✤ 14.I Surrender All ✤

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Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else....



It has been a week since Sev was put in a magical coma and there was not much that could be said about his condition while there was no downfall in his vitals there was no improvement either.

I have not left Sev's side even for a moment. I refused to even get up from where I sat. Everyone tried to get me to walk around, eat something, get some rest. But the only answer they got from me was, "I'm not leaving his side."

One night found me lying on the edge of Severus' bed asleep. My body finally gave out from staying up for so long. I had my fingers linked with Severus's.
I woke with a crick in my neck. Deep down, I knew I should have laid down, but I just couldn't leave Severus' side. I lifted his head when I felt movement against my hand. It was subtle at first. I almost missed it, but then it happened again and this time the movement was there for a little bit longer.

I flew out of my chair in joy with so much force knocking it out to the floor but that was the least of my concern. I was so overjoyed, my heart was thumping loudly in my chest as I screamed for Poppy who rushed out of her private chambers, still in her night robes and I felt somewhat guilty for waking her up so early but the guilt was overpowered by the joy and hope I was feeling at the moment.

"He moved," I said excitedly. "He moved," I informed her again, clutching Sev's hand to my chest as Poppy was quick to cast a diagnosis charm over him, a small smile spreading on her face.
"His condition is stabilizing," Poppy announced and I couldn't hold back the tears of joy that were flowing down my cheeks. This was the best day of my life. I felt the weight holding me down for the past few days lift up to a great extent. I leaned closer to Severus, cupping his cheek and murmuring to him.

"Come back to me, my little one," I said softly. "Let dada take care of you. I can feel you fighting. Continue to fight and come to me. I miss my Little Sev."
Draco and Hermione walked in with smiles on their faces as they made their way over to me but something caught their eye as they stopped dead in their tracks, their smiles dropping drastically, a look of concern and worry replacing it.

"Sweet Merlin," Hermione gasped and stepped away from Draco's side, bumping him in the process. I felt my heart rise to my throat as Madam Pomfrey rushed to her side as she levitated an unconscious Pansy onto a bed.

"Ms. Parkinson," Poppy exclaimed. I was torn. I wanted to check on my girlfriend, but I couldn't leave my Little's side. It wasn't as if I could make a choice as Severus refused to let go of my hand. So, I decided to wait until Poppy made her assessments and find out what was going on. What was happening to me? First Sev and now Pansy. Tears flowed down my cheeks as Poppy ran a diagnosis spell on her and all I could do was wait, anxiousness seeping up my veins.

"Oh, dear," Poppy sighed. I once again turned towards the other bed.
"What is it?" I asked. "What's wrong with Pansy?"
"She...she doesn't have a magical core," Poppy said. "She's now a squib."
"What?!" I yelled. My heart was clenching in pain, beating so fast that it felt like it would burst out of my chest.

I wanted to stand up and go to her. I was about to pry my hand out of Severus' when I felt a tug. I turned around to meet the intense black orbs that I have missed so much. Sev was looking at me in pain and sadness and I was on my alert mode.
"Sevvy," I sighed. "Does it hurt anywhere? Your head? Legs? Anything?" I questioned frantically, trying to scan him for any sign of pain or anything. Tears pooled his eyes as he looked over at me.

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