Chapter 3

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(Angelica's p.o.v)

I woke up the next morning with a killing headache. It felt like I was being hit in the head 50 times with a brick. I got up, slipped my fluffy rabbit slippers on and made my way to the bathroom. When I got there I looked in the mirror. My reflection gave me the chills, I looked HORRIBLE! My hair looked like frankinstein's bride's hair and my eyes were puffy and crimson red. My face was tear-stained and my throat felt dry.

If you want to know why I look like this it's because when I came home yesterday after being with Harry I went into my room and found my photo album. I flipped through all the photos and nearly everyone of them had Harry in it. I cried and cried for hours and finally fell asleep past 2 O'Clock still crying. Knowing Harry is leaving really showed me how much I care for him.

I opened the door of my wall cabinet and took out some pain killers. I filled my glass with water then quickly swallowed them whole (The tablets and drink). I hated taking tablets but I guess I had to. I turned on the shower, took off my pajamas and stepped into the warm water. It felt like the water was washing all my worries and thoughts away. Kind of relaxing my mind and body. After scrubbing my hair I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I went into my room and picked out an outfit for school.

I wore a salmon coloured Lipsy Dress with a black belt around my stomach, My Black Alfani Amor Flats and for Accessories I wore my Rare London Long Feather Bead Earrings with my Vince Camuto Yasmin Clutch (External link). I have to admit it actually looked really nice. I went over to my dressing table and sat down. I plugged in my hairdryer and blow dried my hair.

After that I got my curling iron out and started curling my hair. I nearly burnt myself when my little Brother Max jumped out and shouted BOO! I shouted at him for nearly giving me a heart attack before going back to what I was doing. Once I had finally finished I applied a little bit of make-up, Only some Mascara and Eye Liner to make me look presentable and not like a zombie. I checked myself over before grabbing my phone and school bag and heading downstairs.

I looked at the time and it was 8:42, Oh great I have 18 minutes to get to school and I haven't even had breakfast. I decided to give breakfast a miss and I left the house in a hurry to get to school ignoring all the comments my mum was giving me about always being late and breakfast being the most important meal and stuff like that.

I walked to school checking the time every two seconds to make sure I wasn't late. At one point I had to start running because I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make it in time. I reached the school gates just as the bell went off. I sighed in relief before heading off to class. I didn't have class with Harry until last lesson which sucks since this is the last school day I will ever see him. The day dragged and it felt like every minute was actually an hour. I must have looked at the clock about 100 times a minute but the hands never seemed to move.


I was sat in English with Harry. I had actually managed to get through the day without murdering me or the clock, I know you can't murder a clock but you can smash it up so...

Me and Harry were talking about London when the bell went to end school. WOW last lesson had gone quick for a change but I guess any lesson with Harry in it goes quick. We got up from our seats and I quickly jumped out of the way before everyone ran up to Harry and decided to give him a pile-on. Some people were happy he was leaving, others were devastated. Zayn, Kaylee and Sarah were crying and I just stood there trying not to have a scene like the one last night. The three came over to me and comforted me while we watched Harry say his final goodbyes to everyone at school. He wasn't saying goodbye to Me, Zayn and the girls until tomorrow because we are going to see him off at the airport.

After Harry had said his final goodbyes we started walking home. Sarah and Kaylee went a different way to their houses, Zayn got a lift because there is somewhere he has to be. So it was just me and Harry walking home together. I decided to take pictures of us both to remember him by, on our last school day together.

We took multiple shots of us two, smiling, pulling faces, posing, just the general stuff. I laughed at one where Harry didn't notice he was at the end of the curb so he stepped and fell face flat on the floor, God i'm going to miss these times with him. I got home did all the usual stuff like check Twitter, Have lunch, watch tv and have a shower. At 10pm I decided to go to sleep, get an early night because tomorrow is going to be a hard day.


I woke up to a message from Zayn.

"Hey Angel, Harry's plane leaves for the airport at 12 so meet Me and the Girls at Harry's around 10:30 xox -Zayn"

I looked at my digital clock that was on my desk before my eyes shot wide open. 09:58am, OH NO! I have 32 minutes to get ready and get to Harry's! I ran into the bathroom and turned the shower on before getting in a rushing to wash my hair and get out. I got out 5 minutes later and brushed my teeth.

I went into my bedroom and I picked an outfit before chucking it on quickly. I brushed my hair and stuck it in a messy bun not even thinking about drying it. I slipped my shoes on before grabbing my bag and running downstairs. I got a breakfast bar out of the cupboard before going to the front door and leaving the house. I didn't even bother saying good morning to my family, I just left my little brother watching me amused through the window.

I got to Harry's house just as they were about to leave. I ran up to the taxi and told Ms Cox I was sorry for being late. I hopped into one of the back seats next to Zayn and Kaylee before we set off for the airport.


When we got to the airport we hopped out of the taxi. Harry, Zayn and Ms Cox went and got the suitcases out of the boot while Me, Kaylee and Sarah paid the taxi and headed for the building. When we stepped inside we saw huge lines where people were checking into their flights and giving their suitcases in. People were running around hectically trying to find the right way to their boarding gates and people were crying because they had to say goodbye to their loved ones.

We were soon joined by the others before Ms Cox left to check in and give the suitcases in leaving us four to say our goodbyes for the final time. I realized that I really did love Harry and something about me wanted to tell Harry I did but something was holding me back.

"Well guys, I guess this is goodbye. I will miss you SO much" Harry said putting the emphasis on So. He sent us a weak smile before hugging us all individually. A tear rolled down my cheek but I wiped it away quickly so no one noticed.

"Were gonna miss you too bud!" Zayn smiled at Harry before Ms Cox came back and said they had to leave. This was it, The last time I was going to see Harry again. The last time I would see my Best Friend and the boy I love ever again. Harry turned to me to say something but nothing came out, He just hugged me before waving goodbye and disappearing into the crowd of people getting smaller and smaller until he was gone...


Did you like it? And I cried while writing this!

Where do you think Zayn went? I'll give you a clue, somewhere VERY important! You will find out soon :D

Comment/Vote! :)

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