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She woke up to the light of dawn in her eyes. After blinking several times, she realized that she was not in her room. Or Mon-El's. Not in any room she could remember. . . She jumped up and inspected the place. It was actually familiar to her, but she couldn't remember when she had been there. And then she saw it. A metal ball, like some kind of rubik's cube, that Kara used to play with as a child. That was it! She was in her room on Krypton. But that was impossible. . .
"Kara, honey, breakfast's ready." That voice. . . "Are you still like that? There is still a lot to be prepared." Alura came into the room suddenly, finding a Kara in shock.
"What. . . how. . . how could you possibly be here?" Kara looked at her mother from top to bottom.
"I know I said I'd get there just in time, but I've asked to come back before the interplanetary summit to be with you on your big day. From the first to the last hour. So, tell me, how are your nerves? Ready to be a married woman?"
"This must be a dream". . . said the young woman, more for herself than for Alura.
"Fortunately it's not and in a few hours we'll be celebrating this great day."
Kara and her mother were talking for a while. More like Alura was talking and Kara was trying to process everything that was going on. It had to be a dream. There was no way she could be on Krypton with his mother.
"Where's my beautiful daughter?" Zor-El came into the room with a tray full of food. "As I saw that nobody came down to breakfast I thought I'd better take it up and we all take it here. As a family."
Kara came out of her trance, or at least made the effort. She'd find out later what was going on. But now she wanted to enjoy her family, her parents, whom she hadn't seen for so long.
"I can't believe you got older so fast." Said her father. "I still remember the day you stood up by yourself and started walking to give your mother a hug. Do you remember, Alura?"
"How could I forget that day? I remember her stumbling on the carpet halfway, but she didn't hesitate to get up again and come to me. And now here we have her, on her wedding day, taking a few more steps in her life." Her parents were sitting in front of her, Alura with her head resting on Zor-El's shoulder.
"I'm still here!" The young woman said jokingly. Her parents laughed and Kara tried to make a mental video to remember that moment, to remember their laughter. "Now seriously, I have to ask you something." She paused because it was a very important question for her. "Are you proud of me?" Alura lifted her head from her husband's shoulder and gave her daughter a smile.
"What questions are you asking us? Of course we're proud! You've always been a smart girl, who was clear about what she wanted in life. And you've become a woman with clear ideas, a heart that doesn't fit in your chest and a desire to help the people who honor you. That honors you and empowers you."
"And even if you are now going to be a married woman, with her own family and who will forget her poor old parents, we will never stop loving you and thinking, not only that you are the best daughter a father wants to have, but a woman who will change the world."
After the words of her parents, Kara was remarkably moved.
"You don't know how much I love you and I'm going to miss you." The young woman came up to them and embraced them with all her strength.
"Remember that wherever you go, we will always be at your side, supporting and loving you." Alura whispered to her.

Kara stood up suddenly, tears in her eyes. Although she already knew that what she had just witnessed had to be a dream, she couldn't help but get angry that it couldn't be real. But she remembered her mother's words, and she knew that in her life there would always be room for the memory of her parents.
Her apartment door opened and Alex appeared behind a handful of boxes she was holding.
"Good morning, little sister. Today's the big day." That part of the dream was true, today was her wedding and that's why she was alone in the apartment, not with Ethan and Mon-El. The little one stayed with Lena, since Winn was Mon-El's best man and Alex was her maid of honor. "Are you all right?" She asked, but saw Kara's crying eyes.
"Hello. Yes, I'm fine. I dreamt I was with my parents, on Krypton, and it was so perfect that when I woke up, the world fell on me." Alex walked up to her without saying anything and hugged her.
"I wish they could be here and see how beautiful you look in this dress." Alex said pointing to the coat rack where it was hanging.
"But well, they may not be here, but you, my other family, are, and that's the important thing." Kara remarked drying her tears.
"Of course I do. Always." The sisters hugged each other again and then began preparations.

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