Chapter 2

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(Angelica's p.o.v)

I ran for about another 10 minutes before coming to a little garden entrance. I had never noticed this garden before and it looked like no one else had either by the rusty old gate. I pulled at the gate and it creaked open slowly allowing entrance into the garden. I walked in and saw the most beautiful flowery garden I had ever seen.

There were so many different type of flowers, Pink Dahlia's, Red Roses, White Hydrangeas, Yellow Day lilies, Purple Pansies and more! There was loads of trees and grass paths to walk along leading you to this bridge that took you to what looked like an old Japanese themed garden and in the far right hand corner I could see a river that dissapeared behind the trees not long after. I'd have to go check that out later.

This definitely was the most wonderful and peaceful garden I have ever seen. I only wondered how no one else had seen this garden. They were completely missing out!

The beauty of this garden nearly made me forget about what had made me find this place. I laid down on the soft green grass and closed my eyes. It was so peaceful, The only sound was from the birds singing in the treetops. I started to think about what life is going to be like without Harry. A tear rolled down my cheek as I thought of him. I didn't want him to leave, I'm scared if he does I will never see or speak to him again. 

"Beautiful place isn't it?" All peace was gone as I was interrupted from my thoughts. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and opened my eyes to see Harry standing there with a tear stained face. He sat down next to me and smiled weakly.

"Harry have you been crying?" I asked concerned while sitting up fully to face him. I don't want him to cry, Especially if it's because of me!

"Don't change the subject, and don't answer a question by asking another question!" He stood up and held his hand out for me to take. I hesitated for a bit before grabbing his hand and standing up.

We started walking down a little path in silence before I heard water. We passed a few hedges and trees before coming to a wonderful Waterfall. I couldn't believe my eyes, It looked beautiful. Harry sat down on the edge of the land. He took his shoes off and put his feet into the water. I copied and did the same. We both sat there staring at the waterfall in peace and silence. 

"You know I'm really going to miss you Angelica, you're probably the hardest person for me to leave. I wont forget you and I hope you wont forget me and you better talk to me and skype me everyday" I looked at Harry and I could see he was nearly in tears. I was nearly crying myself but I held it in and smiled.

"You know I wont forget you Harry, I could never forget you and of course I will Skype you everyday and talk to you everyday. It wont be as good as talking face to face but it will have to do."

By now we were both in tears, sad and happy tears. Harry sent me a weak smile before pulling me into a hug, I'm going to miss his hugs so much. I closed my eyes and tried to remember every little detail about Harry and his hugs.

He likes to wrap his arms around my waist then he likes to link his fingers together so I can't break out of the hug until he wants to. He always rests his head in the crook of my neck, his breath tickling my neck causing goosebumps he doesn't notice to form on my arms. His smell of Bleu de Chanel which was my favourite aftershave never fails to fill my nostrils making the place smell amazing. I took it all in not leaving out a single detail that I could possibly forget.


After a while we both got up but not before Harry picked one of the beautiful flowers and placed it carefully in my hair. We made our way out of the little garden looking back one last time to capture one last image. This was now our little garden, Mine and Harry's special place and if I ever see him again I will make sure we come here.

When we were out of the garden we closed the gate and started walking back to our houses. They were only 2 streets away from each other so we walked back together. On our way back something popped into my head...

"Harry when are you leaving?" I stopped walking and looked at him, I knew he was going but when?

"I leave in two days, tomorrow is my last day of school then Saturday I leave for London" He sounded sad and disappointed, I understand why. My heart sank as I realized in two days my best friend was leaving Cheshire and moving to London and there is a possibility I might never see him again...Or that's what I thought...


I hope you like this chapter and sorry If it is soooooo short they will get longer just been busy with stuff! :) The garden Angelica goes to is on the right  ----->>>


Love youuu    -Rhiannon

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