✤ 04.My Girl ✤

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Oh, I swear to you, I'll be there for you. This is not a drive-by.



I woke up to a ringing alarm clock.

The alarm clock sucks. Why?
Well, to answer your question, they suck because they wake you up especially when you didn't want to be woken up.

I groaned blindly grabbing at the nightstand so that I could shut the irritating thing up and banish it to hell but it did its purpose, I was wide awake. Getting out of bed, stretching, and groaning as my sore muscles cracked.

I felt rested after so long. I felt content. There was this fuzzy feeling in my heart that I haven't felt before as the events of the past couple of days reeled back into my mind. I couldn't believe my luck. I had finally found a guardian after so long but it was all worth it as I felt comfortable with him. He made me feel wanted. A smile took over my face as the thought of finally having someone to lean on registered.

Moments in the other part of the chamber brought me out of my musings. Harry. My guardian. Mine. I felt warmth spread throughout my body at the merry thought of it. Putting my robes on I walked out of my room wanting to greet Harry. I wanted to make up for all the time I have been mean to him.

Harry was sitting calmly on the dining table, reading a book.

"Good morning, Harry," I said softly not wanting to startle him but got no response as he continued to read completely ignoring my presence. Something didn't feel right. I shook off the fear that started to bubble up in the pit of my stomach as I called for him again. The same one I got whenever I was about to be reminded of my 'Place' by my dear father. He looked up at me but not with adoration but with pure hatred.

Instinctively, I stepped back as he took his sweet time to walk up to me, the look of hatred never leaving his face. This wasn't real. He slept with me and made sure I was comfortable. This was just a dream. I tried to reason but nothing seemed to work as Harry continued to advance towards me until my back hit the wall. There was no way to escape whatever was coming next.

"I can't believe I'm saddled with you," Harry sneered. The venom of his voice pierced my heart. It pained me. 'Stupid! You shouldn't have got attached in the first place. You should have known better. You are no one to him. He hates you. He will never accept you no matter how hard you try." I tried to bring myself out of my wild mess of thoughts as Harry stood there looking at me with rage and disgust written all over his face.

"The Bat of the Dungeon," Harry continued, walking closer to me. "A damned Little. Can you believe the irony of that?"

"Y... you said...you said," I tried to speak or more specifically stuttered past the lump in my throat. I didn't want to cry. Crying never solved anything. It made things worse. The belt! NO! I don't want to be beaten. Please! I am sorry for existing. I... I... But before I could go any further my musings were cut short as he started to speak again.

"You said. You said," Harry mocked evilly. "Snivellus. My dad and Sirius were right. Snivelling, baby Snivellus." I couldn't believe he brought that up. It was impossible to speak past the lump in my throat that was growing with every passing second making it impossible for me to hide the tears that flowed down my cheek without my consent and all I could do was stand there and cry as he continued to rant what a burden I was. It wasn't the Harry who had helped me the past couple of days, making me feel loved I daresay. How desperately I wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare but then the realization hit me, I couldn't hide from the harsh words. It pained me to think that I was so stupid to believe in Harry's, scratch that out, Potter's antics.

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