Chapter 17- ESCAPE!

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(Niall's p.o.v)

"EVERYONE RUN DOWN THAT TUNNEL NOW!" Mr Styles shouted ushering us all down a mysterious tunnel to the left of the volcano away from the burning lava that was rising from the ground below.

I stood up quickly from my position on the shaking ground and ran in the direction I was told to. I grabbed Raquel's hand along the way and squeezed it tightly for comfort. She was scared, no terrified. I could tell from the look in her eyes. The sparkle they used to hold was no longer there, her eyes were dull and tears where threatening to pour out.

She gave me a weak smile as we continued to run. Strangely this all seemed familiar to me, like déjà vu. This had happened somehow before but where do I remember this from?

"COME ON, TURN RIGHT HERE, THE EXIT IS NOT FAR AWAY!" Mr Styles navigated again. I listened and turned right as did the others. I looked over my shoulder quickly, only to see the lava not far behind us. I picked up my pace, Raquel's hand slipping out of mine in the process.

We came to a mound of rocks which lead to the top level of the volcano. I could see the light from the exit ahead of us as I climbed to the top of the mound. I stood up and turned around pulling the people behind me up onto the surface. The lava was rising quickly, turning hotter the nearer it was to the air outside. I finally gripped Raquel's arm and heaved her up towards the exit in sight.

Everyone was already nearing the exit, climbing up the final mound while Raquel and I were behind. I could feel the heat of the lava behind us and we darted towards the outside world.

"RUN! QUICK! IT'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" We sprinted as fast as we could towards the exit. The muscles in my legs were sore from all the running but I carried on determined it get away.

"QUICK! IT'S NEARLY GOT YOU!" A Cheshire accent shouted ahead of me to Raquel who was dragging behind. I looked behind my shoulder quickly to see the lava about a metre away from Raquel's feet. I twisted back around scared and raced as fast as I could towards the exit of the volcano grabbing Raquel's hands to pull her along with me.

Raquel soon became tired and her feet started to slow down. The image of my nightmare popped into my head and I froze on the spot. It wasn't? It couldn't be? But it was. I'd somehow had a vision.

Raquel let go of my hand and looked at me sadly as my feet scurried away. This was not happening, I wouldn't allow it so I did the only thing I could think of. I ran back towards the deathly hot liquid after her.

I heard people shouting my name, telling me to turn around and come back but I didn't listen, I would not let Raquel die without trying to save her first. I'd hate myself for the rest of my life if I let my girlfriend die without even attempting to rescue her.

I reached Raquel and picked her up chucking her over my shoulder. My heart was beating 20mph knowing just one mistake could have both of us dead in seconds. I rotated around and dashed off towards the exit, the extra weight slowing me down. Mr Stadford met me halfway and took Angelica out of my hands so I could run faster. Finally we reached the others and evacuated the volcano without second thought.


We reached the rocky mountains and span around just in time to watch the volcano explode, the red lava pouring out of it and covering at least a mile of it's surrounding area. I collapsed onto the floor and laid on my back looking up at the dark sky. We were out, Finally! 

Raquel laid down by my side coping my actions so I pulled her closer to me. My heart was still pounding from earlier making my chest rise up and down at a rapid pace. Raquel entwined her fingers with mine and squeezed them softly.

"Thank you" She mumbled looking at me with a small smile on her face. "Thank you for saving me" She continued leaning closer to kiss me on the lips. I propped myself up on my elbows and met her halfway crashing our lips together. I closed my eyes and enjoyed this sweet time with her knowing I'd done the right thing by ignoring the others calls to come back and leave her. 

"No need to thank me, I'd do anything to keep you safe. You hear that? Anything!" I replied honestly pecking her on the lips quickly before we heard someone cough awkwardly next to us. I look up to see Mr Styles shaking his head at me.

"You my boy are lucky. You should be glad James came and took Raquel out of your hands, the lava was right behind you!" He raised his voice slightly. I watched as he brought his hands up to his head and started rubbing his temples in a calming motion. "You could've died" He trailed off quietly at the end. I sighed knowing I was in trouble.

"Sorry, It's just, I had to save Raquel. She's my girlfriend" I stated sticking up for myself. If risking my life meant Raquel was safe I'd do it everyday. As cheesy as it sounds Raquel means the world to me and I'd risk my life anyday to save hers.

"Whatever, just please next time, listen" Mr Styles replied before he turned around and walked off to talk to Mr Styles, Angelica and Harry. I shook my head, lying back down on the ground. I stared up at the sky and scanned it for funny shapes in the clouds but found nothing. Eventually I sat up and started pitching my tent up ready for the night. No one was in the right state of mind to travel anywhere so I didn't need to ask if I we could stop here over night. Zayn and some of the others noticed my actions and copied, putting up their tents for the night. 

I smiled at them all before I crawled into the tent and got comfy. Not long after Raquel joined me and snuggled up into my side. I lifted my blanket over her and fell asleep with her in my arms.

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