Chapter 16

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(Harry's p.o.v)

I called out Niall's name worry clear in my voice. What was up with my friends disappearing? First Angelica now Niall. The ground below me started to shake and the walls around began to crumble. My eyes grew wide as realisation hit me. We were in the middle of an earthquake.

I heard Liam shout for us all to bend down to the floor in a ball and hold our heads down so I followed his instructions. Gripping the back on my head I went into a tuck on the floor. I peaked out carefully just to see everyone copying my actions. I closed my eyes and hoped for the earthquake to end. I also hoped Niall was okay wherever he was.

Gradually the earthquake stopped and pieces of broken rock settled in piles on the floor around us. I stood up leisurely and scanned the area to see if everyone else was OK. When they all started gossiping about what had just happened I took it as my cue to go find Niall.

"Harry, where are you going? We need to stick together" Liam shouted running up to me.

I decelerated turning round just as Liam caught up with me. Everyone else now had eyes on us wondering what was going on. I raised my eyebrow at Liam and sighed.

"Where do you think?" I replied pivoting on my left foot and scampered off to find Niall. I heard Liam sigh before he ordered the others to hurry up and started to follow me again.

His footsteps got louder the nearer he got and finally he caught up with me, eyes focused on the path ahead. In stages everyone else caught up with us calling out for Niall. The ground began to shake and I rolled my eyes. Seriously? Again? This time though I didn't listen to Liam's demands to duck and protect my head. Instead I carried on walking determined to find Niall. I would be lying If I said I'm not worried out of my wits for Niall and that's what kept me going, resolute into finding Niall.

I continued to call Niall's name as the volcano crumbled and ripped my clothes, not that I was bothered by it. The earthquake died down as I turned down a new route only to find the left wall smashed with a giant hole in the middle of it. Out of curiosity I went to see what was behind the wall on the other side. I leant over onto my right leg and peered into the other room. My eyes widened at what I saw.

"Hi son" My dad smiled, his eyes sparkling with tears.

(Angelica's p.o.v)

"ANGELICA!!" I heard Liam shout.

I started running towards Liam's call worried something bad had happened. I yelled Liam's name frantically but as I found him my voice became stuck in the bottom of my throat like a rock. I opened my mouth to speak but closed it just as quick. I suddenly became light headed and the room started to spin.

"I think, I think I'm going to, going to faint" I whispered as I clutched my head and my knees collapsed under me. I fell but before I hit the ground two hands caught me in their grasp protecting me from the fall. I closed my eyes as the person held me to their chest and began whispering encouraging words into my ear.

I knew it was Niall as his Irish accent sounded really thick around everyone else. I sighed and breathed in for oxygen. Niall's aftershave filled my nostrils, Armarni Mania I think he is wearing but I'm not too sure. I started rubbing my forehead and slowly stood back up on my feet with the help of Niall. I thanked Niall for catching me then turned towards Harry who was standing next to Mr Styles and my dad with a concerned expression on his face.

"Are you okay?" Harry questioned stepping a bit closer to me. He ran his left fingers through his curls and raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for my answer. I nodded and started for the nearest rock by me.

"Yeah, just need to sit down. Can't trust my legs to keep me standing" I replied simply settling down on the rock.

I looked at my dad taking in his features. He looked exactly the same as years ago instead now he has a bit of stubble on his face and his hair has odd strands of grey dotted around in random places on his head. All in all he has aged but is still looking well for a forty something year old man.

Tears pricked my eyes as he walked closer to me. All these years I'd missed out on a dad. He'd missed my first day in high school, my first school show, all my competitions and a good amount of my birthdays. He'd missed Christmas and most importantly he'd missed out on my childhood. He'd never seen me grow into who I am today, instead he just sat in some volcano while my mother struggled to keep a roof over our heads.

I suddenly became interested in the floor as my dad sat down beside me, not saying a single word, a single apology like he should be. I was surprised when I felt his warm hand grab hold of mine softly and start drawing patterns on the back of my palm with his thumb.

I looked up at him curiously only to realise he was already looking at me. There was so much I wanted to say, so much I wanted to ask yet the only thing that would come out of my mouth was,

"I missed you"


(Harry's p.o.v)

I sat round the camp site, Angelica to my left and my dad to the right. I was happy, no ecstatic, to see my dad after all this time. I knew I would see him again, I never lost hope, it just hasn't sank in that my dad was here, smiling and alive next to me. A big smile covered my face refusing to leave. My dad leaned in and whispered something into my ear.

"She's a pretty one isn't she? Make sure you don't lose her" I furrowed my eyebrows and sent my dad a questioning look. What did he mean? Who was he talking about? He raised his eyebrows at me, slid Angelica a quick glance, then looked at me again. It all made sense now, he was talking about Angelica. Wait, did he think there was something going on between Angel and I?

I quickly glanced at Angel then turned to see my dad smirking at me. "Yeah I guess" I replied simply shrugging my shoulders. I'm not exactly one to tell someone I hardly even know about my feelings towards a girl even if he is my very own dad. My dad shook his head and turned around while laughing. Strange man.

I shook my head at the thought and brought my attention to somewhere else. Angelica and Mr Stadford were deep in conversation probably catching up on everything they missed out on. Angelica was laughing at something her dad had said tilting her head back a bit while clutching her stomach for support. Just seeing her smile made be happy and her laugh was like music to my ears that I could listen to forever. 

"Finished staring?" My dad quietly asked in my ear. I jumped a mile then glared at my dad who was smirking like mad. I rolled my eyes at him then stood up fed up of talking to him. I walked over to where Zayn and Karolin were sat and plonked myself next to them listening to their conversation.

"Find him annoying yet?" Karolin questioned raising an eyebrow. How did she know I came here to avoid my dad? I nodded my head and sighed "They will be, that's what parents are for. To annoy and embarrass you for their own amusement" She continued. I chuckled a bit knowing she was right, My mum is embarrassing and my dad is annoying. The perfect match.

"So what were you two talking about originally?" I asked changing the subject. Zayn and Karolin looked at each other giving secret messages through their expressions before Zayn replied with a simple "Nothing".

I furrowed my eyebrows together and looked at them both curiously. They were hiding something and I didn't like it. I shook my head of the thought and started talking to Zayn and Karolin about random topics until the ground started to shake below us. Urgh, another earthquake?

I sighed fed up of all these earthquakes and held my head in my hands. I stayed it that position, waiting, and waiting, and waiting until I felt the ground below begin to split and the room temperature begin to increase. Realisation struck me as I looked at Liam worried. 

This was no earthquake, this was a volcanic eruption.

Eye Spy // Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now