✤ 15.You are Mine ✤

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Because I wanna make sure you don't belong to anyone else before we move forward.



I was slipping as I listened to them talk and Harry rubbing soothing circles on my back wasn't helping matters. My mind was fuzzy as I felt myself changing. As soon as my little mind took over, everything that happened before came rushing back. I remembered the tantrum I had thrown. I felt guilty thinking about what I had said to Dada. Yes, Dada told me that he would always be my Guardian. But how could Harry be okay with that after everything I said to him? And no matter how much I tried to reason with my little self that Harry wasn't angry I couldn't get it to understand. Before I knew it, the tears I was holding back pooled the back of my eyes, spilling out before I could even blink.

I unconsciously tightened my hold on Harry and that got his attention as he looked over at me, worry evident in his features. "Sevvy," Harry soothed, smoothing out my hair. His touch calmed me down a little but I still couldn't stop the tears from flowing.


I realized something was bothering my Little when I witnessed him change back to a toddler in front of my eyes. When the transformation was complete, Sev started crying hysterically. I picked up Sev and cradled the child to my chest, rocking from side to side. Pansy came over to the other side of the bed, rubbing Severus' back to help calm the toddler down. I had no idea what had triggered such a sudden transformation but worry was seeping up my veins as I tried to calm him down.

Everyone in the infirmary was disturbed by the miserable cries coming from Severus. Poppy rushed to grab the vial of calming draught, but before she could administer that to Sev, she was stupefied as Sev began to speak.
"Sev bad," Sev cried. I wanted to stop Severus' line of thinking but froze when I heard Sev's last word. "Mama."

Mama? I lifted Severus' chin so the toddler could look at me. One thing had to be corrected before I dealt with the issue of "Mama." I thought he was referring to Pansy as Mumma and felt relieved but it was Sev's refusal to turn his head that caught both our attention to the translucent woman standing next to the other side of the cot. My grip tightened around my Little. I had no idea who the woman was and I wasn't going to have anyone near him after what had happened.

"Sev bad, Mama," Severus repeated again. Minerva and Poppy's gasping sound reminded me that we weren't alone in the infirmary. I looked towards the two in question but they were too busy examining the ghost woman who had made an appearance. It looked like they had seen a ghost, well, technically she was one but I don't know how else to put it.

"Eileen," Minerva gasped.
"Eileen?" Pansy asked, puzzled.
"Eileen Snape," Minerva clarified. "Severus' mother."

To say we were shocked was an understatement as we both exchanged a look, glancing at Sev who was wiggling in my arms, and then back to Eileen. I watched the scene unfold in front of me with amusement as he lifted his arms towards Eileen in a request of being held by his mother.

Eileen looked at Sev with a very pained expression on her face as if she so desperately wanted to hold her son yet couldn't due to her 'condition'. Sev's cries intensified as she didn't make any move to get close to him. Pansy also looked torn as there was nothing we could do to.

"Oh, Sevvy, my baby," Eileen tried to soothe him from where she was standing or rather floating in mid-air. "Shhh, no more crying. You are a very good boy."
Severus lowered his arms and laid his head on my shoulder and I rubbed his back in an attempt to calm him down.
"No, Sev bad, Mama," Sev cried. "Dada no like Sev. No want Sev."

"That's not true, Sevvy," I comforted him. That's when an idea popped into my head and I looked over at Pansy. As our eyes met, I knew our thought process was going in the same direction. She nodded at me and I nodded back knowing what she was about to do.

"Would you like to hold him?" Pansy asked, looking towards Eileen and I smiled, feeling grateful that I had a chance to call such a gem mine.
"Hold him?" Eileen asked clearly not following what Pansy was saying.

Pansy nodded. "Take over me," Pansy suggested, looking over at me for assurance and I smiled, nodding at her. "And you can feel your baby in your arms again."
If a ghost could produce tears, Eileen would have been a crying mess by now. The smile on her face was binding yet she seemed to be debating with herself over something, before she finally nodded, looking over at Pansy with gratitude.

Pansy walked over to Eileen and allowed Sev's mother to possess her. Everyone looked on in amazement as they saw the temporary transformation of Pansy into Eileen.
Sev wiggled in my arms eager to go to her as I handed him over.

"Oh, my baby boy," Eileen soothed. "My sweet baby boy. Mama loves you so much. You are a good boy. You are loved. Your Dada loves you and will take care of you." I smiled at the exchange, accioing my camera as it came flying into the room, capturing the moment.

She walked back and forth from one end of the infirmary to the other, talking in low tones and soothingly rubbing circles on Sev's back. She slightly swayed as she walked. I was amazed at how quickly she was able to calm him down as his cries went down to slight sniffles and before long only occasional hiccups could be heard.

Sev was happy to be engulfed in his mother's scent as he buried his face deeper into her neck, inhaling the sweet aroma he had missed over the years. Feeling the caresses of her hand and the security of her hold brought so many memories flooding back to his mind and he relished the moment with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. His eyes were getting heavy as Eileen slightly rocked him.

"Would you like to go back to your dada?" Eileen asked through Pansy, looking over at me with a bright smile and it was that moment I realized how similar Sev looked to his mother. Looking at them now, I could see Sev as a mini replica of her, black eyes, pencil-thin eyebrows, the aquiline nose, and the trademark snape hair she sported matched Sev's to a great extent. Sev's smile was an exact replica of her, how his lips formed a line, small dimples decorating his chubby cheeks matched exactly to hers.

Sev pressed his body firmly into his mother's arms before nodding his head. In Pansy's form, Eileen walked back to me and transferred Sev into my waiting arms. I cradled the toddler to my chest. I was surprised when Eileen cupped my cheek in her hand. It felt like Pansy's touch yet different, a motherly feel to it, making me smile. "I know you will take care of my baby." She said smiling back at me, a warm feeling storming through my body. It felt so good to have a mother, a privilege I never experienced.

"Yes, ma'am," I declared firmly, reassuring myself in the process. "He's, my heart," I said looking at Sev who was struggling to keep his eyes open. I walked to the bathroom attached to the hospital wing, conjuring a bathtub to fit into the sink. I peeled Sev's clothes off him, giving him, a relaxing bath and he almost fell asleep in the bathtub. I dried him off and dressing him in a baby blue onesie. I waved my wand at his hair, drying them off not wanting him to catch a cold, sleeping with them wet. Walking out of the bathroom into the main room, I set Sev down for a nap covering him with a duvet and surrounding him with pillows so he wouldn't fall before making my way over to the others where Pansy was sitting on an empty cot.

Eileen smoothly left Pansy's body. Pansy was thrown back a little due to the sudden jerk. Eileen turned to Pansy cupping his face, well, technically she wanted to do that but whatever.
"My sweetie," Eileen said. "I've seen your heart. I know what you've sacrificed. Thank you. I have no words to express my gratitude. I would be honored if you would continue to be a Mama for my Sev." She said smiling.
Pansy smiled weakly, "I would be honored."

"I wanted to ask something," Pansy said.
"Yes," Eileen said, looking back at the woman on the cot.

"Why is Sev a Little and not Harry?" Pansy asked. The question had bothered her since Hermione had restored her memories of the day, she found out Severus was a Little.


What is the reason behind Severus being a little??

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