Chapter 14

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(Zayn's p.o.v)

I sat in my tent coughing up a load of water. Remind me to never try to save my friends life ever again. It wasn't exactly the smartest idea, me jumping into the water when I can't swim. I held my stomach as the final bit of water came out of me. I hate water so much. 

I laid back on the uncomfortable floor and sighed. Smart move Angelica, You nearly caused two people to die! I heard the tent zip open a bit and Harry's voice filled the small space surrounding me.

"Hey Karolin, can I talk to Zayn please?" Harry asked Karolin popping his head into the tent. He raised his eyebrows at Karolin who nodded and stood up to leave the tent. "Thanks" He shouted over his shoulder as Karolin walked away. 

"Hey Harry, What's up?" I asked propping my elbows underneath me for support. I tapped the space next to me with my hand, careful not to slip and go slam into the floor as I did so. Harry crawled inside and sat down next to me looking at the floor thinking of what to say.

"I just wanted to say thank you for earlier, I know we haven't exactly been on good terms lately so I'm shocked you'd risk your life to try save mine. It shows the best friend that I knew a few months ago is still there right when I thought it was gone for good". I smiled as he spoke. I guess this mission has brought my serious side out and has hidden the friendly side away causing me to be mean to my best friends. 

"It's okay, that’s what mates are for right?" I queried looking at Harry with a smile. He smiled back and nodded. I opened my arms and Harry came closer giving me a bro hug. "This is going to sound girly and cheesy but I've missed you Haz, Holmes Chapel just isn't the same without you" I whispered as Harry broke from the hug and sat down next to me.

"I've missed ya too bro" He replied. We carried on talking and caught up on what we've missed out since Harry had left for London. Harry and I were in the middle of laughing at something Harry had said when the tent zipped open again. I turned my head to see a sad looking Angelica smiling weakly at me.

“Oh sorry Zayn, I didn’t know you had company. I’ll just go” Angelica turned on the ball of her feet and started to walk off by I called her back over.

“Wait! Angelica! Please stay!” I shouted crawling out of the tent and ran up to her. I softly grabbed hold of her arm and looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

“Okay fine” She agreed giving in. I smiled widely and walked back to my tent. Angelica followed mumbling something about me owing her later but I just ignored her comment and carried on walking. I sat down in my tent a bit further away from Harry so Angelica had no option but to sit next to him. I smirked proudly as Angelica groaned and glared at me next to Harry.

“So…” I started trying to get this conversation started “How are you Angelica?” She didn’t reply, just looked at me and sighed. “Angelica, what’s wrong?” I furrowed my eyebrows and scooted closer to her as a tear left her eye. I dislike seeing my friend cry and I especially dislike it when I don’t know why. Everyone stayed quiet until Angelica finally spoke up.

“I-I’m sorry. I’m a terrible person that’s why everyone leaves me. I’m spiteful, selfish, pathetic and stupid. I don’t deserve you guys, I don’t deserve anyone. I’m sorry okay?” She cried into her hands. I felt a pain in my heart as Angelica’s words hit me. She hates herself? She really thinks those things are true. She’s none of them things, she’s completely opposite. I scooted closer to her and wrapped my left arm around her shoulder while my other hand pushed the loose strands of hair out of her face. I wiped her tears off her face and looked her in the eyes.

“Angelica, how could you believe such a thing? You are one of the most amazayn people I know” I admitted trying to joke around and lighten her mood. She looked up and smiled weakly at me then looked back down at the floor. “Angelica” I implored “please don’t believe that, you are truly amazing” I gave Harry a look that told him to back up so he nodded and cleared his throat.

“Yeah Angelica, you might have anger and temper issues but you are anything but spiteful, selfish, pathetic and stupid. You’re the prettiest girl I know; you’re funny, smart, caring and so much more. Your dad didn’t leave on purpose, he had a job to do, and he thought he was going to come back but turns out he never did. Don’t be so hard on yourself” Harry comforted Angelica pulling her into a hug. Angelica sniffed and laid her head on Harry’s chest. 

“I’m sorry for hitting you on the head with an apple and nearly killing you both. I was just really annoyed. It wasn’t even meant to hit you on the head, It was meant to hit you on the arm” Angelica apologised lifting her head up off Harry’s for a second to look at him. Harry smiled and leaned in to kiss her on the forehead.

“We friends again?” He asked quietly. Angelica nodded slowly and him with the biggest smile on her face “and also Angelica, I’m sorry too” He whispered squeezing her tightly in his arms.


This chapter was quite short as I thought it just felt right to stop writing at that point, leaves you all thinking ;)

This chapter is dedicated to my amazing best friend TayJadey13 as she helped me with the idea for this chapter :D

and finally pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fan, vote and comment on this chapter as my birthday present for tomorrow xD (9th december) haha

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