt to try," Poppy responded. "Once you finish the ritual, we get started."

I went back to Hermione.

"How long will it take to get everything?"
"I'm sure Professor Snape has everything in his stores," Hermione said, smiling. "I'll get Draco, and we'll brew the potion. It shouldn't take long."
"Hurry," I pleaded.

Hermione rushed out of the Infirmary. I resumed sitting down on the edge of the bed and leaned down, looking at my baby, running my fingers through Severus' oily hair.



I headed down to the dungeons, meeting Draco on the way who followed me without question when I asked him to, maybe the urgency in my voice was quite evident to stop him from questioning me. We continued our trek to the Potions classroom.

"Harry decided to blood adopt Sev and we need to brew the potion as soon as possible," I explained to him when he glanced at me questioningly. He merely nodded as we got to work.

After three hours of nonstop and tireless brewing, the potion was ready to use. I and Draco levitated it towards the hospital wing where the others were waiting for us anxiously.

After another three hours of endless spells and rituals, Severus was finally Harry's son in blood and magic. The look of relief on Harry's face was relieving to see as for the past few days all we had seen is pain and sadness. I know all this was taking a toll on him and he was losing hope as the days passed but we needed to stay strong for him and Sev.

It wasn't a second after the ritual was finished that Harry wanted Poppy to work on Severus and use his blood to help his Little. Harry sat on Severus' bed, running his fingers through his Little's hair, we all praying that this would work. It had to. This was our only hope.

"What's taking so long?" Harry questioned Poppy after thirty minutes of transferring his blood to help his son.

"We have to see if it will work," Poppy said, detaching the instruments connecting Severus to Harry.

"No," Harry said harshly, trying to move his arm away from Poppy's reach. "He needs it."

"You can't give him all your blood," Poppy warned him strictly. "Let it have an effect."



I gave an exasperated sigh. I was tired of waiting; I wanted my Severus back. My baby.

The day passed in a blur and the next day I was still waiting. I was afraid to leave Sev's side. I didn't sleep. What if he woke up and needed me? My heart was aching at the sight of my little boy who refused to wake up. Dried tear tracks were visible on my cheeks as the new made their way down. I was surprised I had still any left after I cried millions of them.

Pansy had barely left my side during this time and I was more than grateful for her support. I know I could have acknowledged her efforts yet I didn't as my first priority was Sev and I just hoped that she understood.

Chaos erupted throughout the hospital wing as an alarm sounded and Poppy rushed out of her office towards Sev's wand, waving it aggressively over him.

"What's happening?" I yelled, not able to control myself.

Poppy didn't reply, solemnly focused on the parchment in front of her.

"Tell me," I urged.

"It's not working," Poppy sighed. "He's not getting better. I don't know what to do. Maybe you should prepare yourself."

"No," I yelled. Pansy grabbed my arm, but I snatched it away. "No! I will not let Severus go. I won't allow it."

"His magical core is not regenerating," Poppy sighed, tears pooling her eyes as well.

You should prepare yourself. The words kept repeating in my mind. It felt like someone has punched me in the gut as my knees felt week and my legs gave up beneath me as I sank down in the chair, tears escaping my eyes before I could even blink. I couldn't believe any of this.

This can't be real.
I can't lose him.
I can't.
I will die.

I just found my Little. I don't think I would survive if Severus died. I sat down on the edge of the bed, gripped Severus' shoulders, and pulled him to my chest. Slowly rocking back and forth, kissing Severus' temple.

Heart-wrenching sobs escaped Harry as he cried into Pansy's stomach who was able to detach him from Sev. Her heart ached at the sight of her venerable boyfriend and she could do nothing but watch him breaking down little by little every day.

Hermione and Pansy exchanged a look as the latter nodded. She kissed Harry's head whose exhaustion has lulled him to a light slumber before walking out of the Infirmary with Hermione following close behind, leaving Harry in the company of both Draco and Ron.


What is Pansy planning??

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