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They arrived to the Central Plaza in a few minutes and they could see the terror and the chaos the civilians were living. Kara could see three alien groups, distributed in the Plaza and near streets.

"J'onn, M'gann cover the streets. Mon-El and I will fight the ones in here." They all nodded and went for the fight. "Watch out!" Supergirl shouted at Mon-El. He looked up, where a tree was literally flying and it was about to hit a scared boy. Mon-El ran fast enough to catch the tree with his hands and save the kid from being hurt.

"Come with me. I'll take to a safer place." Mon-El took the kid in his arms and jumped far away from the danger. –Stay here, okay? Someone will come for you.

In the mean time, Supergirl was fighting with three aliens. They were strong, but a little bit clumsy, too. They knew how to organize themselves to spread fear, but they were beginners in a real fight.

"Whatever you're looking for, you're all over."

"You're the one who's over." One of them, who seemed to be in charge, attacked the girl of steel by surprise. He took her by her arms and let her immobilized while the other two aliens punched her.

Supergirl defended herself with her freeze breathe. She could surprise them enough to punch the one who was taking her arms and she immobilized him. The same happened with the other two aliens and she saved a family of civilians.

On the other hand, Mon-El was facing two aliens. The daxamite was trying to remember all the movements he had been learning since he had arrived to Earth but they were so difficult to remember when someone was trying to killing him. Despite that fact, it seemed like his opponents were also beginers and he could beat them without any problem.

After a long half an hour, the team finally beat all the bad aliens and could protect the city from the attack. The aliens were arrested and moved to the DEO prison. And there they were all, reviewing all the case.

"Well done, guys." Congratulated them Alex, who couldn't go to the fight to be in charge of the DEO.

"Who were these aliens?" –Asked J'onn.

"They were a minority race who lived in a planet five light years away from Earth." Explained Winn. "So, I've checked our satellites and they friends aren't coming for revenge.

"Nice work, agent Schott." Winn nodded and returned to his seat.

"How so you feel after your first battle as Superhero?" Kara asked Mon-El.

"Well, I have to admit that I had my ups and downs. There was a moment where I couldn't remember any of what you taught me to do and I had to improvise. It wasn't that bad." They all laugh.

"And have you thought about a name?" Alex asked him.

"A name?" Mon-El didn't know what she meant.

"Like Supergirl. A superhero name." Answered Kara.

"I haven't thought about that. I always thought that the superhero name is named by someone important."

"Well, that was my case, but it doesn't have to be always like this." Explained Kara.

"In that case. I will think about it." Alex and Mon-El smiled at each other and the three of them stayed for a while in the central room, until the news started with the headline about the alien fight.

"Turn up the volume." Asked Kara to Alex.

An alien attack near Central Plaza has caused some damage and wounded people this morning. Thanks to the help of the Martians, Supergirl and her new partner, which we still don't know his identity, they have been able to bring back the peace once again to National City.

"It seems like they have noticed you." Kara said to Mon-El, who was happily smiling the good news.

"It seems like that. Besides, it looks like I'm your new partner." They both smiled.

"A victory is a victory." Pointed out Alex.

"Well, pizzas in place to celebrate the victory?" proposed Kara.

"I'm in!" Mon-El raised his hand.

"Maggie and I planned to..."

"Don't worry, go with her and have fun." Kara interrupted her sister.

"You too, guys. See you tomorrow!"

"Shall we?"

"Let's go." The partners, as they were being called by the media, went to Kara's apartment, stopping before in their favorite pizza restaurant. They ordered five big pizzas for only them, because after the day they'd been through, they were starving.

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