Chapter 12

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(Harry's p.o.v)

I stood there not moving. There had to be a way out of this, A way to get her necklace without having to kill her. I couldn't kill her, I wouldn't! If I kill her Zayn or one of the other people from Angelica's group would kill me off anyway. It's too dangerous.

I looked into Angelica's eyes which were sad and questioning wanting to know what I'm going to do. I turned and looked at everyone else who were already staring at me waiting for some kind of response from me. My heart sank when I looked at Zayn. He was glaring at me as if warning me, if I do try to kill Angelica he will kill me straight after. No sympathy in his eyes just hate and disgust. Any friendship we still had was now gone, that friendly best friend of mine was no where to be found, he was gone and I don't think he is coming back. I sighed and turned back to face Angelica.

"No!"I shouted. I shook my head and walked up to Angelica "No! You can't tell me what to do. I will not kill Angelica, I will not kill my best friend!"I continued. Angelica smiled and ran up to me before she embraced me in a hug.

"Thank you Harry, I love you"She murmured. I hugged her back nuzzling my head into the crook of her neck. I missed my best friend, I missed her a lot. I suddenly realised what she had just said. I  pulled back and smirked at Angelica who gave me a questioning look.

"You love me do you? Can't resist the Styles I see"I winked at her. She rolled her eyes then lightly punched me in my upper arm.

"You know what I mean Styles, I love you in a best friend way"She explained causing me to  sigh. One thing ran through my mind, one thing I wanted to say to Angelica but I knew I couldn't. "I don't want you to love me in a best friend way, I want you to love me much more than that."

(Liam's p.o.v)

I took my eye contacts out along with everyone else but I kept my earpiece in. I could need to talk to the team back home if there is a problem here in the volcano. Also this earpiece is what will give me an idea of what everyone back home is doing, since Harry has gone against the team there will be a lot of arguing going on back home. They aren't exactly a happy bunch when someone stands up to them. I could hear on the other end of the line people were busy doing something. They didn't sound to cheery so I zoned out and ignored the comments they were giving about Harry rebelling against them. 

"Hey guys I'm a little tired, can we rest here for the night?"I heard Karolin ask the other people in Team Sting. They nodded and started settling down getting ready for the night. Karolin looked up at us all and smiled "You guys going to join us?"She asked curiously. I looked up at Louis and Tilly who just shrugged. 

"Why not"I replied taking off my backpack. I placed it on the floor and zipped it open searching for my  sleeping bag and mini two person tent. I pulled out the equipment I needed and a few fruit bars from my bag then I zipped it up. I unfolded the tent and set it up while the others did the same. Soon we were all sat down in a circle by our tents munching on the food we had brought with us.

"So tell us, why did Team Snap want Harry to kill Angelica?"Zayn asked confused. I nodded my head in agreement wanting to know why. What was wrong with Angelica that made Team Snap back at home want to kill Angelica? Was it because she was on a different team?

"You see that?"Harry questioned pointing to Angelica's necklace. "It's a DIAMOND necklace"Harry put the emphasis on Diamond. "And what are we all looking for?"Harry continued. It suddenly all made sense. Angelica is wearing a Diamond Necklace, She's wearing the diamond we're looking for.

"So how come Ms Malik or someone else from the Sting headquarters never noticed your necklace was the diamond we're all looking for?"Charlotte asked next to me. I shrugged my shoulders clearly not knowing.

Eye Spy // Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now