✤ 16.Mumma ✤

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A mother understands what a child does not say.



Sev whimpered a little and I was quick to rush to his side, taking him in my arms and rocking back and forth until a soft snore came from him indicating he was fast asleep again. I wanted to lay Sev back on the cot, but I couldn't do it; I didn't have the heart to let go of my little, at least not yet. I situated myself to lean against the bed's headboard with Sev lying against my chest, asleep. I slightly swayed side to side as my hand rubbed soothing circles on Sev's back. I didn't care what was going on around him. My only priority was the precious bundle in my arms.

I snapped out of it when Eileen spoke and looked over to her when she started explaining as to why Sev was a little but not me when we both shared a similar past. There has to be a logic for it.

"I'm afraid that's my fault," Eileen said, looking back over to Pansy.
"Your fault? Why?" Pansy asked, as confused as everyone in the Infirmary.

"I left my son too soon," Eileen explained. "I've been watching over him, but his childhood wasn't the best. His father was mean, spiteful. Deep down, my Severus wanted the childhood that was robbed from him. With Harry, I only see it differently. His childhood was almost the same as my Sev, but there was a stronger will behind Harry. Harry knew that his life wasn't the life he would show for his children if he had any. Harry wants to show the love that wasn't given to him." She finished; a pained look lingering in her features.

She was right while I never wanted to have a second chance at living what part of childhood I have missed; I have always wanted to provide the best to my offspring and never let them experience the neglect and abuse I went through.

Pansy walked over to us, sitting beside me, caressing my cheek with one hand and I leaned into her warm touch, while the other was on Sev's head. Her fingers combing through the Little's silky, soft hair. We were so lost in each other that we didn't notice Eileen walk over to us and spoke in a very low tone.
"There is one more thing I wish to do for you," Eileen said to Pansy.

Pansy looked at me and we exchanged a confused look before we looked back at Eileen. Both of us were bewildered, not knowing what Eileen was talking about. "I told you I knew what you sacrificed to save my son," Eileen said, smiling. "I would like to give you something. This is my thanks for I know you will love my Severus."

Eileen floated closer to Pansy and, once again, went into Pansy's body. Her magic and essence fusing within the witch. Pansy's eyes rolled back into her head as she started falling towards the floor. My heartbeat shot up and it felt like it was about to explode as I was not in a position to help her.

Hermione, quick as a flash, stopped Pansy from hitting the floor. Her wand pointing to her now unconscious figure. She then floated Pansy's body to the next cot. I breathed a sigh of relief as madam Pomfrey rushed to Pansy running a diagnosis.

"Madam Pomfrey," I said, worry seeping up my heart as my veins throbbed crazily at the idea of my love getting hurt again. "What's wrong? Is Pansy, okay?"

"She's fine," Poppy said, smiling. "Just magical exhaustion."

"Magical exhaustion?" Hermione asked, confusion written all over her face.

"But she gave her magic core to Professor Snape?" Draco posed it more as a question than a statement.

"Well, it's back," Poppy smiled. "Just let her rest."

I was beyond happy that she was fine and healthy. Pansy and Sev were there by my side, happy and healthy, and I wished for nothing more. Hermione and Draco left the Infirmary soon after. Poppy walked towards her office, passing Minerva; the two elder witches looked at each other as if sharing a silent conversation. Minerva glanced towards us and waved her hand, moving the small table from between the two cots as the two beds joined together.

"A family should stay together," Minerva said smiling before walking out of the Infirmary, leaving me alone with the two of my loved ones. My eyelids felt heavy as sleep invaded my mind, the exhaustion of the last few days taking over my body and before I could think about anything else, I was off exploring dreamland.


A few hours later, Poppy walked in to the three of them sleeping peacefully, snuggled against each other. She silently walked over to them, capturing the moment using Harry's camera that he had placed on one of the tables nearby. The sight was too precious not to capture. Not wanting to disturb the small family, she cast a silencing charm around their now enlarged bed, so she could work around the Infirmary without disturbing their sleep. Also, a privacy charm so the small group had privacy and no onlookers watching.


I woke up, a little bewildered, not knowing the reason of my disturbed slumber. My sleep-addled brain took in my surrounding, the events from earlier finally coming back to me. Squirming in my arm brought me back to what woke me up. Looking down, I saw Sev mewling, his forehead grinding against my chest. It wasn't uncomfortable for me, but that would explain what had woken me up from such a deep slumber. The wetness growing on my shirt spoke volumes, leading to the conclusion that Sev was in the middle of a nightmare.

I rubbed soothing circles on his back, radiating calming energy trying to calm him down but that was no use as his sobbing picked in volume and he took a few ragged breaths. "Shh, all is well, my little one. You are safe now. It's just a dream. Dada's here." I kept repeating but Sev was in a deep sleep and wasn't waking up.

The commotion must have woken Pansy up as she glanced over at us, looking tired. "What's wrong?" Pansy asked. Her voice groggy from sleep.
"Nothing, my love," I said. "Just a nightmare."

Pansy sat up next to me, taking Sev from me and bringing him to her chest, whispering sweet nothings to him. I looked at them amazed how Pansy was able to calm him down in a couple of minutes when I couldn't accomplish the task for the last fifteen minutes.

Sev snuggled more into her as she rocked. Pansy yawned as well, lying down Sev in the middle before taking her initial spot. I waved my wand cleaning up myself and Sev before lying down myself. I wrapped my arms around both of them, pulling them a little closer almost falling back asleep.

Sev instinctively slid closer to Pansy, whispering one word before succumbing back to sleep. "Mumma."

A golden shimmer engulfed Pansy and Sev as lady magic approved of their bond. I and Pansy watched the shimmer disappear, smiling at each other as our eyes met. We leaned over Sev, sharing a quick kiss before going back to sleep with wide smiles spread across our faces...


Severus bonded to Pansy... What do you think????

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