✤ 02.My Little Secret ✤

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Life is not controllable. You do the best you can with the chances you get. And on you go.



"Mr. Potter?"

"Professor!" Harry exclaimed, taking his attention off Sev.

Professor Minerva McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts, head of Gryffindor house, and deputy headmistress of Hogwarts during Harry's first year, had now taken over the position of the headmistress. She is fair but very strict. A tall, stern-looking witch with black hair usually drawn into a tight bun, few students dare cross her; she is an imposing figure who can quickly spot trouble.

Sev had his head on Harry's shoulder, sucking on his thumb. When he heard Minerva, He lifted his head, smiling behind his thumb.

"Min! Min!" Sev attempted to squeal with his thumb pulled from his mouth. "Min! Min! Dada."

A golden orb surrounded Harry and Sev. Harry closed his eyes, absorbing the warmth that the light gave. Sev laid his head back on Harry's shoulder. He could feel the emptiness, the one he had felt for most of his life, lift from his heart to a great extent.

Sev wrapped his arms around Harry's neck as Harry tightened his hold on Sev. Something just felt right. Harry felt complete and content.

Minerva walked over to the pair when the orb disappeared.

"How are you doing, Mr. Potter?" Minerva asked, rubbing her hand on Sev's back.

"I'm great, Professor," Harry said, smiling.

Minerva looked at the expression on Harry's face and could see that Harry was delighted. There was a strange level of comfort between Sev and Harry. As long as Minerva had known Sev, he was never been this comfortable with anyone, not even with her, Poppy or Albus.

"Would you mind coming to my chambers?" Minerva asked.

"Sure, Headmistress," Harry said, bouncing Sev in his arms.


In the Headmistress's Office,

The same office Harry had been to too many times in his years at Hogwarts. He felt a strange warmth engulf him as he set foot into the room that once belonged to the late Albus Dumbledore. Albus smiled at him from his painting on the front wall, popping a lemon drop into his mouth as he made funny faces at Sev, making him giggle happily.

Minerva sat down behind her desk as Harry, still holding Sev, sat in one of the soft cushioned chairs across from her desk.

"Well," Minerva said, folding her hands over her desk. "I see you found Sev."

"Yeah," Harry said, looking down at the toddler in his arms who was still giggling as the former headmaster entertained him, making grabby hands towards the portrait. Harry smiled at him before looking back at Minerva.

"How do you feel, Harry?" Minerva asked.

"Great," Harry said, smiling. "Wonderful. I've never felt this good."

Minerva had a knowing smile on her face. "Yes, I'm sure. You were classified as a Guardian, am I correct?"

"Yes, ma'am," Harry said, nodding.

"Are you aware the person whom you are holding was classified as a little over twenty years ago?"

For the first time, the smile on Harry's face vanished. Sev turned to sit quietly in Harry's arms. He knew what was being discussed and what was coming next. Fear began to fill the small child. He was going to be rejected.

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