Chapter 8

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(Karolin's p.o.v)


Rolling around in my bed to face my bedside cabinet I reached out and grabbed my ringing phone off the desk. I groaned into my pillow before sitting up in my bed and switching the alarm on my phone off. I walked over to Raquel's bed and shook her lightly attempting to wake her up. After shaking her for a few minutes I gave up since she wouldn't wake up. A cunning plan popped into my head so I went over to Angel's bed and woke her up. She woke up almost instantly to my luck so while I went and got my camera, Angel went and got some items we would need for the plan. When she returned I pressed play on the camera and nudged Angel over to Raquel's bed.

"1, 2, 3, GO!"I shouted at the end. Angel tipped the bucket upside down pouring all the cold water and ice over Raquel. Raquel immediately shot out of bed screaming. I looked at Angel and we both burst out laughing. I clutched my stomach that was starting to get stitches from laughing to much and high fived Angel with my other hand.

"OH MY GOD! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU BOTH!"Raquel practically screamed getting out of bed and running after me. I turned around quickly and left the room screaming at the top of my lungs. As I ran away I passed the boys room so I quickly ran in there and shut the door before Raquel could get in. "OPEN THE DANG DOOR BEFORE I BREAK IT DOWN"Raquel screamed again banging on the door.

"NEVER"I screamed back locking the door. I turned around to see Zayn and Niall stood with their eyebrows raised and smirks on their faces. "What?"I snapped causing them to look around like they hadn't been watching. I sat down on the closest bed and watched the boys as they finished packing little bits and bobs into their backpacks. We were only allowed to take two items of our own with us to the Galapagos Islands so that we could remember home. I watched as Niall put a little leprechaun teddy and a golden clover necklace into his bag before zipping it up and slinging it over his shoulder. I turned to see Zayn putting a Mirror and his matching bracelets into his bag, I don't know why he's bringing bracelets but apparently they mean something to him so he's taking them. (Side picture).

"Come on, lets go get ready, we leave in 30 minutes"Zayn announced picking up his back and walking over to the door. He unlocked it and opened it to see an angry looking Raquel stood there with her arms cross.

"If we didn't have to go now, I'd soooooo kill you!"Raquel hissed angrily. Niall walked out and kissed her on the cheek and suddenly her mood changed. "There, Now do you feel better?"Niall asked grinning. Raquel nodded her head smiling brightly. "Come on lets go get ready"Niall continued before holding Raquel's hand and walking off to the changing area.

(Angelica's p.o.v)

When we got to the changing area, there was a large mass of people running around frantically trying to get everything ready for our mission. We walked over to the clothes section and quickly pulled out the bags with our outfit's in. They had been prepared ready for us so we could quickly change into them in the morning. I grabbed the bag with my name on it and opened it up to see some black stretchy skinny jeans and a black/red/grey top that was similar to the hunger games (External link for picture).

I walked into the nearest changing room and quickly got changed into the outfit. I stuck my matching wedge suede hi-top trainers on as well. They were really comfy and easy to run in which was quite shocking. I put my hair in two braids and let my hair fall to one side in a pony tail. I put my Bird Cluster Pony Elastics on my wrists just in case I needed more bobbles later on and they look good as bracelets any way so they were kind of like accessories. I put my Ippolita Diamond & Hematite Lollipop Pendant Necklace around my neck then left the changing room. When I got outside I noticed everyone was already there waiting for me.

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