Chapter 9- Interesting Moustache...

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(Angelica's p.o.v)

I ran off the ferry and jumped up and down. We were here, finally! I sprinted to the people carrier and practically dived into it sitting down in one of the seats at the very back in the boot of the car. I was soon followed by Niall who sat in the seat in front of me, Raquel sat down next to him and Zayn sat down on the outside of the car next to Raquel. Karolin sat down beside me and two men sat in the front two seats by the steering wheel.

"All strapped in?"The man asked shouting over his shoulder. Everyone replied with a "Yes" before the man turned the engine on and drove off towards the spy base.

"oh my the way Niall, interesting moustache"I smirked poking my head through the seats. Niall gave me a confused look before his eyes widened. He turned to look in the window and groaned when he saw his reflection. An eruption of laughter suddenly filled the car and everyone watched Niall's now angry face.

"That was NOT funny guys! How long has this been there?"Niall asked annoyed pointing to the ink moustache on his face.

"oh only since the plane ride, Zayn was bored on the plane to he decided to pull a prank while you were asleep"Karolin replied calmly. She was the only one not laughing at the moment but as soon as she saw Niall's horrified face she burst out into fits of laughter.

"So that's why you were smirking and laughing earlier on the plane, because Mr over here decided it would be funny to give me a moustache"Niall glared at Zayn then washed the ink off his face with a wet wipe.

"yep"I answered before I looked out of the window taking in all the scenery.

15 minutes later we arrived at the spy base. There were a couple of tents forming a circle around the outside of a small guarded building. I'm guessing all the equipment and gadgets are in there. I got out of the car and was greeted by another man shaking my hand firmly. I smiled and walked off to a tent with my name on top of it. Inside was a small fold up bed, a few essentials and a note. I walked up, picked up the note and read it

Dear Angelica,

We know it's not much but here is your tent, you'll only be staying in here for 2 nights before you head off on your mission so you don't need much.

Please meet up inside the building at 11am. We need to go through your mission, Give you more information on where you are going, Give you all your gadgets and explain how to use them.

For now you can go to sleep since you've had a busy day travelling. And DON'T be late!

Good night :) Sting headquarters x

I look at my watch to see it was now half 2 in the morning. I can have 8 hours of sleep before I have to get ready and meet the others in the building. I walked over to the bed to see some clean clothes layed neatly on the pillow. I got changed and lied down on the bed under the duvet. I slowly drifted off to sleep in peace.


I was woken up at 10:30 by someone jumping up and down on my bed and shaking me. It was Raquel. I guess this was pay back for earlier.

"come on! get up, we have half an hour"she shouted in my ear VERY loudly.

"okay, don't need to make me deaf though"I moaned sarcastically putting my hand over my ear.

"oops, sorry"she mumbled before she left so I could get changed into my clothes. After changing into my spy outfit I put my hair into a high pony tail. I slipped my boots on and make my way to the building. As I got there I saw everyone already waiting for me. Karolin waved for me to hurry up so I jogged to where they were all stood.

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