✤ 17.Better Together ✤

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I can't promise that life will be heavenly all the time. There will be times when life will be hell... but I promise we'll go through it together, always. Will you marry me?



I patted the bed beside me only to find it empty. Without getting up as I was too comfortable where I was, I opened my eyes to the most precious sight awaiting me and couldn't help the smile that overtook my face, lying next to me is the woman I loved the most in the world, cradling my heart, my little Dragon. Sev was wrapped in Pansy's arms. Pansy looked so peaceful. I slid closer to my love and pressed a light kiss on her forehead. Looking at my family, I never thought this would happen to me. Family. I found a family. My heart felt like bursting with happiness and love as I closed my eyes and allowed sleep to take me once again.


The next morning, Pansy and I woke up a few seconds apart. When our eyes met, a smile graced Pansy's face as she looked down at the precious bundle in her arms with nothing but love and admiration on her face. "I can see how you can love him so deeply," Pansy whispered, not wanting to wake Sev from his peaceful slumber.

"He has that effect on you," I responded, carding my fingers through Severus' soft hair.

"We need to get up," Pansy thought out loud, "and get back to a schedule. I know you bathed Sev yesterday, but I want to give him a deep clean bath. I know there wasn't much you could do in the Infirmary washroom."

"No," I whispered back. "There wasn't much room at all. Plus, I want to get him into his clothes. These are okay, but they're too rough for his sensitive skin." Before Pansy could answer, the little bundle against her started squirming around looking like a small snail.

Rubbing his eyes, Severus curled into the warmth that surrounded him. The first thing he noticed was he was lying against something soft. For a brief second, Severus thought that his Da didn't want him anymore, feeling fear and nervousness filling up in the pit of his stomach and he refused to open his eyes not wanting to wake up alone but that feeling quickly dissipated when he heard his Da's voice.

"Well, my little Dragon," I called, rubbing my hand along his side.
"Let me see my baby's eyes."

Severus laid back and looked at me, smiling.

"Are you ready to go back to our chambers?" I asked and leaned down, kissing Sev on the tip of his nose.

Severus giggled and a smile spread across both of our faces seeing our little dragon happy and smiling again.

Severus looked over at Pansy and could feel warmth and comfort coming off her.

"You're my Mumma?" Severus asked with conviction.

"Yes, I am," Pansy said, equally confidant.

I was bewildered at what I was witnessing. I wasn't jealous of this new relationship. Actually, I was stoked.

When Severus first learned of me having a girlfriend, I worried about Severus' reaction towards her. He was Pansy's former Head of House. I was also worried about Pansy's reactions towards Severus when she found out about his classification. But seeing them now and hearing the confidence in their voices made my heart soar and I looked at the scene unfold with a small smile tucking at the corner of my lips.

"Well, look who's awake." Pansy and I looked towards the gates of the hospital wing where the voice had come from and saw Madam Pomfrey walking towards them.
"How are we feeling today?" Poppy asked, waving her wand over Severus to check his vitals.

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