✤ 01.A New Day Has Come ✤

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Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them. That only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.


Harry Potter, the hero of the wizarding world, is the green-eyed boy with a mop of black hair supporting his now muscular frame and round glasses to complete his appearance. Orphaned as a baby, he is brought up by his aunt and uncle, the Dursleys, maltreated by them, and tormented by their obnoxious son, Dudley. Neglected and disdained, Harry grows up to be a timid boy unsure of his abilities. His sudden fame as a wizard at Hogwarts comes not just as a total contrast to his earlier forgotten misery, but as a fate that we feel is very much deserved after his youthful suffering. Yet even after he becomes famous, Harry never lost his modesty and humility. After suffering from a horrible childhood, Harry always wished to provide his next generation with the love, he didn't have a chance on. He was happy to be classified as a guardian at the end of his seventh year, which gave him a sense of satisfaction at the thought of being able to have a chance of providing a happy childhood to one of the littles out there, but hadn't found a little yet, and was eagerly looking around for one.

It had been three years since the day Harry was able to put an end to the regime of Voldemort and survive through the second wizarding war. After the war, Harry has accepted the position of the new DADA teacher at the young age of twenty. He had initially planned on becoming an Auror, but his perspective changed with time. He had had enough of Voldemort and his death eaters. He decided to adopt teaching as a career, as his defense club in his fourth year proved to be a great success. Not only that, after Voldemort's dismissal, Harry had given it a lot of thought, and he found out how much he enjoyed teaching rather than tailing death-eaters. He decided to teach DADA at Hogwarts and dive into his passion for defense spreading his knowledge around.


Finally, the day has ended, and I could get some rest from my hectic schedule. I walked out of my DADA classroom, locking it behind me as I made my way down to my chambers. Though my classroom had direct access to my chambers, I preferred to walk as it helped me with my stiff body. I stretched my arms above my head, continuing my track to my personal quarters, lost in my own thoughts.

My musings came to an end as a loud wail echoed thought out the almost empty corridor. A child? At Hogwarts? There were a lot of questions running inside my head, but I started tracking the source of the wails before my brain could comprehend and ponder over my messed-up thoughts. I walked further down the corridor, following the echoes till I came across a small child, not more than one, bawling his eyes out. I crossed the distance, looking around for something, anything that could give me a clue to trace the actual guardian of the small child who hadn't noticed me yet.

Kneeling beside the child, I studied him over, racking my mind for the possibilities of who this child might be because as far as I knew there were no littles currently residing in Hogwarts. Putting a full stop to my running thoughts, I bought my attention back to the still sobbing child who had his fists jammed against his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks. I felt a fuzzy feeling run through my body as my guardian instincts kicked in, I stretched my hand rubbing the child's back, careful not to startle him.

Kohl black eyes stared back at me as the child lowered his fists to study me. There was a spark of understanding and trust cross those black orbs as he stretched his arms towards me, in a universal gesture to be picked up, and I obliged, happily picking up the child.

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