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4 months later

That night he had slept in Kara's apartment. He loved the light that came in through the window of the room at dawn because it looked like the Kryptonian's hair was shining. He used to stare at her for a few minutes, gawking at her. Kara's relaxed face made her look younger, almost like a child, and Mon-El loved that.

Kara began to open her eyes and the first thing she found was Mon-El's look. He was smiling so she smiled back at him.

"Hey." She said in a drowsy voice.

"Hey." He replied. On a weekday they would have been up and about to go to work, but since it was Sunday, neither of them had anything to do.

Suddenly, Kara's cell phone started ringing. It was Alex.

"Tell me Alex." The Kryptonian replied, her voice still a little hoarse. Mon-El let out a giggle and Kara threw him a cushion at him at high speed.

"Good morning." Alex said, funny. "Come to the DEO as soon as possible, we have a problem. Is Mon-El with you or should I call him now?"

"He's here, we're on our way there right now." And they hung up.

"Emergency?" Mon-El asked, leaping to his feet.

"It looks like it." Kara also got up and they put on their costumes quickly. They went out the window and got to the DEO fast.

"What is it, Winn?" Kara asked as soon as they arrived.

"It's weird. This morning the alarms went off that a ship was approaching Earth but it has been more than ten minutes since any of them were heard from. It's like it just vanished."

"Wouldn't it be possible that they could be in invisible mode?" Mon-El suggested.

"I don't think so. The radars are measuring that, too, and there's no signal." Said Alex, who had just arrived to the central hall.

"And what do we do?" Asked Kara.

"At the moment waiting seems the most appropriate thing to do." J'onn recommended. "Agent Schott, get all the radars ready, I don't want to miss anything." Winn nodded and went to work on the computer.

They had to wait another two hours before the radars rang again. Kara and Mon-El, who were in the training room, came running to the central room, where Winn was controlling two computers at once.

"The ship is about to crash into the city!" Shouted Winn.

"We have to move fast." Kara said, determined. She and Mon-El ran off the balcony of the DEO and followed Winn's intercom instructions. They landed in an open field, which was where, according to the computer scientist's calculations, the ship should land.

They waited a few seconds until they saw it. The ship was plummeting at high speed. Kara flew in to try to control the landing. Mon-El would wait until he was about to touch the ground to help the Kryptonian with the landing. Kara grabbed the bottom of the ship and using great force, was able to slow down considerably. The maneuver lasted seconds, but for the Kryptonian it had lasted hours.

Mon-El raised his arms and held the ship in front. Kara hit the ground and leaned on her heels to stabilize, just as Mon-El was doing. At last they were able to stop the ship and release it on the ground. Because of the speed at which it had entered the atmosphere it had been damaged and appeared to be quite worn.

It was Kara who decided to open (or rather break) the door. They both entered the dark ship. It wasn't too big. Enough for one or two people. They walked for a few minutes until they found the cabin. The door opened and they kept walking until they found the pilot and co-pilot seats. Kara was ahead of Mon-El so she was the first to see it. She looked at Mon-El, alarmed, and he immediately knew what was happening. Maybe not everything, though.

The daxamite stood beside Kara and saw what she had already seen. They looked like a sentimental couple, Mon-El was able to decipher from the photos he saw in the surrounding area. They had been shotted, from a laser gun it looked like. What neither of them expected to find was a baby. His eyes were closed, so they didn't know if he was dead or alive. Mon-El had the courage to find out and checked the vital signs of the little alien. Kara was watching him closely.

"Is he...? Supergirl couldn't finish the question.

"He's still breathing, but he's weak." Kara sighed, relieved. "What the hell happened here?"

"I don't know. But we have to take this baby to the DEO and call the others to take samples." The daxamite nodded and acted quickly. He took the baby in his arms, who was still unconscious, probably because of hunger, and held him for a few moments. Kara couldn't help but look at the scene with a smile on her face. Mon-El noticed it and looked at Kara, smiling at her too.

"I'm taking him to the DEO." He said. Kara just nodded. The daxamite jumped and disappeared in a few seconds.

The DEO team soon arrived. Alex, J'onn and Winn were talking about what they might have found out by now.

"Have you discovered something new?" Kara asked the trio.

"Not much, really. At the moment we do not know the origin of this family and what has happened." Winn started. "What I can assure you of is that many of the damage to the ship was caused by another ship."

"So there's someone out there who wanted to kill this family." J'onn continued.

"And not only that. If the baby comes out of this, he may be in danger." Alex sentenced.

"We have to know who they were and where they came from." Kara concluded.

Supergirl flew all the way to the DEO to tell Mon-El about the few news. She went to the recovery room, where the technicians had managed to create a kind of crib for the baby. Mon-El was sitting next to him, looking at the crib.

"Hey." Kara said hello.

"Hey, hello." They were whispering. Mon-El stood up and walked the few meters that separated him from Kara.

"Is there any news?" asked the Kryptonian.

"Well, the doctors say he was dehydrated, but otherwise he looks healthy. I guess he'll wake up any minute now. Is there anything else known about who killed this creature's alleged parents?"

"We have to wait for the autopsy to find out who they were and where they came from. What we can almost say is that whoever killed them may want to finish their job and go after him." Kara explained, pointing to the crib.

They stood in silence for a while, both of them looking down at the crib, thinking about what that baby should have experienced at such a young age. They were so engrossed in their own thoughts that they both jumped at the baby's cry for attention. The two of them approached and Kara stroked his face, wiping away the little tears. The baby, while appreciating Kara's gesture, continued to cry, though with less intensity. Mon-El held him carefully.

"Hello." He was greeted by the daxamite in a very tender tone of voice. He started to swing it slowly until the baby stopped crying.

"Wow, you have a gift for children." said Kara, who was watching the scene in shock.

"Well, this is the first time I've actually held a baby. In Daxam, the servants took care of the children. Or their mothers. But this one here is very good." He said the latter while he tickled him. The child started laughing nonstop, causing the adults to laugh.

"Guys." Alex entered the room and found a cheerful atmosphere. Kara and Mon-El turned around. "Has he woken up?" Alex came over and waved at the baby.

"Anything new?" Kara asked.

"We've discovered where they come from." Alex answered.

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