Chapter 6

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(Angelica's p.o.v)

The next fifteen minutes were a bit of a blur to me. All I remember was being taken to a weird room full of pictures and spy gadgets. I stood still looking at all the pictures until I came across one that looked familiar. I walked closer to it and I took it off the hook.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I realized what it was. It was a picture of my dad and Harry's dad before they disappeared. They were best friends with each other and one day they both vanished, they left without saying a single goodbye to anyone. That's one of the reasons me and Harry are so close, the same things have happened to us and none of us know why.

I stared at the picture for a bit longer until I felt someones presence beside me. I looked to my right to see Niall looking at the same photo as me.

"I'm guessing this photo means a lot to you"He said not taking his eyes off the photo. I nodded before looking back at the photo. I miss my dad so much, I never even got to say goodbye.

"Yeah it does. Why have they got this photo on the wall for?"I asked looking up at Niall who had now gone stiff.

"Urm...Uh...Umm...Your dad was a...umm...he was a spy"Niall stuttered clearly not sure of what to say "Your dad was our best spy, this is him and his partner after they had completed a mission, the last ever mission they came back from." I looked at Niall confused. Last ever mission? What does he mean?

"What do you mean Last ever mission they came back from? What happened?"I questioned a bit worried. I looked at Niall who had now gone as pale as a ghost. What's wrong?

"Urm Do you really want to know?"He finally asked quietly. I nodded before Niall breathed in to talk. "Your dad and his partner went on a mission together but they never returned. News had gone around that they were dead but nobody could find there bodies. Nobody knows what happened to them or where they are but people think they are still alive." I couldn't believe it, How come nobody ever told me about this?? This was about my own dad and no one bothered to tell me...

"Angelica I know that look, We didn't tell you for a reason, you were too young and you couldn't know about all this, It would be too dangerous for you"

"Too young? How am I too young? YOU'RE THE SAME AGE AS ME! And I think I have the right to know why my dad just all of a sudden disappeared"I shouted to a scared looking Niall. "You know what...I'm out of here" I stormed off in a random direction not knowing how the hell to get out of this place. I couldn't take it anyone! I had been a spy for less than 20 minutes and it had already drove me insane.

"WAIT!"Niall shouted but I ignored him and carried on walking "DO YOU WANT TO FIND YOUR DAD OR NOT?" I froze on the spot stunned. What? Did I just hear correctly. I turned around slowly but still in shock.

"W-What?" I stuttered barely able to speak. Niall stepped closer to me and sighed running one of his hands through his bleached blond hair.

"Why do you think you are here?" He asked which made me think. Why was I here? "You're here because you are the only person who can find your dad and his missing partner. Well you and one other person but that doesn't matter since he works for the enemy. You are one of the only two people who can possibly find your dad and his partner."

I breathed in thinking about it all in my head. It was a lot to take in, My dad was a spy, My dad went missing during a mission, Now I'm needed to help find him. Suddenly something popped into my mind.

"Wait! One of the only two people, Who is the other person??" I questioned curiously. Maybe I knew this person, maybe this person could help me, maybe I could sweet talk this person into working with me.

"Harry Styles..."

(Harry's p.o.v) (Oooh I haven't done his p.o.v before)

I had just found out there is a chance I could see my dad again and I was ecstatic. I had missed him so much and now I could finally see him. The only problem is where do I find him? He has been missing for over 9 years now so where could he be?? He went missing when I was 7 and no one could find him but now I had been being told there is a chance I could find him. Apparently I am one of the only two people who could possibly find him. I was so over the moon that I didn't even listen to Liam who was telling me who the other person was.

"Harry are you listening? Harry, HARRY!" I woke up from my little day dream as I heard Charlotte call my name. Charlotte is Liam's girlfriend, She is a spy like me and Liam. That is the reason I moved to London, because I am a spy. I was sad I had to leave Holmes Chapel and all of my friends but I guess I have a job to do. I have a dad to find...

"What?"I asked annoyed that she had snapped me out of my own little world.

"Aren't you listening to a word Liam and I are saying?"She asked irritated.

"No I'm not because I am too busy thinking about how I could possibly see my dad again after 9 years. I think you would be the same if you were in my position."

"Fine, so you don't want to know who the other person is? I'm pretty sure you would be shocked but okay..."She said starting to turn around very slowly. Grr I hate it when she does that, Making me interested in something then going away leaving me curious.

"WAIT!"I shouted just as she got to the door to leave the room. She stopped, turned around and smirked at me.

"I knew you couldn't resist." I rolled my eyes before she carried on, "Well I'm pretty sure you know this person, you know this person very well in fact..."She giggled at her response. I raised my eyebrows confused, could she just tell me who it is already?

"Angelica stupid, She's talking about Angelica!"Liam pointed out. I froze. I couldn't believe the only other person who could help find my dad was the person I had just left in Holmes Chapel.

"Well lets go get her then, if we work together we can find my dad quicker right?"I asked leaving the room to go.

"WAIT HARRY!"Liam shouted running up to me. "It's not that simple"

"Why isn't it simple? We just go to Holmes Chapel, get Angelica, then come back here ready to go find my dad, What is so complicated about that?"

"Angelica is already a spy, for the enemy..."


This Chapter is dedicated to @Zaynsflawless because she is Charlotte :D :D

Eye Spy // Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now