Chapter 4

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(Angelica's p.o.v)

It had been 1 week, 1 week since Harry had left for London. 1 week of pure hell. This week had been terrible, I would wake up every morning, go downstairs and have food, then come back upstairs, flop onto my bed and cry all day about him not being here. Then I would cry myself to sleep at night and have nightmares about him, where he would forget about me. I hadn't talked to anyone since Harry left, no one, not even the curly haired boy himself.

People had called me, text me, tried to talk to me but I couldn't talk to anyone, No one understands what I'm going through. The only person I think that understands me is Zayn. He has been heartbroken too, I've seen stuff on Facebook talking about how he hasn't come to school and how he apparently has locked himself in his room. He must be going through a hard time too.

I know we're being pathetic but Harry is our best friend and we feel lost without him, or at least I do. I laid back on my bed and thought about everything. Wouldn't Harry hate to see me like this? Wouldn't he want me to be happy? Wouldn't he like me to have a happy life where I wasn't regretting everything for never giving the world a second chance? The saying "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it's yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be" popped into my head. I guess if I see Harry again the world is saying we are meant to be together but if I don't then we're not meant to be. That saying convinced me to give the world a second chance. People walk in and out of your life all the time and unfortunately it was Harry's turn to walk out of mine. Plenty more people are going to walk in and out of my life so I have to just go along with it.

I got up from my bed which was technically my home for the past week and went over to my shower. I turned the hot water on before stepping in and refreshing myself. I came out 10 minutes later. I wrapped a towel around myself before heading into my closet and picking out an outfit for the day. I wore (Click External Link For Picture) My Grey Mickey Mouse Tie Tank, My Low-Rise Cuffed Denim Shorts, and My Grey Sire Classic Pastry Sneakers. For accessories I wore My Friis & Company Jeda Black Bag and my Rhinestone Bangles. I put my hair in a messy bun before heading downstairs. Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs the phone went off. Since my mum has taken my little brother out to visit my auntie I had to answer the phone. I picked up the phone and pressed the answer button before putting it up to my ear. 

I heard the familiar voice of Zayn say "Angelica meet me outside my mum's work office in 10 minutes, okay?" I mumbled an okay back before pressing the end call button. I stuffed my phone, purse, keys and various other things into my bag before I left the house and made my way to meet Zayn. I thought about the phone call, Zayn seemed in a worried mood today, He was talking really fast and just got straight to the point instead of even saying Hi. I decided to leave the subject when I came to a big building in the middle of the town. I walked up closer to the building and was greeted by Zayn hugging me.

"Angel you came!"He shouted in an enthusiastic tone still hugging me.

"Yeah I did. Why are you so happy? Is there anything to be happy about?"I asked confused. I wanted to know why Zayn was so happy and excited. And why was I here?

"Angelica Don't tell me you're still sad about Harry. He's gone now, you need to get over that! You need to have fun like we used to when he was here." What the hell is he saying? He's gone now so get over it? How can I get over it? Yes maybe I do need to get over the fact Harry is gone but I can't just all of a sudden forget about him, that's impossible. I could feel I was getting angry so I thought maybe I should change the subject.

"Zayn why am I here?" With that question Zayn's face lit up like a little kids when they go into a Sweet shop and get told they can have whatever they want. He grabbed my arm before pulling me into the building which I now noticed was a bank. He took me to the front office and we were greeted by a lady wearing glasses who looked like she was in her late 20's.

"Hello this is St Georges Bank, How can I be at your assistance?"She asked not taking her eyes off the computer in front of her.

"We're here to see my mum. She should have said we were coming, I'm Zayn Malik"The lady looked up from her computer screen and smiled at us both.

"Oh yes you're Trisha's son, What a lovely looking lad you are. I have heard many great things about you"She said before calling a tall scary looking man over to the desk "Paul take these two to the Special room please" Special? What does she mean by Special? Are we going to a mental room or something?

Paul, Who I'm guessing is a security guard took us away. We went through so many hallways I lost count until we came to a room with a security lock. While Paul did the code I looked at Zayn and gave him a confused look. He just smiled at me and mouthed what I think was something like "Chill, it will be okay!" before turning backto face the door. Something tells me he has been here before. The door opened and Paul hurried us into the room. Inside the room was 3 lifts that all went downstairs. Wait downstairs? There is a downstairs? We stepped into one of the lifts and the doors closed behind us. The lift then started moving and I got that weird feeling in my stomach when you're nervous. Zayn noticed this so he held my hand to reassure me. I smiled at him until I heard the Ding meaning we had stopped. I breathed in before I saw the doors of the lift open. Once they were fully open Paul told us to go inside. We did as he said and went inside. My eyes were wide open and I'm pretty sure my mouth was too. I heard Zayn chuckle probably because I looked funny. There we were stood in front of a Spy Laboratory.

"Ahhh Agent Malik your here!"A lady in tall heels said walking up to Zayn before pulling him into a hug.

Agent? Zayn is a secret Agent?


Hope you liked this part and OMG Zayn is an Agent! What do you think of this part?

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