✤ 11.Rescue ✤

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Love has the power to rescue us and not let go. Otherwise, it isn't love.



The wards around Hogwarts wavered a bit and the first thought that came to my mind was Severus. We hadn't seen him in the past couple of days since the incident in the hospital wing. He had been locking himself up from then on. Poppy and I were worried but didn't let it show as we knew Sev needed to sort his thoughts out and process everything.

Fear began to fill up on me as I made my way down to Sev's chamber, praying that the change in wards was because of anything but Sev. I walked in to a mess. The smell of urine mixed with alcohol drenched the living room which was littered with a dozen of bottles of fire whiskey, Sev nowhere to be seen. Something caught my attention and on further inspection, I found out it was blood. Severus' blood. My hand flew to my mouth to stop the gasp from escaping as thoughts of Sev being unsafe raced through my head.

The horror began to pick on me as I called for Ayana who popped up right next to me.

"Where is Severus?" I asked as soon as she was there.
"What is this mess?" I questioned again without waiting for her answer.
"Guardian come and take him," Ayanna responded calmly as if it were nothing new.
"That's impossible," I exclaimed horrified. "Harry is in the infirmary."

I rushed out of Severus' chambers as fast as I could straight to Poppy and told her what had happened. We were too busy to find a cure to get Harry out of the coma that we have neglected Sev no matter what excuse we gave and now we have no idea where was he. If Ayanna was telling the truth, then we were in no place to do anything, no one was until Harry somehow mends the fractured bond and fights the coma waking up which had a very rare chance of happening as Sev was not here to claim him back.

Pseudo guardians are assigned to every little before they find their proper guardian. The fracture in the bond must have alerted the pseudo guardian that they were needed at the moment which was none among us as we didn't feel the call. Pseudo guardians can belong to any classification as they have been appointed for just a short period of time and have full control over the little.


We have been waiting for Harry's awakening for a week now and Sev had been gone for the last five days. Pansy was a mess so were Draco and Hermione. Ron wasn't in the country at the moment as he had gone to the countryside due to some auror work and we didn't tell him anything about this, not wanting to get another person to wind up in this mess.

Pansy claimed Harry had talked to her about this but it was a blur and she couldn't remember anything clearly. She had gotten flashes of the day time and again but didn't have time to ponder over them due to being drowned in work. Hermione being a natural occlumen and legilimen was able to invade her mind and redid the block that Harry wasn't very successful in placing in the first place. Harry had tried to obliviate her, meaning blocking a specific memory from resurfacing again but him being not perfect at mind spells, the block hadn't been placed accurately giving Pansy access to a part of it which she got flashbacks of.

She hadn't left Harry's side since then only to use the bathroom and shower from time to time. The dark circles under her eyes were more prominent than ever and her skin seemed paler due to the lack of sleep but she refused to let Harry go. She fell into an uneasy yet deep slumber when the exhaustion was too much and her body demanded rest, not responding to her. Poppy moved her bed mere centimeters away from Harry so that she could feel him close while she took a break from all the stress.

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