Chapter 62

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Mhh morning sexy I said as I woke up the next morning, on the sofa, morning gorgeous Ast said leaning in for a kiss, I caressed his naked body, ahh you´re a tease he said getting on top of me, mmh love you he said giving me a passionate kiss before pleasuring me, soon letting himself into me, ohh Ast you´re the best I panted as he made me climax, mmh you think so he grinned speeding up the pace until he came too, mmh yes I do I said giving him a kiss, we laid caressing each other for a while, Ast soon slipping two fingers inside me pleasuring me, ohh god Ast I said as he made me climax, you´re spoiling me I grinned kissing him passionately, you deserve it he said kissing me again. So what are we doing until we´re going over to Marv and Rochelle´s he asked, well wouldn´t mind laying here for a while yet cuddling with you sexy I said, mmh let´s do that then he smiled. There were a knock on the door, ohh shit Ast muttered flying off the sofa quickly trying to put his clothes on, just a minute he shouted, I managed to get my knickers, bra and t-shirt on before Ast opened the door, hey Jeff grinned, I think I forgot my phone here yesterday he said coming in, ohh it´s right there on the sofa table, ohh didn´t even notice it I said, well looks like you two were busy with other things he winked, I just nudged him, I´ll see you around he grinned going out again.

Whoops maybe we should move our bums up in bed next time Ast grinned sitting down beside me, mmh maybe sexy I grinned kissing him, we laid down again kissing each other. We should get up now, you need food Ast said caressing my bump, mmh think mini Merrygold agrees, it´s moving around in there I smiled, aw can´t wait to feel it kicking Ast said giving me a soft kiss, mmh be patient, about 5-6 weeks yet till that´s possible I said caressing his cheek, but you´ll see it on the scan tomorrow, we might even be able to see if it´s a boy or girl I smiled, so soon? He asked, yeah, I´ve read that it´s possible from week 16 I said, aw don´t hope it´s shy then he grinned, you´re so silly sexy I said getting up going to the kitchen finding two bowls and the cereals. Shower time now Ast said kissing me down my neck after we had eaten, mmh any particular reason for that, yep, like seeing you naked he grinned, god you´re bad today, come on then, we stood in the shower for ages, caressing each other. We eventually got out and got dressed, what´s up with your dress sense Ast grinned at my joggers, my skinny jeans ain´t very comfortable with a bump like this I said nudging him, think you should put your dance trousers on instead and then it seems like it´s shopping again he grinned, it´s all your fault sexy I grinned kissing him before going in changing them, much better Ast said wrapping his arms around me caressing my bump, ready to go he asked, yeah I said, I put his FEK hoodie on once again, I´m gonna buy you your own he grinned at me, sounds good, now you´ve been saying that since we went to Miami I teased, you´re cheeky he said kissing me. We got in the car driving to the Mothercare shop, I managed to find a few pair of jeans that fitted, should we grab some lunch at Nando´s before going home Ast asked, yeah am getting hungry, good he said giving me a kiss, we soon got there, going inside, oh ain´t that Reesh and AJ? I said, yeah, he kept that quiet Ast said, hey bruv Ast said going over to them, hey you two he smiled, you kept that a secret he said, yeah well it´s still early days Reesh said, come on Ast I said, see you later Reesh, yeah he smiled. We got a table and ordered our food, no salad Ast teased me, nope, am hungry I grinned. I´ve thought of something Ast said after we had finished our food, what´s that, I want a pic of us and the bump he smiled, aw you´re cute I said, we could go to Christopher´s studio now, see if he has time, you up for that Ast asked, yeah of course, let´s go then he said, we got in the car and drove there. Hey you two Christopher said as we got inside, do you have time to shoot a few pics of us Ast asked him, yeah sure, Ast told him what it were we wanted, I think you should do them in your underwear then, shows off the bump he said, you up for that Ast asked me, yep I smiled at him. We got off our clothes, gonna make them black & white Christopher said, we got three pics, one with Ast kneeling down kissing the bump, one with him stood behind me with his hands resting on the bump and us kissing and the last one the same as the second one but with us just looking at each other, aw I love them I said, yeah they´re great Ast said giving me a soft kiss, do you want them framed Christopher asked, yes please Ast said, we got dressed while he got the pics printed and put in the frame and got it wrapped, there you go he said, thanks Ast said, we paid and went back out to the car, we better get home now and get ready to over to Marv and Rochelle´s. We got home and I changed to a pair of my new jeans, ready to go he asked as I got back down, yeah, so how are you having your hair this time I teased, mmh just keeping this do he said, oh wow that´s new I grinned nudging him, cheeky he grinned, do you know what? He asked, nope, what? I asked, you should get a star pattern at your neck, would look cool he said, haha you´re silly, you can get that yourself sexy, mmh you´re no fun he grinned giving me a kiss, we´ll see I just grinned as we got in the car. Hey you two Rochelle said hugging us as we got there, the others were there already and Marv had gone with Mike first. Hey Roch and Laura try and stand facing each other and lift your tops so we can see your bumps Ast said taking his phone up, ok we grinned doing it, ohh you got maternity jeans on too I grinned at Roch, yeah she grinned, Ast took the pic, tweeting it with the caption: “Battle of the bumps, which one´s the biggest, Mini Humes or Mini Merrygold?”, oh wow your bumps are nearly the same size Chloe said, yeah and Roch is 5 weeks further along than me I grinned, I´m gonna be huge I said. Marv came back, and me and Ast went out to Mike, so what are you having this time he grinned at Ast, haha funny, just keeping this do, so just a trim, and don´t take much of the top, alright then Mike grinned, and what about the stubble, of with that except on the chin he said, all done Ast Mike said finishing his stubble, I swapped place with Ast, just a trim too he asked, yep I said, what about the stars Ast grinned, stars? Mike asked, yeah Ast think it would be cool if I got a star pattern at my neck I said rolling my eyes, you can still have your fringe style Ast grinned, yeah Mike said, it´s long enough now for the short one, alright then you two win I grinned, right gotta use the shortest guard at the neck then, yeah alright, you two are so bad for persuading me I grinned as Mike started the cut, he gave the top a trim, before making two stars at my neck underneath each other, hmm it does look cool I said as Mike showed me it in the mirror, said so Ast said giving me a kiss, love you I said wrapping my arms around him, love you too gorgeous he said giving me a passionate kiss, easy now you two Mike grinned, I just smiled giving Ast another kiss, seems like you two are back to normal Mike said, yeah it´s helping on it I said, we got back in the living room to the others and JB and Reesh got out and got their trim too. You´re just as bad as Ast with new hairstyles Marv grinned at me, yeah well it were his idea, yeah, only thing I wouldn´t let you do is going bald he grinned wrapping his arms around me giving me a kiss, well that´s also the one thing I would never do I said running my hand through his hair putting it behind his neck pulling him in for a passionate kiss, god you two are back to not being able to keep your hands off each other Reesh grinned, yeah well have just missed him I smiled.

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