Chapter 19

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(Harry's p.o.v)

I held Angelica in my arms tightly, the sky above forming grey clouds full of warm water as Alan's and Mr Stadford's bodies were taken away. The past hour has been agony. It consisted of Angelica sobbing into my chest while I comforted her by whispering soft words into her ear and of me trying to hold in my own tears while listening to my heartbroken dad go on and on and on about how much he's going to miss his best pal. To stay the least, we were all having a bad day.

I sighed picking up Angelica who had now fallen asleep in my arms and carried her over to the black mini van parked up waiting for us all. We're all going back to London where Team Sting have been relocated. Team sting and snap are coming to an end. Mrs Malik is becoming head of Britain's spies and the main headquarters is going to be the old one in London. No more Cheshire. No more teams. No more Alan.

Liam slid the van door open and helped me place Angelica into one of the seats. I leaned over and grabbed her seat belt before I plugged it into the socket. I found a seat next to her and strapped myself in as the others piled into the van.

"You ready guys?" The driver in the front shouted at all of us. Liam and Charlotte replied with a 'yes' before the engine started and we drove off for the docks. I rested my head on Angelica's shoulder and closed my eyes slowly drifting off into a deep sleep just as the rain started to fall from the sky.


"HARRY! ANGELICA! WAKE UP WE'RE HEREEEEE!" Louis called waking me out of my sleep. Not that I was complaining, I'd had a horrible nightmare that I just couldn't wake up from. Well until Louis practically shouted at us. I groaned in response bringing my right arm up to rub my eyes as Angelica shuffled slightly underneath me. As my vision became clear I saw Louis smirking at us with a camera in his hands. "Say cheeseeeee!" before I had a chance to figure out what he was doing a bright flash went off.

"Louis!" I yelled covering my eyes with my hands. "What was that for?" I questioned raising my voice a little. The only reply I got was "you two look cute" before he turned around and dashed off to where I'm guessing the entrance to the ferry was. I sighed lifting my head up slightly to see mine and Angelica's legs were tangled up and her arms were wrapped around my waist. I smiled slightly before I carefully untangled my legs from hers and peeled her arms off me.

I unclipped my seat belt and stepped out of the van into the damp and humid air of the Isabela islands. Even when the sun wasn't shining the temperature was still warmer than in Britain. That is what I love most about the Isabela Islands, even it's worst weather is better than Britain's best.

I turned around to see Angelica sitting up in her seat, rubbing her eyes in the process.

"Good afternoon sleeping beauty" I chuckled trying to lighten Angelica's mood. All she did was smile at me weakly before she undid her seat belt and jumped out of the van. I opened my arms wide for her as she slowly walked over to me. She accepted my hug and held me like she was scared I would disappear. I felt something cold and wet on my chest and quickly realised Angelica was crying.

"Aww Angel don't cry" I whispered stepping back till we were arms length apart. I held onto her shoulders and looked into her teary brown eyes. "Trust me, we'll get through this together okay?" I reassured her wiping the newly formed tears off her cheeks. Angelica nodded her head slightly and sniffed before she lifted her hands and rubbed her eyes.

"come on, lets get out of here." I dropped my left arm to my side and grabbed hold of Angelica's hand with the other one. I gave it a soft squeeze before we made our way to the ferry. 

As we walked onto the ferry I heard Louis freaking out about what i think was a chocolate fountain. I chuckled and found a seat on the top deck next to the edge over looking the South Pacific Ocean.

Eye Spy // Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now