Chapter 34

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Ast woke me up early next morning, rehearsals starts today, but gym first, do you wanna go, yeah I said, the others and our personal trainer will be there too though Ast said, that´s ok, but there´s no way I can keep up with you guys I laughed, well you don´t have to babe, you just do what you can, maybe the trainer can give you some tips, Ast smiled hugging me, now let´s get dressed. I put on my blue joggers, a vest top and my blue JLS hoodie, and put my trainers, a t-shirt and towel etc. in my sportsbag, we grabbed a light breakfast before heading down meeting the others. Hey you two Reesh said, you wanna get tortured he grinned at me, naa I don´t plan to, I´ll leave that to you guys to be I winked, you´re ok now he asked, yeah I am I smiled, good he smiled. JB & Marv arrived too and we headed inside, see you in there babe Ast said kissing me.

*Aston´s POV*               

Guys, before we go in there´s something I wanna tell you about Laura, what? Marv asked, she´s been overweight, weighed 25kilos more than she does now, she´s still quite insecure when it comes to her body, she had a little break down yesterday, but we had a good talk when we came home, she´s been bullied all her school life and other nasty stuff I´ll let be up to her to tell if she want to, so guys please no comment about how she does in there or anything. Ok Ast, but she´s done amazing losing all that weight JB said, yeah, she really has, now we better get in there I grinned.

*Normal POV*

I put on my trainers and took off my hoodie, I waited untill I could hear the guys before I went in, there you are Ast said wrapping his arms around me, I´ve told the others roughly about yesterday, hope you don´t mind he whispered, no, that´s ok I smiled at him. Guys, get over here their trainer shouted, uhh ohh the torture starts now Reesh grinned. Treadmills 25 minutes warm up he said, could you help Laura Ast asked him, before getting on the treadmill, yeah sure he said, so how can I help you he said, I lost 25kilos 2 years ago and haven´t been to the gym in ages, so I would like to tone up, especially my stomach and arms, alright he said, you start with 10 minutes warm up on the treadmill, gonna take it easy in the start, he put me through a few machines, before making me do sit ups along with the guys, you only take 12 of each he said to me, making Ast moan, haha sorry sexy I grinned at him, 3 heaps of 12 of each for you guys he said. Can you do press ups? He asked, yeah a few I said, try 15 he said, I struggled a bit with the last 5, right that´s it for you today he said. I went out to take a quick shower, putting on my clean t-shirt before I went back in watching the guys getting through the machines, last they were making sprints, Ast making a few backflips. He came over afterwards, mmmh you´re such a show off I grinned dragging him close to me kissing him, grabbing his bum, oii you cheeky he grinned, Aaaast come on Marvin shouted, better get in that shower he grinned, see you in a bit. I went out to put on my shoes and hoodie, putting all my stuff in the bag. I waited for the guys to finish, right off to be tortured by Leon Ast grinned as they came out, we got in the car and soon reached the dance studio. Hey, Leon said, you wanna dance too he grinned at me, nope I said, don´t have the skills, well you could try Ast winked, you can, just you stay at the back Leon smiled. I tried to follow the guy´s steps, succeeding at the basic ones, I soon gave up and sat down to watch them instead, they were soon joined by their dancer Jeff, he came to practice backflips with Ast, giving the others a break, they sat down together with me, how do they do that I grinned, it seems so impossible, I don´t know Marv grinned, but it sure takes a lot of energy, well he ain´t short of that I laughed, well you should know Reesh grinned and winked, oii shut up I grinned. Right guys Leon shouted one last run through of today´s rutines and then we´re done. Reesh, Marv and JB got up and Jeff sat down beside me, so you´re Ast´s girlfriend he asked, yeah I am, I remember him going on about you all the time when we rehearsed for the New Year concert, he´s hit hard Jeff grinned, I´m just happy about finally to have moved over here I smiled, well I´ve never seen him like that before, everyone tells me that I grinned. So do you dance too he asked, no I tried to follow them at the start but I soon gave up, not one of my forces I grinned, all done Ast said coming over sitting beside me, wrapping his arms around me, giving me a kiss, ruffling my hair, oii stop that Ast, but I like it he said tickling me, god where did all that energy come from I laughed, making the others laugh too, well Laura you better get used to it Leon said, rehearsals dosn´t make him tired, but hyper, right I said. I better take advantage of that energy later I whispered in his ear, making him send me a cheeky grin and kissing me passionately, oii you two JB shouted, wanna come with us to Nandos? Yeah sure Ast said, giving me another kiss and pulling me up, we soon got to Nandos and got a table and ordered our food, I´m having the mild chicken breast, a side salad, making Ast and Reesh look at me, and chips I grinned, I leaned over to Ast, giving him a kiss, don´t worry Ast, I won´t go on a diet I said looking him in the eyes, good, because you don´t need it, the others agreed. Time to head home Marv said when we had finished eating, early start tomorrow. Ast and I soon arrived home, and we sat on the sofa cuddling, you were let of lightly in the gym today Ast grinned, yeah well I don´t have a tour to get in shape for I said poking him in the abs, ohh you´re so cheeky he said starting tickling me, aahh stop it, think you should use your energy for something else I winked at him, letting my hands wander down to his joggers, pulling them down, Ast just pulling them up again, oii what was that for I pouted, well can´t get up the stairs with my joggers down my ankles can I he grinned pulling me up, come here gorgeous he said leading me up to the bedroom, we undressed, mmh shower first Ast said picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom, you do know I´m capable of walking all by myself I grinned kissing him, mmh ´course you can he smirked, turning on the water, putting me down, taking the showergel rubbing it all over my body, I did the same with him, he went on to the shampoo, we rinsed off and got out drying each other, now come here gorgeous he said picking me up again, making me wrap my legs around him, he laid me down on the bed and started kissing me all over, he made his way all way down starting pleasuring me, before kissing me all way up again locking his lips on mine, I let my hands down on his bum squeezing it, slipping to the front pleasuring him, mmh I love you Ast panted before he let himself inside me, love you too Ast I smiled at him, he soon went harder making us both come, mmh loved that I smiled as we laid beside each other afterwards, me too babe Ast said pulling me close, we should probably get to sleep now he said kissing me, got dance rehearsals all day tomorrow, no gym I asked, nope, only every second day he smiled, alright then, night sexy I said giving him a kiss, night babe.

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