Chapter 11

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(Louis' p.o.v)

I looked around the volcano chamber in awe. The jewels were dazzling and every single one of them twinkled as bright as a star. I placed my hand on the rocky wall and slowly walked around touching all the jewels as I went. I stopped after a while and turned towards the others.

"Do you know how many Superman costumes I could buy if we took some of these jewels home?"I asked excitedly. I could buy loads, one for every day of the week if I took a few jewels home. Tilly rolled her eyes at me while Charlotte laughed.

"Dude we're in the middle of a mission in a VOLCANO and you're talking about how many costumes you could buy if you took some of these jewels home. This volcano could explode at any moment and we could die how mental are you?"Liam questioned sarcastically. I glared at him before I turned around and started pulling out some of the jewels from the walls. I pulled out a few Sapphires, Amethysts and Emeralds from the walls and I put them in my bag zipping it up afterwards to make sure I didn't drop any of them later.

I picked up my bag and walked over to the guys who were now a bit further into the chamber. Just as I reached the other I heard a crack noise and the floor underneath me began to break. I looked up at Tilly to see she had a worried expression on her face. I heard her shout one word before we went plummeting down the volcano in full speed "Muscovite"....

(Karolin's p.o.v)

I looked around the volcano in confusion. I could hear a noise but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. It sounded like a scream, Someone screaming, A person's scream! THERE ARE PEOPLE HERE?

I looked up at the rocky ceiling as it sounded like the screaming was coming from above. The screaming got louder as if it was somehow getting closer and the next thing I knew the ceiling collapsed and landed on my head knocking me out cold. 

(Angelica's p.o.v)

"KAROLIN!"Zayn shouted running up to Karolin. He tried moving the rocks away but they would lift. They were too heavy. Niall ran up to remove the rocks off of Karolin but he froze when he saw something else move under the rocks, And it wasn't Karolin...

5 people emerged from the rocks and Raquel and I screamed. 3 of them moaned, 1 of them told us to shut up and the other one just froze when he saw me. I looked at the boy in complete shock. My whole body went stiff and my throat went dry. It couldn't be? It's not him? Is it? 

Brown curly hair,

Emerald green eyes,

Two cute dimples,

And a smile to die for.

It is him....It is Harry...

(Harry's p.o.v)

My smile suddenly disappeared. I looked into her deep brown eyes that were full of pain and fear. Why did it have to come to this? It was like I was in a tragic story. The one person who had to be my enemy is my best friend and she is standing right in front of me scared of what is happening right now. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. My throat was dry and it was like I had forgotten what words were.

A quiet moan was what snapped Angel out of her motionlessness. Angel ran up to the girl who made the moan and kneeled by her side. She started throwing rocks everywhere not caring how heavy they were. A blond lad came by her side not long after and helped Angel move the rocks off of the girl.

"Karolin are you okay?"The blond lad asked and I could easily hear the Irish in his voice. So that's the girls name, Karolin, What an.....Interesting name.

I looked up at Zayn and my heart sank. He was sobbing into another girls shoulder while the girl comforted him. He must really care about the Karolin girl. 

"Are you alright?"I asked walking up to Zayn. He lifted his head off of the girls shoulder and nodded at me. He wiped his eyes and sniffed.

"Just a bit shaken up"He smiled weakly at me. I noticed his eyes widen and a huge grin filled his face. "KAROLIN!"He shouted running past me to Karolin who had now woken up and was finally standing. Had wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight.

"Oh gosh Zayn, you're hugging me too tight!"Karolin moaned "I can't breathe"She whispered which made Zayn let go instantly.

"I'm so sorry Karolin"Zayn apologized guilt in his voice.

"Dude calm down. It wasn't that bad. You could've just hugged me softer instead of letting go"Karolin chuckled then blushed realising what she had just said. I smirked at her.

"Who are you guys? And why are you here?"Tilly asked. I looked at Angelica and suddenly felt nervous. Angel looked to the floor.

"Urm Tilly, They are the Sting spy team. This is Angelica, my best friend"I trailed off at the end. Tilly's eyes widened and everyone's mouths dropped open (Not mine and Angelica's of course). "Hi Angel"I smiled at her but she didn't return it. Well that was mean! And it hurt like an arrow had pierced through my heart! Where has that perfect smile of hers gone?

"Your Harry?"The blonde boy asked. I nodded and looked up at Zayn. "Y-Your Angelica's and Zayn's best friend?"His voice went quieter into nearly a whisper. I just nodded again, not knowing what to say.

The next minute my eye contacts went blurry and zoomed in on something. The necklace Angel is wearing?? It zoomed in even closer and I realised something shocking...

...It was a diamond...But not just any diamond...The diamond we're looking for...

My ear piece turned on and the next few words were the words I didn't want to hear the most. My heart started racing and my head started screaming "No!" It seemed like everyone else in the room was told the exact same thing aswell and they were all looking at Angelica and Me.

The words were;

...Kill Her...


Oooh! I loved writing this part :D :D So excited! :P

Okay this chapter might have seemed a little Journey To The Centre Of The Earth like at the start but I had good reasons for it :) 


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