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It's the finale

Is everyone ready?

Are you ready to witness history in the making?

You don't need to say your answer verbally

This isn't a Wattpad Mafia older brother story

I hope my poetry made you feel many different ways

Whether it be happy, sappy, or even angry at me

This may be a little dramatic

But to me it's a little tragic

To end this amazing story on such a high note

This book has helped change my mentality

Even when I had no sanity

I was able to write some random poetry

Even if half of them were written sarcastically

Poetry helped me be able to temporality escape from the grasp of reality

Let's hope that I can get through this catastrophe

Without writing a ton of poetry

That can only happen in my wildest dreams

I'm sad to see this responsibility go

But there are many opportunities out there

Let's wait and see

What the universe has in store for you and me

Don't let the feeling of melancholy surround you

All good things come to an end eventually

And sadly, this is the finale episode

Of my beloved poetry book

Hopefully I'll see you soon

With another book full of poetry

For you to read and enjoy

with maybe some chocolate cake and tea

I'm sad to see you go

But I know it's for the best

and hopefully 

I'll see you before the next full moon;)


omg omg omg omg omg we did it!! we have reached the end of the book *snif snif* I don't want to cry but I also want to cry, I just want to thank all of you that have been here since the beginning and don't think I forgot about the new people. I love you too<3. it's been a long journey, many breakdowns (not over the book but other things that lead to updates since I wrote about them but whatever) I'll let you get on with your day, by finishing this off with one last thank you<3 *hugs*

~xx for the last time hollyandmax

jk jk...... unless;)

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