Chapter 13

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(Raquel's p.o.v)

"ANGELICA!” We all shouted causing the volcano to shake and her name to echo around the tunnels. It had been six hours now, six hours since she ran off. We'd left to find her as soon as we could but there was no sign of the girl. None of us were talking to Harry at the moment because he was stupid and couldn't control his mouth.

"ANGELICA"I shouted again. Yet again...Nothing. I sighed; this was going to be hard. The nine of us carried on searching for Angelica but none of us found anything. Something random popped into my head so I turned to Niall. "Hey Niall, You know your Super Glove? Did you say it had a navigator built in?” I asked.  Niall furrowed his eyes in confusion wondering what I was talking about before his eyes widened and he nodded. "Pass it here a minute” I demanded grabbing the glove off Niall. I fiddled with a few of the wires, snapping them in half, connecting every wire to different ones and twisting the wires into place before I closed the wire pocket back up and handed it to Niall.

"What did you do to it?"Niall asked curiously, staring at his glove. I explained to him how I had changed the settings. The glove is looking for the diamond and since Angelica is wearing the diamond the glove will show us where she is. I fiddled with his glove because now when you turn it on a red dot shows up on the floor and it turns into an arrow when we need to turn down a different tunnel. It's an easier way for us all to see where we have to go, so hopefully no one will get lost. Niall turned on his glove and waited a few minutes while it scanned the area. Finally the red light popped up and told us to carry on walking forward. We made our way towards where the glove was telling us to go shouting Angelica's name every so often. I looked at Niall's glove and stopped in my tracks.

"Wait guys” I shouted to everyone grabbing Niall's glove. Something wasn't right; the red dot showing Angelica wasn't moving. Had she stopped and we'd carried on walking until we'd over taken her? But wouldn't we have seen her on our travels? The only thing I could think of confused me so much. Somehow Angelica was below us.

(Angelica’s p.o.v)

I don’t know where I was heading or which part of the volcano I was at but I knew one thing for sure. The temperature was rising, rising rapidly. I stopped and took off my backpack searching through it until I found a pair of safety scissors. I rolled my eyes; did the people back home really think I am a kid?? I sat down on the floor and cut off three quarters off my trouser leg making it look like I’m wearing shorts. It felt a little colder but still not enough, it was still too hot.  I groaned standing up and started walking in a random direction not caring about where I was going. If I need help finding my way back I’ll easily turn my earpiece on and ask the people back home for directions. I got bored after a while and started humming the tune to Eyes Open by Taylor Swift.

Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown,

Everybody’s watching to see the fallout.

Even when you're sleeping, sleeping,

Keep your ey-eyes open.

Well everyone’s seen the fallout, so next is the breakdown. I need to stay strong, There is a possibility my dad is still alive so my walls can’t crumble, I can’t give up, I can’t let them win. I need to do this for my dad, for my mum, for Team Snap, and mostly for me.  

I walked around aimlessly for about 15 minutes until I got really bored. Without Zayn and the others in my group this mission has become really boring. I was now regretting running off but I knew it was the right thing to do. It’ll make Harry realised how important I really am to this mission, I’m more important than he thinks. I set up my tent next to a pool of clean water then went for a swim to pass the time. Who said you can’t have a bit of fun on a mission? Last time I checked no one has said that before so I’m going to make use of this privilege while I have it.

Eye Spy // Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now