Chapter 7

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(Harry's p.o.v) 

**** "WAIT HARRY!"Liam shouted running up to me. "It's not that simple"

"Why isn't it simple? We just go to Holmes Chapel, get Angelica, then come back here ready to go find my dad, What is so complicated about that?"

"Angelica is already a spy, for the enemy..." ****

I froze on the spot! She is already a spy? For the enemy? This couldn't be true, I wont let it be true!

"Her and Zayn work for the enemy. Zayn's mum is head of the Sting spy headquarters in Cheshire so she hired Zayn and Angelica as spies"Liam continued "There is only 2 spy headquarters, Sting and Snap, both spy headquarters are after the same thing, something that could change the world completely. Unfortunately the only two people who can find that thing are against each other so now it is going to be twice as hard to find it"

"And what are we looking for?"I asked interrupting Liam. I was just technically told me and my best friend are the only people on the earth who can find something that could change the world yet I don't even know what the bloody thing is! "It's a diamond, your dad and Angelica's dad went searching for it many years ago but they never returned, no one has seen them since"Liam replied casually. So we are looking for a diamond? Why it that so special? I decided to push my thoughts to the back of my head when an old man and two younger people entered the room. 

"Hello Harry"The old man said going over to the couch and sitting down while holding his back "I really am getting old, I can barely sit down anymore"He continued relaxing further into the couch. I raised my eyebrows confused. Who the hell was this dude and why was he telling me this? 

"Urm not trying to be rude but who the hell are you?"I asked earning a chuckle from the two younger people. The old man started to smile. "Your just like your dad you know that. Cheeky, Nosey and always full of questions"The old man remarked blatantly ignoring my question. I rolled my eyes, I was so used to being told I was just like him that now it was starting to get annoying. 

"So?"I asked changing back to the subject "Who are you?" The old man sighed. "My name is Alan, Alan Blunt (Picture on the side) I am head of Mission Control. I decide what missions to go on and who goes on them. In this case I'm in charge of the diamond mission that your going on"He smiled up at me then looked at the two younger people who I had yet been introduced to. 

"Oh and these lovely people are called Louis and Tilly" I looked at the two people and smiled. Louis had sea green eyes and brown hair that swept to one side. He was tall but wasn't as tall as me. Tilly was slightly shorter than Louis, She had light blue eyes and dark blond hair. They both were wearing black outfits. Louis was wearing a tuxedo and supras while Tilly was wearing a black dress with flat pumps. A bit fancy for a spy outfit in my opinion. 

"Hi I'm Harry. Urm I have a question, Aren't you dressed a bit too fancy? I mean your spies and your dressed up like your going to a ball" I turned to Louis and continued "Oh and a Tuxedo with Supras doesn't go"Louis pulled an offended look but was slightly smiling as well so I knew he was joking.

"Well I think people would suspect something if we walked around outside in our spy suits so we're wearing this and I've told Louis about his shoes before but he doesn't seem to listen"Tilly replied rolling her eyes. I'm guessing Louis never listens. 

"My shoes are comfy, comfy shoes means a happier me, a happier me means I work better and I get along with people more!"Louis said defending himself. To be honest I agree with him, the happier you are the better you are. Suddenly something else popped into my mind.

"Wait Mr Blunt did you say the diamond mission I'm going on?"I asked nervously. Did I really hear correctly earlier. Mr Blunt nodded and smiled. "Yes I did say that. You, Louis, Tilly, Liam and Charlotte are all going on the mission together. You're going to find a diamond which is part of a key to something that can change the world! Along the way we also want you to look for your father and his work mate. Rumors have gone around that they went missing during this exact mission and now we want you to find them. You will be leaving for the Galapagos islands tomorrow morning at 9"He replied looking in his folders which I hadn't noticed until now. I saw Louis and Tilly high five each other and celebrate next to me and I heard a "yes" coming from behind me. 

Eye Spy // Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now