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"There's not much more paperwork to do." J'onn said. "All that's left is to make him an identification that Winn is taking care of, but otherwise, that's it. You're officially Et'han's foster father, Mon-El." Kara had never seen Mon-El so excited, and that made her even happier. Since they were not married, the system only allowed a legal guardian to be introduced in charge of the child, so they decided that it would be Mon-El. They left J'onn's office smiling and went to the central room, where Winn was typing on the computer.

"Hey, guys, from the look on your faces, I think you're bringing good news."

"Yes, everything was perfect." said Mon-El.

"Congratulations." Winn got up and hugged the daxamite. "And you too." He also hugged Kara.

"J'onn told us you were taking care of his identity. . ." Mon-El started.

"Yes, in fact, I've almost finished it." Winn sat down again. "If you see, it's not that I'm a great thinker so not to generate confusion, instead of Et'han I've changed it to Ethan, to look like a more common name." Kara and Mon-El nodded. "And then, since you are the guardian, his last name will be Matthews. We don't know for certain his birth date so I'll let you choose."

"The 20th of February of. . . What will he have? About two years, right?"

"Alex said that according to the evidence he was almost 2 years old."

"Then February 20, 2017.**" Winn typed in the date and finished identifying the now named Ethan. He gave it to Mon-El and this one kept it in his wallet.

At that moment Alex appeared, who had been analyzing some samples that had been found next to the body of an alien.

"Well, Alex, I didn't know how to tell you this but. . ." Mon-El paused to dramatize the moment. "You're an aunt now." The daxamite joked, making Kara laugh at his witticism.

"Oh wow! What a surprise! I didn't even think about it." Alex played along.

They talked for a while about the paperwork they had to do and everything they had to do now.

"A crib, clothes, food, diapers. . ." Mon-El started to move from one side to the other.

"How about I hang out with my nephew while you guys go shopping?" Alex suggested.

"That would be great." Kara and Mon-El answered at the same time.

"We could first go buy the basics, food and diapers. Then we go get some clothes and finally we look at furniture." Kara planned.

"Good. I'll see you in a moment at the mall." And having said this the couple went out the balcony of the DEO, Kara flying and Mon-El jumping.

"There's nothing better than having superpowers." Alex said as he went to the room where Ethan was.

Kara and Mon-El arrived at the mall in a moment. The first part of the purchases was quick as it was very specific. They took a little longer for the clothes because they couldn't agree.

"Mon-El, we're not going to buy him a bathing suit when it's winter."

"But look how cool it is!" Mon-El was very excited.

"It is very nice but we can buy it another day with more tranquility. Now we need the basics so Ethan doesn't get cold."

"Well, okay, but we'll come another day." Mon-El looked like a five year old when he was like this and Kara thought he would now have two children in her care, which partly made her laugh.

In the end they bought the basics, as the Kryptonian had said. They paid and took the bags to Mon-El's apartment, which is where Ethan would spend most of his time. After more or less setting things up, they went to a furniture store next to the Daxamita's apartment. They saw a lot of possibilities that could look very good for the apartment. In the end they opted for some furniture with green tones, as it was the color of the insignia of the child's family, in honor of the color of his planet. They arrived at Mon-El's apartment and sat for a while on the sofa, as they were exhausted. After a quick meal, they set up the furniture in the room. Luckily the room was painted with neutral colors so for the moment they did not worry about having to paint it another color. They'd do it later.

The good thing about having superpowers was the ease with which things could be done. While a human would have assembled the furniture in half a day, they got it ready in a couple of hours. When they finished they were literally lying on the floor of the room, exhausted. They were so tired they fell asleep.

Half an hour later Mon-El woke up and laughed at the thought of how they could have fallen asleep on the floor. Unintentionally, his laughter caused Kara to wake up too. The Kryptonian also laughed.

"Look there are places to sleep and we fall asleep on the floor." Kara said.

"As you said it." They were quiet for a while. "There are still about three hours left to have dinner, what do you think if we invite everyone to have some pizzas for dinner and we tell them the good news?"

"As long as it's not cooking, I'm fine with it. I'll start calling, then."

Kara called Alex, J'onn and Lena while Mon-El called Winn and James. Everyone confirmed their attendance so they began to collect the boxes and wrappers from the furniture.

The first to arrive was Winn, who brought some snacks to eat before dinner.

"What's up, guys? How'd the shopping go?" Winn asked as they sat on the sofa.

"Well, we've bought the basics for a few days, we'll have time to finish shopping." Kara explained.

"How about the DEO? You haven't called at any time." asked Mon-El.

"The most boring day of my life." Winn said with a sigh. "Nothing has happened all day, I'm glad the world is going great but it bores me so much." Kara and Mon-El laughed. Someone knocked the door.

"I'll be right there." Mon-El got up and opened the door. They were Alex, Maggie and the protagonist of that improvised party, Ethan, who came smiling. "Hello! Come in." The daxamite walked away from the door and let the couple in.

"This little guy's been very good all day. Oh, and he starts babbling things. I think he's trying to say Alex." The agent joked. He gave the child to Mon-El and he took it firmly. The boy started babbling "dadada" for a while. Kara came by to say hello to her sister and Maggie.

"Hello girls." They hugged each other as a greeting.

"Have you got everything?" Alex asked.

"What's necessary for now." Kara replied. Mon-El approached Kara with Ethan in his arms, who was already laughing about something Mon-El would have done to him.

"Look who's here!" He was very happy to be with Ethan. Kara was infected with that happiness.

"It's Ethan!" Kara followed Mon-El's game as he smiled. Now it was the Kryptonian who took the little one in her arms. The three of them were so cute that Alex couldn't help taking a picture of them. They knocked on the door again and Kara went to open with Ethan still in her arms. It was the remaining guests, J'onn, James and Lena, who had met at the door.

"Hey guys." J'onn said and gave a bottle of wine to Mon-El.

"How long has it been since we've seen each other?" Lena asked, referring to the fact that the last time she had seen her she did not have a baby in her arms. Kara laughed.

"Meet Ethan, an alien orphan who is part of this small family." Lena greeted the little one.

They all had dinner in a very pleasant atmosphere, talking about trivial topics, but above all they were all very attentive to Ethan, who, far from falling asleep, was more than active in socializing with everyone.

"What has this child eaten, Alex?" Mon-El asked her.

"I tell you, nothing with too much sugar." The agent replied. Everyone started laughing, including the little one, who didn't miss a chance to laugh.

But it came to dessert when Ethan finally fell asleep in Mon-El's arms, who had taken him in his arms to try to relax him. The volume of the room diminished considerably when they realized it and began to speak in whispers. The daxamite stood up with the boy sleeping on his shoulder and went to his room to put him in the cradle. Kara also stood up and accompanied him.

When they reached the room, Mon-El carefully left Ethan in the crib and covered him with the teddy bear blanket they had bought him. They stayed a few minutes watching him sleep, smiling. Mon-El ran an arm over Kara's shoulders and the Kryptonian also hugged her boyfriend. They returned to the table like this, embraced and the improvised evening continued with more laughter and good times.

**On February the 20th aired the 2x13 episode of Supergirl ;) 

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