✤ 08.Mischief Managed ✤

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Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.



It had been a week since the incident with Pansy but my nerves refused to calm down. Since the day, I almost had a panic attack every time Harry was out of my eyesight. Classes were stressful as Harry wasn't with me and I couldn't help but think of him leaving me every minute. My lack of concentration had caused a minor accident in the class a couple of days ago which led to me wetting during the class. The pull-up had leaked but it wasn't noticeable due to my black robes. Thank Merlin no one was injured apart from a slight burn on the girl's hand who was standing too close and wasn't able to duck in time.

I had gone back to my chambers, crying, and had changed myself never telling Harry, too embarrassed that such a thing happened in class. I have never wet during class but today's incident was rather embarrassing and upsetting. Not only that, I had constant nightmares of Harry telling me what a worthless piece of shit I am and leaving me behind to be with Pansy. In the back of my head, I knew Pansy would be like a mother figure in my life if I ever gave her a chance, judging by her reaction and words the other day but the nightmares brought back the fear with full force and no matter how much I tried to reason, it was frightening none the less which resulted in me waking up in a wet bed more often than not.

The bed-wetting was the sole reason why I and Harry would wake up in the middle of the night to clean the mess up. He had been doing everything in his power to reassure me from sleeping with me to comforting me every time I had a nightmare, staying up with me till I fell asleep. The lack of sleep was taking a toll on both of us while Harry was paler with dark circles more prominent under his eyes, I felt more exhausted than ever.

Despite all of Harry's assurances and the love he was showing, I was doubtful of his true feelings towards me. What if he is still pining after Pansy? Did he love her more than me? Even though I was trying to reason with myself yet somewhere the lingering fear still plagued me with thousand of questions. I needed to think of something to test him. I know I am being unreasonable but a small part of me felt like Harry wasn't very convincing in his reassurances. There was something that didn't fit and the plan I had in mind would not only prove his intentions but also test his tolerance towards me.

The only thing that came to my mind was spiking up his anger and seeing as to how he reacts. I knew there was a risk if I got him too mad and he left me but wasn't that I really wanted to check him on. My heart pained and my stomach bubbled with a newfound fear of losing Harry at the end of it but I needed to keep myself together and execute my plan.


It was Saturday and I woke up to a messily wrapped box on my bedside, judging from the sloppy writing and the Slytherin colors I could make a wild guess as to who might have given it to me. I got the box off the nightstand to get a peek inside but before I could even fathom what was happening, I was covered in neon green slime from head to toe. Taking a glance at my current state, I stormed out of my room in search of the culprit.

As I entered his empty room, I continued my trek to the nursery, there sat the said culprit of my current state waving my wand around. My heart rose to my throat as sparks erupted from the wand every time Sev gave it a wave. How did he get a hold of that? He must have sensed my presence, turning to me and the wand slipped out his fist in the process and I sighed in relief. He took in the slime sticking to my clothes and small giggles bubbled out of his small beak. I couldn't get myself to get angry at him as he slipped out of the room from between my legs and the chase was on.

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