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Alex and Mon-El arrived at this apartment accompanied by a few agents and perceived, before going up, that something was not right. Calm. Silence. You could hear absolutely nothing but the traffic on the main street. Mon-El jumped to his balcony and entered his house. There was broken furniture and glass, Et'han's bag had been clearly inspected. But no sign of the attackers. Or Kara.

"Kara!" The daxamite called her, though he knew perfectly well that he would not get an answer. Alex just arrived at that moment and came to the same conclusion as the daxamite. Someone had taken Kara. The technicians stayed in the apartment to take samples and try to find out where they had taken the Kryptonian.

Meanwhile, an altered Mon-El accompanied by a concerned Alex went to the DEO to report the situation and wait for news.

"Could you see how many there were?" J'onn asked Mon-El, who was in the gym punching a punching bag. The daxamite interrupted his impromptu training and looked at J'onn.

"They came in a small space capsule. But they didn't come out of it. At least not until I left. I should have stayed with her. . ."

"You had no choice, Mon-El. He interrupted him. You saved Et'han. That's heroic. Kara is strong enough to fight them. We'll find her safe and sound." Mon-El smiled sadly at him. Alex showed up just as J'onn was leaving the training room.

"What's new?" He asked the agent. This one shook her head,

"Winn has all satellites active waiting for a signal. But nothing at the moment."

"And the technicians? Did they find anything?"

"The only thing they found out is that the shots were fired from a laser weapon. They haven't left any biological residue so we can't match any DNA." Both sighed heavily. "What do they get by kidnapping Kara?"

"What if they want to do a hostage exchange? Kara for Et'han."

"Guys, we just got a message." Winn came in almost skidding. "It's Kara." Alex and Mon-El moved quickly to the central hall. Winn sat in his chair and typed quickly until he found the message.

"It's me, Kara. These people are very dangerous but don't do anything I tell you now." There were blows and a cry of pain from the Kryptonian. Mon-El got a chill when he heard it. "I don't know how they did it but I don't have superpowers here but what they have told me you have to do to free me is to give them Et'han. In an hour on the esplanade where we left the ship when we rescued it. Don't come, I've heard that Et'han contains. . ." The recording stopped. Mon-El felt anger and pain at hearing the voice of the Kryptonian. Alex squeezed his hand for support. She wasn't having a good time either, so he gave her back the squeeze.

"What do we do now?" Winn asked.

"We must go to the place where we met." J'onn began. "What I don't know is what Et'han contains that has alarmed Kara. And the issue of Kara not having superpowers also worries me. These people come very prepared so if we deceive them they'll retaliate. Alex, run some tests on Et'han. Anything that doesn't fit, let me know." She nodded and went to the room where the little one was.

"I'm coming with you." said Mon-El.

The little boy was in a makeshift crib in the meeting room. He smiled at the sight of a visitor. Alex took him in his arms and took him to the infirmary.

"Even if Kara is trapped there, we can't deliver Et'han to them." Mon-El started.

"I know. Besides, Kara would never forgive us." Alex continued. Mon-El nodded. Alex took a blood sample, which made the boy start crying hard. Mon-El took it and started swinging it to calm him down. Alex was already glued to the microscope. "He seems to like you."

"That seems like it, but I think he's a very sociable guy with everybody."

"But you seem to have a connection with him that others don't have. When he sees you he smiles and now you've calmed him down in less than a minute."

"I don't know, he probably likes my beard." The daxamite joked. Alex laughed as she kept looking through the microscope.

They were silent for a while, while Alex manipulated the little one's sample.

"I got it." Said the agent suddenly. Mon-El approached where she was and looked at the screen, even though he didn't understand what was on it. "Et'han's parents were persecuted scientists who knew they were in danger. So was their entire work." The daxamite nodded. "Well, knowing all that they knew, they didn't want all their work to fall into unwanted hands and that's why this boy here contains all the information about Nadi and Sybo's research in their DNA."

"Et'han is the safe." Alex nodded. "Is there any way to extract that information from him?"

"It could be tried but it would need at least one day. What I have been thinking about is how to rescue Kara."

They were on the esplanade Alex, Mon-El and Et'han. Suddenly three ships landed a few yards from them and four men came out. They didn't see Kara. The daxamite was getting nervous at not seeing her but at the moment he was not in a position to demand anything. The men, dressed in black robes, approached them.

"I see that you have obeyed." He had a very deep voice, as if he were using some kind of distorter to modify his frequency.

"Where's Supergirl?" Alex asked. They remained silent but suddenly the door of one of the ships opened and another man dragged Kara out. Mon-El's world fell to her feet when he saw all the blood. Suddenly, he felt an exaggerated rage for those people who had done that to her.

"Give us the boy and we'll give you back the girl." The tone was sharp. Alex and Mon-El looked at each other and the daxamite took a step forward, ready to give Et'han. The man carrying Kara also approached them. They made the exchange and Mon-El held Kara before he fell to the ground. The good news is that it would soon regain its powers thanks to solar radiation. He carried her in his arms to where Alex was and left her gently on the floor. He pulled a rebellious tuft from her face before standing up again.

Suddenly, before the individuals entered their ships, Et'han's eyes began to turn red.

"What is...?" Said the one holding him. J'onn transformed, leaving them all stunned. DEO agents came out of the trees and started shooting at the attackers. Alex joined the rest of the agents as Mon-El fought hand-to-hand with the ringleader of the kidnappers. It was an intense fight. There were many of them, more than they would have imagined at the beginning but in the end they were able to take them all and they were cuffed to take them to the DEO.

Mon-El took Kara, still unconscious quickly to the medical room and immediately they put solar rays to him so that his recovery was faster. Alex arrived with Et'han in his arms, who was very happy to see Mon-El.

"I thought you'd want to see him." Alex gave him the boy, who began to play with the daxamite suit.

"At least it's all over and this little guy can have a quiet life." They were silent for a while.

"I have been told that Kara received many blows. As she had no powers, she became unconscious, but in a short time she will be awakened by the solar radiation." Mon-El nodded.

A few hours went by where neither Mon-El nor Alex separated from Kara, each holding her hand. But finally the Kryptonian woke up.

"Hey." Mon-El was the first to notice.

"Is Et'han o. . . ?"

"Yeah, he's sleeping in the next room." Alex interrupted her. Kara smiled in relief.

"Besides, he's out of danger. Your captors have been arrested." Mon-El finished .

Kara went back to sleep and Mon-El and Alex, now calmer with the recovery of the Kryptonian, left the infirmary to go to the central ward.

"What is going to happen to Et'han?" asked Mon-El to Alex.

"I guess since he can't go to a foster home, he'll stay at the DEO." The human explained. Mon-El was thoughtful and Alex sensed it. "I know what you're thinking and I think it wouldn't be a bad idea, although you should talk to her first." Mon-El looked at her and nodded, because it was just what he was thinking.

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