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"I'm sorry about you and Lena." Alex said to Kara.

They were alone in the main room. J'onn was doing some paperwork and Winn and Mon-El were in the laboratory fixing the piece. Max's call could be at any moment.

"Don't worry. Right now it's more important getting Maggie back and stop Max." Alex nodded.

On the other hand, Mon-El and Winn were also talking about the incident with Lena. They were modifying the piece, well, Winn was modifying it while Mon-El was looking.

"Is Kara okay?" Asked Winn.

"Right now she's trying not to think about it because getting Maggie back is more important now but deep down she's not okay." Explained Mon-El.

"Lena is smart and she will understand the reason why she lied to her and everything will be back to normal." Commented Winn.

"I hope so."

Winn kept screwing and unscrewing things the daxamite didn't understand until he finished.

"Well, this is finally a piece that will avoid the destruction of National City."

"Is it finished?" Winn nodded. The friends got out from the laboratory and showed J'onn the fixed piece. He congratulated Winn for his work and they went to the main room to tell Alex and Kara.

"We got it!" Said Winn. As if they were being heard, Alex's phone started to ring. Winn run to his desk to try to trace the call.


"Hello, agent Danvers. How's my file?"

"Tell me where's Maggie and it's yours."

"It's so easy to negotiate with you. Come in 30 minutes with the file and all the pieces you can get me in the old Lord Industries warehouse.

"I'll be there."

"Don't call your sister to help you. You have to come alone." He hanged up the phone before Alex could ask him to talk with Maggie.

"I have to meet him in half an hour in the old Lord Industries warehouse. He warned me to go alone."


"Kara, I need to go on my own. I'm trained for this." Kara nodded.

Alex took the 294 file and the piece and got out of the DEO.

"She won't go on her own, doesn't she?" Kara asked J'onn.

"We'll be close in case she needs help. But we can't get so close to the building. Mr. Lord sure have a very sophisticated surveillance equipment." They all nodded and grabbed one of the DEO's surveillance vans so that Winn could try to hack Max's system.

Alex arrived 30 minutes later. She got in the warehouse, which was dark and dirty. She was about to check the building when the lights turned on and suddenly, a much older Max appeared.

"How are you doing, Alex? Is everything okay?" Alex didn't answer. "I will take it as a yes." Maxwell Lord was getting closer to Alex until she could see his arrogant smile. He was enjoying.

"Where's Maggie."

"Where's my file?" Alex pointed out the backpack she was carrying in her back.

"Alright. Agent Sawyer, you can come now." Seconds later appeared Maggie with the hands cuffed and her mouth shut with a gag. Alex heart beat faster and she couldn't help but smile when she saw Maggie. The cop stood next to Max, in front of Alex. "Give me the bag and your lovely girlfriend will be free." Alex obeyed and gave Max the bag. The scientist checked the file out and read it fast. "Nice work, agent Danvers."  He pushed Maggie to Alex and the DEO agent grabbed her before she fell. She took out the handcuffs and the gag.

"Maggie, thank God you're okay." Said Alex in a barely whisper. They gathered their foreheads together and kissed each other on the lips.

"Thanks for recue me." Said Maggie.

"Always." And Alex hugged her carefully.

"So cute." Interrupted Max. "If you may excuse me, I have some work to do."

"Let's go." Said Alex. The cop didn't understand why they weren't after Max after all he demanded and did but then she thought that the DEO would have a plan.

They got out of the warehouse and walked, Alex's arm still around Maggie's shoulders, until Alex's car. What she didn't expect was seeing Kara, Winn, Mon-El and J'onn there, waiting for them.

"What are you doing here?" Said Alex.

"We wanted some action, too. Don't get all the credit." Joked Winn.

"If you thought that we would stay at the DEO you don't know us." Continued Mon-El.

"Maggie, thank Rao you're okay." Said Kara and hugged her sister-in-law.

"He didn't hurt me, actually. I was just being her hostage."

"We should go and let Mr. Lord build that bomb." Said J'onn. They nodded.

"Are you going to let him build that bomb?" Asked Maggie, so confused.

"Wejust let him him think that he can do it and when he notices that something'swrong we will go after him." Answered Winn.

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