✤ 05.Dazed And Confused ✤

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It's dreadful what little things lead people to misunderstand each other.



We had the best time of our lives. Dada had decided to take a stroll in a muggle zoo. We had seen an array of animals but my favorite was when Dada hissed at those snakes. I didn't understand any of it but it seemed exciting nonetheless to my little mind when my guardian told me the snake was greeting me. The hissing sound had me giggling and clapping. It was fun being able to spend quality time with him. This was the best experience ever as I have never been to a zoo or anywhere else for that matter. Dada had given me his camera to take some snapshots here and there. We ended up with a lot of photos. They were all super cute because I took them.

We also got to pet some baby elephants there. My belly filled with fear and I almost had a messy accident but when Dada got closer to Erika. Don't tell me you don't know Erika. Erika is Sev's friend, the baby elephant at the zoo. Silly you. They have names. Isn't that cool? She poked me in the side and I was all giggly. She played with me in the sand and both got very muddy.

Sev got to go to the children's amusement park as well. It was so much fun. We got to ride a lot of fun rides. We had a light lunch after staying an hour at the amusement park and then we went to the mall. Dada let me get a lot of things. We even got an elephant pillow and I named it Erika just like my friend from the zoo. After shopping for clothes, a pacifier and a lot of cool stuff dada took me to Honeydukes. Can you believe it? I got to have so many sweets though dada said to only have a few at a time still we have tons of it left. We also had ice cream. Dada said it was too cold for ice cream but I was able to get my way out of it and we got a chocolate ice cream because come-on life is short to say no to chocolate ice-cream. It's never too cold for ice-cream. Can you picture me wiggling my eyebrows....?

I wiggled around in dada's arms to get comfortable as he unlocked the door to our chambers and walked in as I pretended to sleep. He walked into the nursery and tried to put me down but I wasn't having any of it and I am not even tired. What? Don't look at me like that. I am just too comfortable in his arms to get down and sleep in that stupid crib. These are for babies and I am a big boy. I felt dada sit on the rocking chair and I snuggled closer to him. My eyes were drooping as he rocked slightly and I found myself drifting off to sleep as the exhaustion of the day took over.


I got comfortable on the sofa, resting my head on the back of it. After changing and putting Sev to bed, I decided to shower and get the sweat out. As tired as I was, we had a lot of fun. The smile on Sev's face was blinding as he enjoyed himself, running around and pointing out things to me, taking a ton of pictures. They were a bit messy but it was fun seeing the world from a low altitude. He is a bit clumsy when it came to food, feeding his clothes and table rather than himself and I was very grateful to Ayana who made sure to slip some baby wipes in our bag, along with a few packets of food items for Sev to munch on. A small smile graced my lips as the reel of today's events replayed in my mind.

A slight whining sound from the nursery brought me out of my musings. When I got to the nursery, I felt both scared and happier to watch Sev standing in the crib, silently praying for a safe ovation.

"Did you have a nice nap monster?" I asked as Sev pouted at me and lifted his arms as a universal indication to be picked up and I willingly obliged spinning him around as he giggled. "Well, let's get you changed, and we'll get something to eat," I said more to myself as the little monster in my arms was busy making gurgling noises at his snake plushie we bought earlier today.

The rest of the night was peaceful. After having a light dinner, we went to bed. I was happy that we were able to spend some quality time together. I just hoped that Sev now believed that I would always be there to love and care for him. I looked at the sleeping toddler with a pacifier hanging from his shirt and the elephant pillow acting as his cuddle buddy as it was even bigger than Sev himself. I kissed his forehead and went to bed.


The next morning, I did my usual routine of shower and dress before I cooked breakfast happy that it was Saturday and I needn't stress about classes and schedules. I decided to check on Sev as the pasta took its time to boil up. I figured out he was still in the nursery when I walked into his bare bedroom.

Muffled voices could be heard from the other side. I opened the door to the most precious sight I have ever come across. Silently Accioing the camera, I had to memorialize this scene forever.

Sev was sitting on the floor, diaper on display to the world, his plushies lying around him, looking at the toys that were floating above his head in concentration and amazement with the sweetest smile on his face. Taking a few shots, I walked into the room and knelt beside him careful as to not startle him out of his daze.

"Good morning, dragon," I said quietly as his smile brightened, his pearls coming into view as he looked over at me.
"Da! Look Sev did." He said taking his concentration off the toys and I was quick to swirl my wand behind my back before they could fall to the floor as Sev was busy reaching out for me.

The floo flared, bringing me out of my maze of thoughts and I was quick to walk out of the room as Sev's attention was back to the floating toys, entranced by them. Making sure to have a safety charm on him, I walked out to the sitting room just in time to greet Pansy stepping out of the floo.

"Hey Love," She greeted back as I quickened my pace to reach her and engulfed her in my arms, twirling us around. I was just too happy to see her. We shared a passionate kiss, pulling apart and resting our foreheads together, relishing the moment where only the two of us existed, blind and deaf to the outside world.

I helped her with her coat before leading her to my room and making her lay down.

"I missed you." She said softly, looking at me with a blush creeping up her cheeks.
"I missed you too."

She looked exhausted. Working as the right-hand staff of the Minister of Magic wasn't easy as she was busy most of the time, sparing us only a chosen amount of time to spend together. She has been thinking of quitting for a while now but wasn't sure yet. We have been together for a while now, almost a year. All this started when Draco introduced her to me after the war and as creepy as it may sound, I fell head over heels for her at the first sight.

I never knew her at school as I was too busy sorting out oldy-voldy's nose less mess. After a year of getting to know each other, Draco practically dragged me to her and proposed to her for me. She would have torn him apart if he hadn't surrendered and told her that it was me not him who liked her. And like an utter idiot, I was a blushing mess standing there, shuffling my feet and playing with my fingers, too afraid to even look her in the eye as she studied me from head to toe. Sometimes I really doubt how was I able to defeat Voldemort when I almost shit myself in front of my crush and Draco couldn't shut up about it till date.

After a while, I came to know that Draco was trapped where Pansy was having second thoughts on me hating her due to her dark past despite Draco's reassurances.

I looked over at Pansy who was cuddled into me, sleeping peacefully in my arms. A shrilled cry from the back room got me out of my musings as I rushed towards Sev's nursery, having totally forgotten about him, jolting Pansy out of her peaceful slumber in the process.

As soon as I reached Sev, I picked him up, comforting him the best I could, whispering reassurances to him as he cried his heart out.
"It's okay. I'm here. I'm here, Sev."

Little did I know that Pansy has followed me to the nursery and was now looking at the scene unfold in front of her with wide eyes, not believing what she was seeing, wanting all this to be a nightmare that would end when she woke up and everything would be back to normal.

Who was this baby? Who could possibly mother his child? Is Harry cheating on me? Lots of questions and doubts swirled around her head as she witnessed the pair interact. Tears burned her throat as they pooled her eyes. What has Harry been keeping from me? Pansy questioned, trying to process what she witnessed. 


Will Harry trust Pansy with Severus' secret???

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