Chapter 1

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(Angelica's p.o.v)

I put my earpiece in and turned the volume up to full, blasting the music into my ears. I said my goodbye's before I closed my front door and left the house, making my way to school. I nearly burst out singing along to Olly Murs' song but held back when someone tapped my right shoulder making me jump and nearly drop my phone.

"What ya listening too?" The person asked taking one of my earpieces out and sticking it into his ear like it was his own.

I glared at Harry before saying, "Olly Murs, Dance with me tonight."

He smiled and nodded his head before he grabbed my hand and twirled me around causing my earpiece to fall out of my ear. He then started dancing and singing down the street swinging his and my hand together with the beat. He is crazy!

I shook my head laughing and joined him. Hey if you can't beat him join him right? We sang and danced all the way to school listening to about 3 other songs before we reached the school gates with a sign saying 'Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School' above it.

We walked inside the school gates and saw our best friends Sarah, Kaylee and Zayn sitting by the outdoor fountain talking. We always met up earlier and talked before school. It was something we all loved to do even if that did mean getting up earlier then going to school before it starts. 

I walked up to Kaylee who was pushing her long blond hair behind her shoulders. She smiled her toothy grin when she saw me, her brown eyes twinkling a bit in the light. She started waving like a madman which caused me to chuckle. Sarah on the other hand was more "normal" and just sat there smiling. Her usually long straight brown hair was in a bun at the top of her head and her blue coloured eyes were covered by a new set of red glasses.

Suddenly, a pair of hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a hug. I smelled the scent of vanilla and immediately knew it was Zayn. His dark brown hair was gelled up in a quiff today causing his brown eyes to stand out more. When he let go of me smiling like a loony I turned towards the only person not to excited to be here. Harry was stood in the back round quietly, his curly brown hair hidden in a beanie and his gorgeous green eyes dull and sad. His originally funny, cheeky and awesome attitude was gone replaced with a miserable boring one. 

I raised my eyebrows at Harry questioningly but all he did was look away avoiding my eyes. Strange. Only fifteen minutes ago he was twirling me around to one of my favourite songs.

We all talked for a bit about a new movie coming out in the cinema soon before the school bell went off signalling we had to go to first class which sadly was Maths. One of my most hated subjects, along with Spanish, English and every other subject. No matter how hard I try it all just looks like a blur and confuses me. My doctor says that's the effect of Dyslexia and Dyscalculia but I don't believe him. In reality I'm just stupid and all of the academic talents when to my brother.

I sighed and said goodbye to the others before leaving for Maths with Harry aka a maths whiz and the only thing that keeps me going in maths class.

When we got to the dreaded class we were greeted by Miss Rider who handed us our maths sheets with a chirpy smile on her face. I sent her a confused look wondering how she could be so happy about maths, especially this early in the morning. I looked down at the sheet only to face blurred letters that I could not understand. While shaking my head I sat down in my seat at the far back and started doodling on the back of my sheet.

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