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"Do you know anything else?" Said Kara as Alex opened the door.

"Nothing else. Winn is about to come."

"Does Maggie have the phone available?" Said Mon-El.

"No. I hope Winn can do something about that, too." As she told them that, someone knocked the door. Mon-El opened it.

"Sorry I'm late. I've picked some stuff in the DEO."

"Perfect." They sat down in Alex's table and Winn started preparing the computers.

They were quiet for a while, because no one knew what to say. Winn finished with the computers and when he was about to connect Alex's phone, it started to ring. They look at the phone and Winn sync it with the computer in a few seconds.

"Danvers." Her voice trembled.

"It's been a while since I heard that voice, agent." Alex face turned pale. It'd been quite a long time since she saw him and realizing that he maybe had taken Maggie... She was chilled.

"What do you want." She didn't even ask, because he didn't even deserve that.

"I would ask you the same question but I already know the answer. You want Maggie and you can have her back. But, I'll need your commitment."

"You, son of a..."

"Language, Danvers. You're not helping." Winn told her to keep talking.

"What do you want in return?"

"Well, your position in the DEO allows you to have access to millions of national security files and let's say that I want you to share some of these files with me."

"How can I send you the file?"

"That's the agent I was looking for. But let's not talk about the meeting yet but the file, instead. I want the file number 294." Alex opened her eyes, surprised. "Surprised, huh? I will call you in an hour and to help you find that file..."

"Alex, don't do anything he..." Hearing Maggie's voice made Alex tear up. He ended the call.

"Winn, tell me that you have located the call."

"They've used something. I haven't been able to locate the call. Have you identified his voice?"

"I will never forget his voice." They all looked at each other. "It was Maxwell Lord."

"What? He's back?" Kara stood up.

"Who's Maxwell Lord?"

"A pretty crazy scientist that used to live in National City before you came." Explained Winn. "He was always trying to beat Kara and he even create a Supergirl evil twin to fight her."

"And what does he want?" Asked Kara.

"DEO's 294 file." Winn looked at Alex, worried.

"What file is that?" Mon-El kept asking.

"It's basically a tutorial to make a nuclear bomb." Winn explained.

"I'm going to go and check every place in the city." Kara was about to leave.

"I'm coming with you." Said Mon-El.

"In the meantime we should go to the DEO and inform J'onn about all this. We can't give him that file but I can't lose Maggie either." Said Alex.

"Let's go to the DEO. We will find a solution." Alex and Winn went to the DEO while Kara and Mon-El used their powers trying to find Maggie.

When the agents arrived to the DEO, they look for J'onn. He was checking some papers.

"Sir, we have a problem." J'onn looked at them. When he saw their concerned looks, the DEO director stood up.

"What's the matter?"

"Maxwell Lord has returned to National City and he has Maggie."

"What?" They walked until the main room and Winn started typing so fast, trying to find a solution for their problem.

"He's threating us to kill her if we don't give him 294 file.

"If we give him that file the entire city and part of the country will be in danger."


"Well, well! I've been smart by kidnapping you. Seems like Alex love you a lot."

"Go to hell." Said Maggie, with contempt in her words.

"Youknow what? A year ago more or less, I remember how agent Danvers was always flirtingwith me. Good old days, I guess."    

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