Chapter 10

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(Tilly's p.o.v)

"COME ON! HURRY UP! WE'RE NEARLY AT THE TOP!"Liam shouted ahead of us. Right now we were trekking up a really steep mountain on our way to the volcano. Liam was in the lead followed by me and the other 3 very tired people. Our car had run out of gas on our way here so our exercise coach told us to walk. Something about us needing the exercise because we are too lazy. Of course Liam was fine with walking about 10 miles but as for the rest of us we weren't that thrilled at the idea. Any minute now I think our knees are going to give in and we're all going to collapse on the floor.

I looked over at Harry to see he was holding onto a strap on Liam's bag while Charlotte and Louis were holding onto Harry's. I chuckled at the view. Liam was smiling but his face was tomato red from having to pull 4 people up a mountain. Harry and Louis were moaning that their feet were hurting and were begging for Liam to stop. Charlotte was just breathing in and out calming her self down while walking ever so slowly. 

After about half and hour we reached the top of the mountain and you could see the volcano in the distance. The bottom half of the volcano was brown rock and the top half was covered in pure white snow. It looked like the snow had been untouched for years, a clear sign that there hasn't been an eruption in a while. Silence filled the area as we all stood staring at the volcano in front of us, I'd never seen a volcano in real life before so I was taking in every detail.

The fact the volcano could erupt at any random time sent my stomach churning but not that much as Mr Blunt had told us it's highly unlikely the volcano is going to go off any time soon, but it isn't impossible so I'm staying cautious.

"Let's go"Louis finally instructed breaking the silence. I turned to look at Liam who had an offended expression on his face. Liam normally takes charge in situations so it was a shock to see someone else take charge instead, and even more of a shock because it was Louis. I turned back to Louis and shrugged "Okay"I replied starting to walk down the other side of the mountain towards the volcano. 

We walked for about an hour and a half before it started to get dark and everyone became tired. 

"Okay guys, let's stop and make camp for the night. We can carry on walking to the volcano tomorrow. I'm shattered and we're going to get nowhere at the pace we're walking in"I pulled my backpack off my shoulders and opened it looking for my fold up tent. Everyone else agreed stopping and getting their tents ready. We found a tree and set our tents up under it as the sky was getting cloudy meaning it was going to rain soon. The tree would give us some shelter from the rain and you wouldn't hear the rain tapping on our tents as much. That was my idea of course, Louis wanted to put the tents up right in the middle of the mountains where there was lots of rain but I slowly convinced him that was a terrible idea.

Once the tents were ready Charlotte and I went into my tent to talk and share the food we had. Only now had I realized how hungry I was from walking so much. My stomach made the sounds of a dying whale before me and Charlotte burst out laughing. I wiped the tears that had fallen from my eyes from laughing so much then I pulled an apple from my bag. I bit into it and cringed straight after. The insides were squishy, very watery and a light brown colour. It was obviously gone off but I hadn't noticed. I wasn't a very observant person when it came to these things. I could tell you all about Pythagoras' theorem or the history of Adolf Hitler simply but when it came to small things like gone off food I couldn't, strange right?

I finally settled on a cold chicken sandwich that I had secretly taken from Liam's bag while he was asleep in the car on the way here. Once I had eaten up I decided to go to sleep, big day tomorrow, need all the "beauty" sleep I can get. I said night to Charlotte before she left for her shared tent with Liam, I turned the little lamp off then settled down in my sleeping bag falling asleep for the night.

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