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Two weeks had passed since Maxwell's arrest and the city had returned to normal. The crimes in National City had decreased and Kara and Mon-El didn't have much work as Superheroes. Just a few thefts.

However, they were so busy in their jobs. Mon-El recently started in the restaurant and his schedule was different every day. Kara was busy with different articles that had to write so they barely see each other a couple of hours per day.

Kara got out form Catco after a long day where Snapper had been yelling more than usual. Thanks to her alien DNA she couldn't get sick, but she knew that if she was human, she would have a terrible headache. Mon-El told her before he left early in the morning that he had to work all day long, until nighttime, because he had to cover two turns. So, the Kryptonian decided that it was the right moment to fix things with Lena.

She went to L-Corp building in a nice walk. She still kept the ID Lena gave her to avoid almost all the security controls and she took the elevator until the last floor. Thanks to her super hearing she could notice that Lena was inside so she knock the door and entered.

"I'm busy right now, Greta. Cancel tomorrow's meeting." Lena was reading something in the computer and typing nonstop. Kara didn't say anything. It would be more accurate to say that she didn't know what to say. Lena, when she didn't get an answer, looked to where Greta was supposed to be, finding Kara instead. "What are you doing here?" She used a cold tone, distant.

"I came here to apologize. I don't want to end our friendship." Answered Kara, honestly.

"There's nothing to fix, Kara. You have hidden me your biggest secret almost a for a year and you had to reveal yourself because you didn't have any other choice, not because you trust me." She stood up and served a glass of water.

"It's not that I don't trust you, Lena. I do! But, as I told you, everyone who knows my secret have suffered any kind of aggression and didn't want another person I care about get through all this for my fault." Explained Kara. Lena drank from the glass and Kara could see that she was thinking about it. Kara knew that Lena had suffered a lot and she was aware that she was hurt of her lie but Kara also knew that Lena was intelligent and she would understand the reasons why she didn't tell her.

"So I have to assume that Mike is Valor, doesn't he?" Kara nodded. She knew that if Lena started making questions it was a sign that she was trying to fix things. "Did you came here with your cousin?"

"That was the plan. Superman arrived when he was a baby. I had 12 back then. With Krypton's shock wave caused by its explosion, my pod got knocked off-course and I stayed 24 years trapped in a space zone called The Phantom Zone.

"Does that really exist?" Lena seemed surprised. Kara nodded.

"So, when Superman found me, he was an adult and I was still a teenager. He took me to my foster house where they helped me to hide my powers.

"And then one day you decided to use them. Who was in that plane?"

"Now you look like a reporter." Joked Kara. Lena smiled. "Well, on that plane was my sister, Alex. You met her one day you came to my apartment."

"Yeah, the agent who saved me from Metallo." Kara nodded.

"And ever since that day I'm Supergirl." Lena didn't say anything; she just drank a little bit more.

"I need more time to think about this, but thank you for being honest." Lena left the glass on the table.

"I'm glad that now you know all the truth."

"Are you free tomorrow for a drink after work?" Kara smiled.

"Of course. I'll call you." Said Kara. They got close and hugged. Kara got out from L-Corp happier than she was when she got in. Finally Lena was thinking about forgiving her and that make her so happy.

Kara arrived at her apartment and opened the door. She found the living-room lightened with candles and Mon-El showed up from the kitchen.

"Hello Kara."

"Mon-El, what's all this?" She was so surprised.

"Well, I finally could end my turn earlier and I thought that as I'm lately being a bad boyfriend and we barely see each other I could try to fix it with a romantic dinner." While he was talking, he was getting closer to Kara. Mon-El prepared himself for the occasion and he was wearing even a tie.

"If I had known, I would have change into something more appropriate." Said Kara pointing out Mon-El's tie. She kissed him softly.

"Whatever you wear you are always gorgeous." Said Mon-El. Kara smiled and blushed. "Dinner is almost ready, so get your jacket off and wait in the table.

Five minutes later, once Kara left her jacket in the wardrobe and sat on the table, Mon-El arrived with two plates, both receipts from the restaurant.

"The good thing about you working in my favorite restaurant is that you have all the receipts."

"Your favorite restaurant served home." Said Mon-El sitting in front of her. They enjoyed the meal in a relaxed environment and full of looks and romantic gestures. Kara felt so lucky for having someone by her side who understood her took care of her the way Mon-El did.

"You know what I've been thinking?" Said Mon-El. Kara nodded and he kept talking. "With everything that have happened with Maxwell's arrestment, the trial, and work I've not make anything to show my apartment. We can invite Alex, Maggie, Winn, Lyra, James and J'onn.

"You're right. It's a good idea."

"I've been thinking that tomorrow would be a perfect day if everyone can come. Tomorrow I just have to go to work in the morning so I will have all the afternoon to have everything ready.

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