Chapter 15

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(Angelica's p.o.v) 

I sat up straight and smiled. My friends are awesome. They can always put a smile on my face and know how to make someone feel better about themselves. That is one thing I definitely can't do, If I ever tried to cheer someone up I'd probably offend them and make them run off crying and cursing at me. I guess that's something I have just never been good at but oh well people aren't perfect.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry leaned in and asked. I turned my head a bit to the left only to realise his head was right by mine that I could feel his warm breath. We were very close, dangerously close and it made me nervous.

"Uhh...Just...stuff" I stuttered suddenly forgetting every word. Is that possible? Can you forget even the simplest of words? General words you use everyday, can they just disappear from your mind? I guess they can. I shuffled a bit to the right but bumped into Zayn who I had forgotten was in the tent. Quite funny if I do say so as this is actually Zayn's very own tent. Zayn mumbled something about trying to get to sleep before he went silent. I sighed and shifted back to my previous spot in the tent.

"What kind of stuff?" Harry questioned raising his eyebrows. He lifted his arm and rested it on my shoulders forcing me to lean on him. My breath caught in my throat for a second, Harry made me feel so safe in his arms and I don't like feeling like this. I don't like having feelings for someone who is never going to love me back and I especially don't like having feelings for my best friend, the one guy I'd been able to tell everything to until recently.

"If I don't know what I'm thinking of you can't possibly know what I'm thinking of so there is no point in telling" I declared shrugging Harry's arms off my shoulders.

The next five minutes was spent in silence as we both had nothing to say. I had been honest with Harry, I truly didn't know what I was thinking, there was so much going on in my mind I honestly didn't know where to start or how to explain it.

I set my thoughts into two lists, things I need to solve immediately and things that can wait till later. Finding my dad and figuring out my feelings towards Harry was some of the things in the 'I need to solve immediately' list; Being a better friend and getting higher grades in school was some of the things in the 'Can wait till later' list.

"You're thinking again" Harry stated. I shook my head and crawled out of Zayn's tent. I stood up and turned to face Harry who was looking at me confused.

"I have a right to think" I turned back around on the balls of my feet and walked off towards my tent. I chuckled a bit, that was the exact same thing Alice said to the duchess in the book of Alice and Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. I love that book, one of my favourites books of all time. Everyone in the book is insane and nothing they say makes sence. They live is a crazy world where anything is possible. Anything is possible. I ran that through my head multiple times, Anything is possible if only you believe it is. It's possible my friends are spies. It's possible I am a spy. It's possible I can find my dad. Anything is possible.

(Niall's p.o.v) 

"RUN! QUICK! IT'S RIGHT BEHIND US!" We sprinted as fast as she could towards the exit. I could feel the heat of the lava getting warmer as it chased us out of the volcano that had irrupted. "QUICK! IT'S NEARLY GOT YOU!" A Cheshire accent shouted ahead of me to Raquel who was dragging behind. I looked behind my shoulder quickly to see the lava about a metre away from Raquel's feet. I turned back around and ran as fast as I could towards the exit of the volcano grabbing Raquel's hands to pull her along with me.

Raquel soon became tired and her feet started to slow down. I knew what was going to happen next and no one was going to like it...

Raquel let go of my hand and looked at me sadly. She mouthed an "I love you" to me before a burning sensation went though her feet and she screamed out loud. she fell to the floor in pain, tears flowing draftly out of her eyes staining her face. I screamed running up to Raquel but two pairs of hands grabbed my arms stopping me.

The next minute Raquel was surrounded by boiling hot lava. There was nowhere to go now, she was trapped. The lava started closing in on her until it burned through her skin. It slowly reached to her heart; the only thing keeping her alive. A single tear fell down my cheek and my heart shattered in two as she blacked out, for good...

I sat up startled, my heart pounding and sweat pouring down my face rapidly. My eyes widened as I hurriedly looked around for Raquel. There she was sleeping peacefully next to me. Her chest rising up and down slowly, In a deep sleep hopefully dreaming about wonderful things. I moved closer to Raquel and wrapped my arms around her waist holding on tightly for comfort. My heart began to slow down and beat at a normal pace but every now and then it would increase or decrease in speed.

After a while I got up and left my tent not able to sleep any longer, scared that I'd have the same nightmare as previously. I checked my watch which told me it was 8:52 in the morning, someone should be up by now. I scanned all the tents for any sign of movement but I saw none. I sighed and plodded off to venture the volcano.

I turned a few unfamiliar corners looking for anything, anything to keep my mind off that terrifying nightmare but there was nothing. I sat down for a few minutes and thought about what is happening back home with my parents and brother, what were they doing at this moment in time? Dad was probably in work, Greg with probably getting ready for Uni and Mum was no doubt still in bed. 

I was snapped out of my little daydream when the ground started to shake and the walls next to me started the crumble. I heard footsteps coming my way, people shouting my name but I just froze on the spot watching the wall to my left smash into thousands of tiny pieces on the floor. I finally came to my senses and stood up. I crept slowly up to the huge hole in the middle of the wall and peaked inside. I gasped at what I saw, Shocked at what was in front of me with the same shocked expression as I had.

In front of me was Angelica's and Harry's Dads.


Okay so I wanted to update before Christmas so WOO HOO! Half an hour before Christmas day  was good timing right? 

Anyway hope you have a WONDERFUL Christmas and don't forget to vote&comment on this chapter xx LOVE YOUUUU xx

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