Chapter 18

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(Charlotte's p.o.v)

I woke up to quiet whispers outside my small tent. I reached up and rubbed my eyes slowly adjusting to the scene around me. I squinted my eyes and grabbed the nearest pillow to shield my face as Liam unzipped the tent opening and peered inside letting light hit every single corner of the tent. I put my pillow down and sighed knowing I was not going to be able to get back to sleep.

"Great you're awake, breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes love" Liam smiled leaning over and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled back and hid my face in the pillow, a blush creeping up to my cheeks. I heard Liam chuckle quietly before leaving the tent and going back to what he was previously doing.

I sat up slowly and grabbed my backpack rummaging through it to find my hair brush. I quickly brushed through my brown hair getting rid of most of the knots before I stuck it into a messy ponytail. I changed my underclothes and switched my tshirt for my very last clean one before I exited my tent.

"She's up everyone, Louis you own me a tenner" Niall smirked earning a high five from Zayn. Louis looked shocked and horrified before he turned and glared at me. "Looks like I know Charlotte better than you do Lou, and you've known her longer" Niall and Zayn chuckled causing Louis to turn back at glare at them too.

"Why couldn't you just go back to sleep?" Louis moaned looking at me with sad eyes. "I could've won a tenner" He whimpered. I furrowed my eyebrows together and my mouth turned the shape of an O.

"Y-you guys bet whether I would get up or not?" I asked shocked that they would do something so low. The boys looked down at the floor nodding slowly while all the girls smirked in the left hand corner. "Well to bad because none of you have money with you and I think you've forgotten we're all ENEMIES! Different teams! My team are going back to London with that diamond from Angelica's neck while team sting go back to Cheshire empty handed. You will never see eachother again so none of you will get money" I stated sitting down next to Liam picking up 2 thick pancakes from the pile while doing so.

"Who said you're going back with the necklace? It is Angelica's after all so we're taking it back to team Sting headquarters" Karolin interjected raising her voice a little. This was the first time I'd heard her slightly overpowering tone and it gave me quite a shock.

"Karolin relax a bit, it's okay" Zayn smiled weakly carefully placing his hand on Karolin's upper arm. Karolin instantly relaxed at Zayn's touch but she still kept a serious face. I sighed knowing that diamond on Angelica's necklace is going to be harder to get than I thought. Suddenly Mr Styles started shaking his head and looked at Mr Stadford worry covering all over his face.

"You guys are the same team aren't you?" He finally asked which we replied to by shaking our heads. He let out an unstable sigh and shifted in his seat awkwardly. He started playing with his fingers and finally said "You guys can't go back to London, Team Snap you HAVE to go back to Chesire. Alan and his little group of people are bad, they want that diamond to change the world and not for the good of the place. They want to cause a war, a war to destroy everything on the earth so they can rebuild it like they want. They don't care about you, they never did, they just want that diamond off your neck" He explained pointing towards Angelica's diamond necklace.

"I still see no reason why Team Sting are in this then" Louis stated seriously. I nodded my head in agreement. Then why did Team Sting want the diamond? So they could destroy the world and build it the way they want.

"Team Sting are a group of agents sent to protect the earth, to protect the people, sounds magical right? Well it's not. We're just here to stop the nasty plan Alan has made and then to destroy that diamond before it destroys us" Mr Styles chipped in finally at the end. "That is why you cannot go back to London with that diamond. The main reason we stayed here in this volcano was so people thought the diamond was still missing with us, they never would've thought Angelica had it all this time. It was the perfect plan until you all showed up here" He raised his eyebrows amused at our facial expressions. I think mine looks a bit guilty and sad that their plan had been ruined because of us.

I heard a few of the guys mutter sorry under their breath but I kept silent shocked that Alan wasn't who I thought he was and he wasn't honest and truthful like I believed. I also couldn't quite grasp the fact I was never going back to London, never going back to the place I've called home for so many years.

I finished off my pancakes and crawled back into my tent suddenly feeling sick. How could I have been so stupid to believe Alan was a good guy? He acted so kind, so opposite to a bad guy but really he was using us all along.

I sighed and grabbed my earpieces out of my backpack's side pocket. I turned them on and put them on waiting to hear someone at the headquarters. I heard nothing and was going to turn them off until I suddenly heard people talking on the other end. It was hard to hear but I understood after listening very carefully. The message wasn't for me but for someone else which is why I was shocked and scared.

"When we get to their camp I want you to shoot them all so I can take the diamond and go quickly before anyone else comes, got it?" Alan's question ran through my ears giving me shivers. They were coming here? To kill us all? How sick and twisted were they? I turned my earpieces off quickly and slid out of the tent to meet everyone's questioning eyes.

"What's wrong Charlotte?" Raquel asked confusion and concern covering her face. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. They were stuck in the back of my throat unable to get out.

I closed my mouth and relaxed for a minute. I breathed in and out heavily a few times before opening my mouth to speak. As I did so a car came to view out in the horizon speeding quickly towards us. My eyes shot open as my hand shot up and pointed in the direction of the car. I was shaking crazily and stuttering like mad.

"T-That C-Car, Alan is in there. T-they're coming t-to kill us" I stuttered still pointing at the car nearing us causing everyone to panic. They all grabbed their bags in a hurry, slung them over their shoulders and made a mad dash in another direction leaving the tents behind. Liam grabbed my hand and ran off the way Mr Styles was going.

Thirteen minutes later my heart was pounding quickly and my forehead was breaking out into a sweat. My legs were starting to ache but I pushed myself harder to make sure I didn't stop. I looked around while running for a place to hide and to my luck on the left was a group of tall boulders, enough to hid us all behind.

I tugged at Liam's hand and pointed at the boulders. He nodded his head and called the others while we made a B line for the boulders. When we reached there I ducked down behind one of the smaller boulders with Liam and waited for the others to arrive. Eventually they all caught up and hid behind their boulders in pairs. I looked over at Tilly and Louis and put my index finger up to my lips to signal them to stop their whispering.

I heard the car drive closer as I held my breath hoping nothing would go wrong now. The car drove passed not even noticing us and when I know for sure it was gone I let out a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"That was lucky" I muttered standing up. I turned around and my feet froze on the spot as my eyes widened. Right in front of me was a smirking Alan holding a silver gun towards my head. "But not lucky enough" He replied cocking his gun ready to fire. Was this really it? Was I really going to die this way? Shot by a single bullet from a man I'd once been close too? I heard another gun load and moved my head to the right a bit to see Mr Styles pointing a gun at Alan's head.

"You shoot her, I shoot you" He stated simply with hate in his eyes. I looked back at Alan and saw his facial expression had changed a bit. Was I seeing things or did Alan actually have a bit of fear in his eyes. I glared at him and waited for his next action. "Now put the gun down and leave" Mr Styles spoke finally still holding the gun up towards Alan's head. I saw the corner of Alan's mouth twitch and slowly a sly grin appeared on his face. I closed my eyes knowing what was going to happen next.

Someone in the distance shouted no as Liam tackled me to the ground and the sound of a gun went off followed by another one. I hadn't been shot but I still had a sick feeling in my stomach. I slowly opened my eyes to see Raquel and Niall standing still horrified. Tilly and Louis with sympathetic looks on their faces and Karolin with Zayn hugging, faces hidden in each others shoulders but the sight that hurt me the most was the sight of Angelica crying into Harry's arms standing next to a sad Mr Styles and a dead Mr Stadford and Alan.

Alan had shot Mr Stadford then Mr Styles had shot him...

Eye Spy // Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now