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"Good morning, National City! Today is such a busy day, and I'm not only talking of the flowers festival organized for this afternoon but today is the day when Maxwell Lord, Lord Industries' ex-CEO that almost killed thousands of people in a terror attack will be called to declare. It will be such a media trial because the press has been waiting hours for him to show up..."

Kara turned off the radio. She was getting ready to go to court. It was hard but she finally convinced Snapper to let her go and cover Maxwell Lord's trial. She talked to meet with Alex and Mon-El there. The kryptonian took her keys before closing her apartment's door. She flew at a moderate speed, because she had time. She landed in a thicket and walked a few streets until she reached his destination. Alex and Mon-El were already there, drinking coffee.

"Ready?" Alex asked her when she arrived.

"Never been more." Answered the kryptonian. She looked at Mon-El and he smiled.

"Here you have. I know you haven't eaten at home." Said Mon-El and gave her a coffee and a box with doughnuts.

"Thank you." Kara took the coffee and the box and started eating. Alex and Mon-El shared a look and started laughing. "What's funny?" She asked with her mouth full.

"You owe me a dollar." Said the daxamite to his sister in law. Alex picked her wallet and gave him the money.

"Your boyfriend and I had a bet. I said that you will wait more than five seconds until you start eating and he said less than five."

"I'm so hungry." She justified herself.

Ten minutes later they got in the building and sat down in the public chairs. The radio announcer this morning when he said it would be a media trial, the room was full of reporters. The judge arrived and everyone stood up until the judge himself ordered to sat down again.

"It's starting." Whispered Mon-El. The sisters nodded.

"We shall start the trial that accuses Maxwell Lord of terrorism. Bring the accused to the court." Suddenly the doors opened and Maxwell Lord showed up dressed with the jail uniform and a little bit haggard, even though he still had that arrogant smile in his face. Some DEO agents, disguised as cops, were guiding him to his chair. Lord sat down, next to his lawyer.

The trial passed fairly quietly, except in the part where Max explained why he had done that, as it caused certain civilians to shudder and shout at him.

"How do you declare yourself?" The judge asked him.

"Guilty." Kara thought that must have been the advice his lawyer would have given him.

The judge left the courtroom to draft the verdict and the agents took Max to his cell.

"It seems he's finally given up." Kara said.

"He'd do anything to avoid death." Alex asked.

"Will they take him to the DEO?" Mon-El asked, whispering the last word.

"That's the plan. This trial is just made to avoid that people start questioning. Besides, he knows Supergirl's identity and we can't risk." Answered Alex. The judge came back and so did Max.

"After hearing everyone and Mr. Lord's declarations, I declare that Mr. Maxwell Lord must serve a life sentence for attempting a terrorist act. I should like to thank all Members and the interpreters for their time and their presence here." There was a flutter when the press got up and began chasing Maxwell until he left the room.

They left it when everyone was out and they walked to the door.

"Well girls, after this justice act it's time to go to work unless I want to be fired, which I don't want to." Said Mon-El.

"I call you later." Said Kara. Mon-El nodded and gave her a quick kiss.

"Bye." Said Alex. Mon-El started walking in the opposite direction to the girls'.

"Well Kara, are you nervous?"

"Why should I be nervous?" Kara was confused. "For Max?" Alex shook her head.

"No, for Mon-El. Is not it supposed to be your first anniversary in three days? You've been telling me for a month." Kara smiled when she remembered.

"It's true. I'm a little nervous, I must confess. It's the first time I have a relationship that last all this time..."

"It's the first time you have a relationship." Joked her sister.

"Ha, ha. You are the last person who can say that, relationship expert." Responded Kara.



I've been so busy and I had no time! I'm sorry for updating so late 

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