Chapter 39

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Moooorning Ast shouted next morning, ohhh someone´s hyper already I grinned, well touring is the part of this job I love the most he grinned, coming over giving me a kiss, now get up lazy he grinned, oii watch it you I said getting up, smacking his bum, making Ast pick me up and pin me down on the bed, starting to tickle me, say sorry he grinned, ahhh Aaaast, sorryyy I grinned poking him in the abs, you´re soo cheeky he grinned leaning down locking his lips on mine, our tongues battling each other, ran my fingers through his hair, along his abs down to his bum, mmh babe he whispered, we need to get ready, the tour bus will be here in an hour, shower now he winked unclipping my bra and pulling of my knickers, I pulled his boxers down, come here now he said pulling me up, stepping out of his boxers, leading me to the shower, we got in the shower and Ast turned the water on, we washed each other and rinsed of before Ast picked me up, me wrapping my legs around him, we stood making out for a while before getting out drying off, mmh love you Laura, Ast said pulling me close giving me a long passionate kiss, love you too Ast I said looking him in the eyes, we got dressed, I put on my onesie, Ast some joggers, a vest top, a hoodie and a snapback. Ast carried our suitcases downstairs and we grabbed some quick breakfast. Think the bus is there now Ast said looking out the window, he were right, it were hold down at the road, we grabbed our suitcases and Ast locked the door, before we headed down the driveway, joining JB, Marv and Reesh, the guys had their own bus, while the dancers had another. Hey you two, are you ready to go Marv asked, yeah, but is he always that hyper I grinned pointing at Ast, yep, as Leon said, you better get used to it he grinned. The guys were soon busy playing the Xbox, I sat behind Ast wrapping my arms around him kissing his neck, ruffling his hair, heyy you´re distracting me he grinned, JB take over here a second he grinned handing JB the controller, you´re in trouble now he grinned at me, starting to tickle me, aah stop Ast I said putting my hands around his neck pulling him in for a passionate kiss, mmh much better I said looking him deeply in the eyes, before pulling him in for another one, heyyy you two Reesh grinned, cool down or you´ll need a room soon he grinned, oii shut up you I grinned nudging him, he attempted to tickle me, stoooop Reesh, or, or what? He said, I´ll get the same treatment as Ast? He grinned, obviously not Reesh you nutter I grinned, guys you seriously need to find a girl for Reesh on this tour I grinned, I think he can manage himself Marv grinned. Marv have you remembered you know what, Ast asked him, offcourse I have Ast, remembered what? I asked, just a surprise for our fans, and seen you’re a fan too, I´m not gonna tell you he grinned starting to tickle me again, this time it was me who pinned him down on the seat, mmh I like having you on top he smirked, bet you do I said leaning down to kiss him, love you Ast I smiled at him, love you too babe he said pulling me down for another passionate kiss, hey you two are you done Marv grinned, we´re nearly there, sorry Marv I grinned sitting up, Ast wrapping his arm around me, I rested my head on his shoulder putting my arm around him, and he gave me a kiss on my forehead, it´s cute how much in love you two are JB said, aaw thanks JB I smiled, cuddling up to Ast more. We soon reached the hotel, oh wow there´s many fans already, how did they find out where we would stay so quickly Reesh said, ahh bet you don´t mind I said, ohh it´s hard work writing autographs and taking pictures he said all seriously, yeah right I grinned. We got out of the bus and all the girls started to scream the guys names, I gave Ast a quick kiss, making loads of flashes go off, now go and greet your fans I smiled holding my hands on his face, I´ll be right back babe he smiled at me, they did their best to greet every single fan, I just smiled whenever Ast looked or pointed in my direction. We finally made it inside the hotel, the dancers had already gone to their rooms, looks like I´m allowed to stay with you Ast teased after he got his key, you´re so cheeky I said poking him in the side, we got up to our room, it had a king size bed and a huge bathroom. So what are you doing today I asked, we´re going to the arena later, but first Mike are coming to freshen us all up for the interviews we´re doing at the arena, sounds good, hope he has time for me too I said, I´m sure he has babe. I sat down on the bed and Ast sat down beside me, laying his arm around me pulling me in for a kiss, I sat on his lap pushing him down on the bed deepening the kiss, mmh love you Ast I smiled, mmh love you too Laura, but we gotta wait till tonight with the naughty, Mike´s coming soon he grinned, who said I was thinking about that I pouted, mmh I know you were he smirked giving me another kiss, there were a knock at the door and Ast got up, hey Marv he said letting him in, ohh sorry if I disturbed he grinned, I were still laid on the bed, you didn´t Ast grinned sending me a cheeky grin, right he said, Mike´s here, and you seem to have the biggest bathroom, so can he do our hair here he asked, yeah offcourse he can, great I´ll just call them and ask them to get their bums up here then. We were soon joined by the others and Mike set up his things, Ast went with him first. The others sat and talked, I hear that Marv walked in on you two Reesh said to me, oii he did not I said getting over to them, now you´re lying Marv I grinned nudging him, what were you doing on the bed then he said trying to tickle me, hey stop that, what is it with you guys and tickling me, you can´t all be as hyper as Ast I grinned, well I´m not hyper JB smiled, naaa you do seem pretty calm I said. Ast came in again, and JB went out to Mike, ohh it looks good now the side and back have grown a bit I smiled running my fingers through it, mmh I did think about going all bald he winked, oii silly why do you keep teasing me with that, you´ll never do it anyways, and I like it like it is now I said giving him a quick kiss. You do know that he´s shaven his head before Reesh grinned, yeah I remember that, didn´t dislike it, just prefer him with hair I grinned, well he´s partly bald now anyways Marv grinned making Ast nudge him. They were soon all done, so they left me and Ast alone with Mike, you ready Laura he asked, yeah I am, I said going out to the bathroom and sat down on the chair, so same as last he asked, yeah I said, not going any shorter than that I grinned looking over at Ast, alright then Mike said turning the machine on and starting to cut, also same colour as last he asked when he had finished the cut, yeah I smiled, after 45 minutes I were all done, mmh you look good Ast said coming over wrapping his arms around me as I got up from the chair, you too sexy I said turning around running my fingers through his hair, right I´ll be going now Mike said, see you at the show tomorrow, gotta see that surprise, so you know about it too? I asked, yep he grinned, ahh I seem to be the only one not allowed to know anything about it I moaned looking at Ast, who just laughed at me. We´re gonna rehearse for the surprise after the interview we´re doing, so do you mind staying here this afternoon Ast asked biting his lip, mmh you´re such a teaser sexy, but of course I don´t mind, but it better be worth it I said kissing him, trust me it will he smiled at me. I better get changed now and go and meet the others, he changed to his skinny jeans and the black and navy striped t-shirt he wore for my birthday, mmh you look good I said wrapping my arms around him giving him a passionate kiss, I better go now, be sure to be dressed for dinner by 6pm he said giving me a last kiss before he went out.

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