✤ 03.As Tears Go By ✤

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Tears are words that the mouth can't say, nor can the heart bear.



I walked down the corridor towards Professor Snape's chamber not really knowing what to expect. To say the truth, I was afraid of rejection but I was ready to try anything in my power to get Sev comfortable with me and make up for all the time I hadn't been there for him and spoil him on the way, after all, it was all worth it.

I set foot into the chambers which had a homey feel to them just like my own. The living room was cozy with shelves around the fireplace, where various items and plaques were showcased and cream-colored sofas laid out in front of it. The kitchen was well-planned out and had all the modern-day appliances including a refrigerator and microwave. The dining table was laid out beside the kitchen counter. The cream-colored theme gave a warm feeling to the chambers.

Wanting to get a feel of the layout down here so that I could get comfortable roaming around, I walked down to the array of rooms in the hallway.

The first door was what I assumed was his study. Three of the four walls were hidden behind floor-to-ceiling bookshelves with every title you could think of, stacked neatly in alphabetical order. His desk was placed in the center of the room with a few marked essays scattered over it. I bundled the essays up securing them under a paperweight on the table. A few books which I assume Sev might have been reading earlier were staked on a stool beside the table. I walked out of the room, softly closing the door behind me mindful to not disturb the toddler sleeping in my arms.

The second room must have been Professor Snape's bedroom. It was comfortable yet modern. The very far end supported two doors, one leading to a bathroom and the other to a nursery. The layout of the nursery was cute and very un-snape-ish. It was painted in bright colors suited for a child. The crib was placed against the wall which was decorated beautifully with star and moon hangings along with a few pictures of Sev with Minerva, Albus and Poppy hung just above the crib. A rocking chair was placed by the side of the crib with a few toys scattered around along with a sitting pillow.

I walked towards the changing table lowering the precious bundle on it making sure to strap him in before going to the chest of drawers to find the cleaning supplied neatly arranged in it. I was snapped out of it by a cooing sound from right behind me as I turned around to doe-shaped black eyes starring right back at me. I couldn't help the smile that overtook my face as I made quick work at changing Sev.

I ran my fingers through his soft curls as tears started to pool his eyes. I was confused as to why he was on the verge of tears when I just changed him. Shrugging it off. Maybe he was just tired, I picked him up, bringing him to my chest, swaying back and forth, trying to calm him down to the best of my abilities as silent tears ran down his cheeks and all he did was clung to me like a koala, socking as much warmth as he could as if he was going to be pushed away. That's when it clicked to me, he too was afraid of rejection. After so long of being on his own, I wouldn't blame him for his insecurities.

I sat on the rocking chair as Sev refused to let go of me but I could see he was fighting a battle with sleep.

"Ayana," I called softly to not startle the small dozing bundle in my arms. A small pop later a tiny house-elf dressed in a skirt and sweater stood beside my chair.
"Yes, Master Harry. What can Ayana do for sir?" She questioned half bowing to me.
"Just Harry Ayana," I corrected softly before continuing.
"Please bring me a bottle of milk with a little bit of cinnamon." She bowed popping in and out in less than a minute, handing me the bottle. I touched the nipple to Sev's plump lips who started sucking on it almost eagerly.

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