✤ 12.Get Out Alive ✤

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Some wounds never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.



I walked to the infirmary as fast as I could, Severus' limp body still clutched to my chest as I ignored the looks, I got from the students and professors alike who were lingering in the corridors. The tears streaming down my cheeks refused to take a break as possibilities of what might have happened to my precious bundle ran through my head.

Madam Pomfrey had the bed ready as I laid Sev down careful not to hurt him much. Poppy was quick to get to work, waving her wand on Sev's unconscious form running a diagnosis. The parchment of ailments appeared above her head and the list grew longer by a second. I was nervous as Poppy turned to me with sad eyes and I knew what she was about to say is not going to be good so I braced myself for the worst to come.

Severus Tobias Snape (Potter)
Age: 44; 18mon - 24 months
Classification: Little
Birthdate: January 9, 1960


Welts/Bruises on back, buttocks, legs
Excessive alcohol
Week Magical core

Diagnosis done by
Madam Poppy Pomfrey, Medi-Witch
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I read the list fresh tears blurring my vision at the thought of what this innocent little had to go through as I looked at Poppy who had a worried expression on her face.

"Severus needs a lot of healing," Poppy said solemnly. "I don't want him changing back to a toddler until he's stable."
How did we get into such a serious situation? Wasn't it yesterday that I was taking him to the zoo and having all the fun in the world?

"As I said," Poppy said, bringing me out of his musing. "I need Severus to stay as an adult. It will be easier on his magical core. His injuries are too severe for a toddler's body."
I nodded not able to speak as the sudden lump in my throat grew uncomfortably with every passing second. This can't be happening. I can't take all this. Please wake up Sev. Please.

I sank down on the stool not able to hold myself up any longer and took a hold of Sev's hand, bringing it to my lips. I felt myself losing the resolve of staying calm as a wrenched sob escaped my parted lips before I broke down completely, holding Sev's hand to my chest. I just wanted my Sevvy back. Was it too much for me to ask?

Poppy placed her hand on my shoulder sending ripples of calming energy through my body and once I was able to calm down, she closed the area off, telling me to sit by a side and started working on her patient.

I was a pile of pent-up energy. I wanted to be on the other side of that curtain. I wanted to run off and fly to try to clear my messed-up head, but I was glued to the chair, waiting for Poppy to emerge from behind the white screens that encircled the bed.

I could see Poppy working tirelessly, healing Severus as best as she could. The superficial wounds didn't take long to heal. She had to use several muggle IVs to administer much-needed nutrition and hydration to Severus. She spelled blood replenisher into his system magically.

I put my elbows over my knees, letting my emotions take over, and cried into my hands. I didn't see Poppy emerge out of the closed-off area and walk over to me not until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her with red puffy cheeks and swollen eyes and she gave me a sympathetic smile.

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