Chapter 20 - Finale

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(Angelica's p.o.v)

"Angelica Naomi Stadford you get here right this instant or no sweeties for you after tea" My mother called after me as I ran off as fast as I could towards the birthday cake isle on the far left hand corner of the shop. I giggled a little as I reached a big chocolate cake with a design of a monkey on it.

"Get this one for daddy mummy, I love monkeys and I love chocolate" I suggested pointing at the cake on the middle shelf too high for me to reach but low enough for me to see. My mum angrily made her way up to me and forcefully grabbed hold of my hand.

"For the last time don't run off okay? And your dad hates chocolate cake so we're not getting that. Jackson go get a Victorian sponge cake with vanilla icing for me please" My mum instructed causing me to sigh as my brother nodded his head and walked further down the isle to get a sponge cake. We hardly ever got cake and when we did it was never chocolate, always something else like vanilla sponge cake or lemon cake, which neither I liked.

"Now come on Angelica, your dad comes home in an hour and we need to get home before he does. Stop messing around and stay by me." My mum grabbed hold of the shopping trolley and scurried off down another isle to get a happy birthday balloon for my dad, the wheels squeaking as they quickly spun around. I followed her towards the isle dragging my feet across the floor as I walked. Way to disappoint a seven year old child, refuse to get them chocolate cake.

As I reached the trolley full of delicious foods Jackson came round the corner holding an average sized Victorian sponge and a packet of blue birthday candles. He placed them in the trolley carefully before he turned and bent down to my height.

"Don't worry sis, at home I have a chocolate log roll cake stashed in the cupboard of my room. When everyone else has Victorian sponge cake you can have chocolate" He whispered in my ear causing me to giggle again. He pulled back and winked at me before he stood up normally and started a conversation with our mum.

Once we'd gotten everything we needed my mum went to the tills and paid for it all while my brother kept an eye on me. We then made our way to my mum's little red toyota aygo on the left side of the parking lot. As Jackson put all the bags of food into the boot my mum strapped me into my car seat. She placed the cake in the seat next to mine so it didn't get squashed in the boot then closed the door and went to her own seat the same time Jackson went to his. They both strapped themself in and my mum started the engine.

As my mum drove off back home I turned to look at the Victorian sponge cake in the seat next to mine with disgust. Vanilla icing and jam filling tasted horrible but the less I eat the more someone else eats, right? Such a shame my dad never came home so no one got to eat it..."

***Present time***

"Angelica?" I turned slowly to see Harry, a frown on his face and his eyebrows furrowed together staring at me confused. His arms were crossed over his toned chest making his muscles flex and look huge, you could tell he'd been working out.

"What?" I asked weakly lifting my hand up to wipe the tears falling from my dull coloured eyes. The memory of the day my dad left was still clear in my mind ready to haunt me for the rest of my life.

"I asked if you wanted to go now, it's getting pretty late" He replied quietly looking down at his blue Rolex watch on his right hand. I nodded slowly, turning to look at my dad's newly made grave one last time before I stood up and made my way to Harry. He opened up his arms to hug me and I didn't deny them. He knew I would except his hugs as they were my favourite source of comfort. I loved the way he likes to wrap his arms around my waist then link his fingers together so I can't break out of the hug until he wants to. The way he always rests his head in the crook of my neck, his breath tickling me causing goosebumps he doesn't notice to form on my arms. I love the fact that his aftershave Bleu de Chanel which was my favourite aftershave never fails to fill my nostrils making the place smell amazing. Finally I just love the way his arms comforted me like no others and made me feel safe, like a shield was around us whenever we hugged.

"Everything will be okay Angel" He reassured softly in my ear, holding me tight to his chest. He leaned back slightly and kissed my forehead with his soft pink lips before he dropped his arms to the side and started walking off towards his black Range Rover.

I looked around the ghastly and eerie cemetery for the last time as the cold wind hit my face and sent chills down my body. I watched as the overgrown vines rustled in the wind around the decaying tombstones before they stilled as the wind disappeared. I turned around and walked away from the cemetery my dad's body was buried in without looking back. 

This was the end of my dad's life but only the beginning of mine. I was finally back home in Cheshire with my family and friends. I am going to South Cheshire College to study Childrens Counselling next September. I don't need to worry about the diamond anymore because it is under safe protection in the headquarters in London. There was more adventures to come, more choices to make and more memories to create and as I walked up to my beautiful brown haired boyfriend I knew I wanted to share all of this with him. 

"You ready to go?" Harry asked as I opened the passenger door and stepped into his range rover. I buckled myself in and breathed deeply feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. 

"Ready as I'll ever be" I replied simply and he started the ignition and drove off to who knows where.


Ohhh lets cry :') It's the end of Eye Spy!!! 

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS VOTED! COMMENTED! OR EVEN JUST READ MY FANFIC! I didn't expect to get 1000 reads let alone 23,000 so THANK YOU ALL! :D

Also I have dedicated every chapter to the people who have written my favourite comments but 3 girls I specially dedicated for being awesome! Go check out my buddies:- Annie_Horan_Shelley, HeyItsMoule, and TayJadey13! :D They are great friends of mine.

Goodbye my lovelies! and thank you again! xx ~Rhi

Eye Spy // Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now